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新概念青少版1A( unit1-4)考试试卷 姓名_I.写出你听到的单词 (每小题1分,共6分)1. Hello, my name is Hall, _ do you do?2. Karen is my _. 3. This is my _. 4. Look at that _ man. 5. Perhaps not very _. 6. You are _.听对话,根据对话选出对话中讨论的图片,将序号写在横线上(每小题1分,共5分)1. _ A. B. C. 2. _ A. B. C. 3. Whats this? _ A. B. C. 4. Whats that? _ A. B. C. 5. He is a _ A. B. C. . 补全单词,将所缺的字母填入横线,或写出中文意思(每小题1分,共10分) 1. bl_e 蓝色6.thirsty_2. bic_cle 自行车7.hungry_3. w_ite 白色8.whose_4. bla_k 黑色9.car_5. n_w 现在10.cold_. 把左栏的问题与右栏的答案搭配起来 (每小题2分,共10分)1. How do you do?A.My name is Robert. 2. What colour is it?B.Im fine. 3. Who is that boy?C.How do you do. 4. Whats your name?D.Its green. 5. How are you?E.Thats Robert. . 单项填空,从A,B,C三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案 (每小题1分,共15分)1. Lucy is my _.A. daughterB. penC. book2. a. Is this a ruler? b. No, it _.A. thisB. notC. isnt 3. a. _ is that? b. Its a pen. A. ThisB. ThatC. What 4. a. What colour is your book? b. It is _.A. badB. greyC. bird. 5. a. Who is that boy? b. _ boy?A. WhoseB. WhichC. What6. Look _ that girl. A. atB. withC. on7. a. Is that Roberts car?b. No, it isnt. _ car is brown.A. HerB. YourC. His 8. 4×4=_A. oneB. eightC. sixteen 9. Is that _ flower?A. anB. aC. the 10. Mrs. Jenkins is Lucys _.A. father B. motherC. man .从方框中选出合适的词语或者句子,将序号填入横线中(每小题2分,共10分)1. A. sureB. matter A:Whats the _ with him?B:Im not _. He isnt well. 2. A. green hatB. Look C. Whats thisA:_! Its green! Its a hat.B:Ok. Its a_. A:Now look! _?B:Its a flower. Its a red flower. 按要求改写句子 (每小题2分,共10分)1. Is this a wheel? (写出它的肯定回答)_2. Is this a wheel? (写出它的否定回答)_3. This is not my pencil. (写出它的肯定形式)_4. Im busy. (把划线的I改成用He做主语,改写整个句子)_5. Its a silver bird. (对划线部分提问)_. 英汉互译 (每小题2分,共20分)1. 这是什么? _2. 这是谁的钢笔?_3. 你好吗? _4. 你是对的. _5. Is it a hat? _6. Better safe than sorry._7. This is good! _8. Nice to meet you! _9. What about the doctor? _10. The man with the black umbrella. _. 仿写句子 (每一个句子2分,共14分)例1:It is my pen. (改成缩写形式) Its my pen.1. What is that? _2. My name is William. _例2:Lucys horse / whiteA:Is that Lucys horse?B: No, her horse is white. 3. Karens bag / yellow A:Is that Karens bag? _4. Pauls old car / blue _ _例3:William / deskA: Whose coat is that?B: Its Williams. 5. Karen / desk _ _听力材料以及答案I. 写出你听到的单词 (每小题1分,共6分)7. Hello, my name is Hall, how do you do?8. Karen is my wife. 9. This is my son. 10. Look at that young man. 11. Perhaps not very ill. 12. You are right. . 听对话,根据对话选出对话中讨论的图片, 将序号写在横线上 (每小题1分,共5分)1. Its a pen. 2. This is my teacher. 3. Is it a bird?No, its a key.4. Whats that?Its an umbrella. 5. Robert is Lucys brother. He is a student. 1-5: ACBAB
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