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一、 Warm-up(口语交际)1、Greetings and free talk:Hello, everyone!How are you?Wherd did you go at the weekend?How did you go there?Ben,Daming and their friends went to the zoo at the weekend, too. They took many things. Look, this is Bens bag. Lets see: What are they? Read loudly.(课件呈现:一个大包,里面飞出不同的东西:帽子, 鞋, 短裤,苹果,牛奶等)Theyre very happy. But Ben isnt happy. Lets ask: Ben, whats the matter?:二、 Presentation(一)Part 11、Whats the matter with Ben? Lets watch the video and find out the answer(放第一部分课件,进入到第一部分的文本,听一遍,跟读一遍,然后回答问题)Whats the matter with you, Ben? A. I lost my book. B. I lost my cap.Did Ben find (找到)his cap?Did Lili help Ben? Yes, we should help the others.【设计意图】由于第一部分内容简单,孩子们没有生单词,所以直接听一遍,再跟读一遍,学生已经能掌握这一部分内容的含义,通过不同形式的两个问题,帮助学生巩固了这一部分内容,同时也进行了一定的拓展:由Whats the matter拓展到了Whats the matter with you?,方便下一部分过渡到Whats the matter with Daming?第二个问题中的find更是为第二部分的学习奠定了坚实的基础。在学生回答完问题后,很自然地引出了“当朋友遇到困难时,我们应该帮助他们”这一话题,对学生进行了德育教育。2、检测评价: 课件呈现不同孩子及物品,集体操练句型。(可运用原来课件的部分内容)3、小组合作,藏起同桌的某一物品,询问:What s the matter with you, XXX? 回答:I lost my 4、抽生展示(评价活动)【设计意图】这一部分的评价是为了检测目标一是否达成。通过集体回答巩固句型并进行拓展,再通过小组合作进行句型的进一步拓展,通过学生的展示评价来检测目标是否达成。(二)Part 2We know Ben lost his cap and he found it , But Daming isnt happy. Whats the matter with Daming?(板书课题) Lets watch the video and choose the correct answer.【设计意图】问题以选择题的形式出现,答案可以是单词,也可以是图片,形式多样,改变了都用问答题的形式出现给学生造成的困难。try to answer Question 1. Whats the matter with Daming? A He lost her bag. B. He lost his bag.(集体回答)Yes, he lost his bag. Because Daming is a boy ,so we cant say “he lost her bag.”Look, Can you ask and answer?Lets have a try.(课件呈现两幅图片,男孩和短裤 女孩和帽子,让学生区分he she his her并操练句型)小拓展,让学生起来问,自己选同学回答。(不会的,赶快找别人来回答,不要纠结于某一个人)Well done. Lets go on. 2、Please read Picture 2 and choose the correct picture. What was in his bag? A. 图片呈现皮鞋 B.图片呈现运动鞋。(抽生回答) Guess: What are sports shoes?(学生自己读第二幅图,选择第二题的正确答案,然后自己猜出sports shoes 的含义)拓展:sports cap sports shorts sports trousers. I think you did a good job. 3. Where was his bag? A. 图片呈现校车 B. 图片呈现公交车Did Daming find his bag and his sports shoes?【设计意图】课文的学习是带着问题进行的,不同类型的问题抓住了每一幅图的重点内容,通过选择、问答等形式,引导学生一步步发现问题,解决问题,提高了学生的自主学习能力。三、 Drill1、 Read after the tape. 2、 Read by yourself. 3、 Please act out the dialog with your partner.4、 Who want to try? Come here, please. (根据举手的情况,两组展示) Good job. 【设计意图】课文分段学完后,通过跟读课文、自读课文,帮助学生整体理解课文含义。再通过小组合作分角色朗读课文,能更进一步加深学生对于课文的理解和课文内容的整体把握,为后面的意义操练奠定基础。五、Practice1、 Lets play a game小游戏:Lucky number,选择自己喜欢的数字,然后点开,根据出现的图片邀请两个同学一起表演完整对话,操练句型。游戏规则呈现在课件里。S1:Hello,S2S3: Hi.S1:Whats the matter with you,?S2: I lost my.S1:Whats the matter with ?S3:He/She lost his/her.S1:Goodbye.S2S3:Bye-bye.【设计意图】一个小游戏,让学生根据抽到的单词,找同学配合表演对话,要求运用到课文中出现的句型,表演好的获得奖励。这个环节的设计,可以让学生在创设的情境中,完整设计对话,灵活运用所学句型,检测目标四2、大拓展: 课件呈现一个人牙痛的图片,(后面注明名字),然后问:Whats the matter with XXX?He had a toothache. 同样的出现胃疼、头疼、发烧、感冒,操练句型四、 Sum and testCan you tell me what you have learned in this class? Can you do ?检测题(每人一张纸,练习书写,并到讲台用实物投影展示)Whats the matter with Daming? He lost his _.Whats the matter with Amy? She lost _ _._ Sam? He lost _._? She _.抽两个分别到讲台展示自己的答案,然后领读这四个句子。【设计意图】让学生总结学过的知识,再通过层层递进的检测题,帮助学生进一步总结和巩固本节课所学的内容。 We know we should help others and we should be an honest finder.
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