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Procedure for Prewelding Preheating and postwelding heat treatment Procedure No.:HY-WP-W-001Revision:1Procedure Number程序编号HY-WP-W-001Rev. No版本1Page页码1 of 20Document Status:文件状态: PRE/准备 CFC/执行Reference procedure No./Rev./参考程序编号/版本: N/A不适用Document Title文件名称:Procedure for Prewelding Preheating and postwelding heat treatment焊前预热、焊后热处理程序Document Type/文件类型 :Working Procedure工作程序Name &Title姓名及职务Signature/Date签名及日期Approved by批准Prepared by编制职务:Title:Reviewed by审核Signature/Date:签名及日期QA ReviewerQA审核Translator翻译Translation reviewer译审Copyright Declaration:版权声明 :This document is the property of the SNPEMC. It must not be used, reproduced, transmitted or disclosed without the prior written permission of SNPEMC。本程序未经山东核电设备制造有限公司书面批准不得外用、复制和泄露 Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Page 20 of 20Historical Records of Modification修改历史记录版本Rev.发布日期Issue date修改范围及依据Scope and Basis of the Modification1Table of Contents目 录1 Purpose目的42Scope范围43References参考文件44Responsibilities职责45Pre-requisite先决条件56Steps of Operation操作步骤57. Detailed Description详细描述67.1 Detailed Description详细描述67.2 Heat Treatment热处理98Appendix 附录161 Purpose目的The procedure is defined as the criteria in preheating, heat treatment and heating straightening of Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd for ensuring the smooth implementation of the work.为山东核电设备制造有限公司进行焊前预热、热处理以及热矫直提供工作依据,保证工作的顺利进行,特制定本程序。2 Scope范围The procedure is applicable for the prewelding preheating and stress-relief heat treatment of all welding joints and heating straightening of the non-centered pipes of Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 本程序适用于山东核电设备制造有限公司中的所有的焊接接头的焊前预热、消应力热处理以及不对中管的热矫直。3 References参考文件ASME Standards B3.1 Power Pipeline Edition 2001, including 2002 AddendaASME标准B3.1 动力管道2001版,2002增补ASME Standards Volume IX Criteria for Welding and Braze Welding Edition 2001, including 2002 AddendaASME标准第IX卷 焊接和钎焊评定标准2001版,2002增补ASME Standards Volume III Construction Rules of Nuclear Power Equipments Edition 2001, including 2002 AddendaASME标准第III卷 核动力设备建造规则2001版,2002增补Welding control procedure焊接控制程序 HY-MP-COP-001Welding Procedure for CV Bottom SchemeCV底封头焊接方案 HY-WP-W-00054 Responsibilities职责4.1 Technical Department技术部4.1.1 The heat treatment engineer of Technical Department should be liable for the technical guidance for preheating, post heating treatment & heating straightening of welding products. 技术部热处理工程师负责焊接产品焊前预热、焊后热处理和热矫直工作的技术指导4.1.2 Be liable for carrying out the operations of preheating, heat treatment and heating straightening according to the data sheet of heat treatment; 负责按照热处理数据单的要求执行预热、热处理和热矫直操作;4.1.3 Be liable for collecting temperature curve of heat treatment and filling in the record list of heat treatment; 负责收集热处理温度记录曲线并填写热处理记录表;4.1.4 Submit relevant records to Quality Management Dept.; 将相关记录送质量管理部;4.2 Quality Management Department质量管理部4.2.1 Perform inspection & supervision responsibility for the heat treatment and qualification of heat treatment personnel; 对热处理工作和热处理人员资格履行检查、监督职责;4.2.2 Inspect and confirm if the heat treatment is in conformity with process regulations, and sign on the heat treatment records for confirming; 检查热处理工作是否按工艺规程执行,并对热处理记录签字确认;Collect the records on preheating, heat treatment and heating straightening. 收集预热记录、热处理记录及热矫直工作记录。5 Pre-requisite先决条件5.1 Procedure and instruction are approved and addressed 所有相关的程序批准并执行。5.2 The operating personnel of heat treatment must be trained and tested as qualified. 热处理操作人员须经过培训并考核合格。5.3 All measuring technical conditions must stay in good working conditions. 所有测量技术条件必须满足的工作要求。5.4 Calibration of measuring and instrument, within the effective calibration period测量设备经过标定,并处在有效的标定期内.6 Steps of Operation操作步骤6.1 General Operation Steps通用操作步骤Inspection of Pre-requisite preheating welding postwelding heating treatment NDE检查先决条件 焊前预热 焊接 无损检测 焊后热处理 NDE6.2 Operation Step of Preheating焊前预热操作步骤Inspection of Pre-requisite confirm preheating temperature heating temperature measuring records检查先决条件 确定预热温度 加热 测温 记录6.3 Operation Step of Heat Treatment热处理操作步骤6.3.1 Operation Steps of Partial Heat Treatment局部热处理操作步骤Inspection of Pre-requisite fix thermal couple(K) wind heating rope thermal insulation connect tranHYission wire turn on power do heat treatment recording diHYantle heating coil and thermal couple inspect the thermal cycle检查先决条件固定热电偶(K型) 缠绕加热绳 保温 连接传输导线 送电 进行热处理 记录 拆除加热圈及热电偶 检查热循环6.3.2 Operation Steps of Overall Heat Treatment整体热处理操作步骤Inspection of Pre-requisite reception of working pi
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