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Lesson33 Out of the Darknessl 单词darkness , coast, storm, rock, shore, cliff, light explain, struggle towards ahead1. 我刚把灯打开,她就将它关上了。2. 你站在悬崖上很危险。(Its +a. + for sb. + to do)3. 几分钟之后我们的眼睛就适应了黑暗。(短语:适应于.)4. 当农民们正在耕地时,暴风雨来了。5. 朝前看,你会看到一条小溪和一堆篝火。那么你朝着篝火走就行了。(语气副词:simply)6. 这男人解释说他之所以这么做是因为多年前那个老人救过他的命。(使用that 引导的宾语从句)7. 这名艺术家终其一生都在和疾病作斗争,并且在95岁的时候还活着。(spend句型/ illness)8. 我喜欢在多云的下午沿着海岸线散步,并欣赏岸上那些奇怪的岩石。(欣赏:see)9. Scott先生近80岁了,但他仍然每天读报纸和杂志。l 短语、句型1. was / were able to do (该短语过去时表示成功做成一件事) 7. be caught in a storm2. explain +(to sb.)+ that / what / why / how / .(宾语从句)8. in a . boat / ship = by ship3. set out / set off / start out / start off . set out for.= leave for.9. happen to sb.4. find sb/sth + adj. / 介词短语 (a./介词短语做宾语补足语) 10. cover a distance of .5. during + 一个时间段 “在。期间”11. wake up / wake sb. up6. on doing sth. = as soon as.12. .passed before. (.过去了,才.)1. 昨天在回家的路上, 他遇到了大雨。 2. 下周我就要动身去美国了。我那里的朋友将会给我举行一个欢迎会。3. 几乎3个月过去了,他才找到了一份教师的工作。4. Tom和我一起乘一只小船出发,但是3天过去了,我们才到达那个孤岛。5. 您能解释一下这个机器是如何工作的嘛? Could you _ _ the _ works?6. 那只鸽子能够在3分钟内飞过5英里的距离,而我们人类不可能在这么短时间跑过这段距离。 The _ _ _ _ _ the distance _ five miles in 3 minutes, but we human beings can not _ the distance within such a short time. 7. 当女孩儿醒来后,她发现自己在一个小木屋里。一个老婆婆走过来问她:“是我把你弄醒了吗?”l 练习题1. He wants to_ 100 miles before it gets dark.A. pass B. goC. coverD. get2. On _ it, the woman said she did not like it. A. seenB. being seen C. seeD. seeing3. She _ to the shore and then was saved by a fisherman A. escapedB. walkedC. traveledD. struggled4. Im afraid We will be caught _ the rain on the way.A. by B. in C. withD. for5. All _ we have to do is to practice every day. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. who6. Some new changes happened _ the school _ these 3 years.A. at; to B. in; forC. in; duringD. at; on 7. As we all know, Japan lies _ the east of China. A. toB. inC. onD. at8. The boy _ us that he had never heard of the story before. A. talked to B. spoke to C. explained to D. said tol Rewrite the sentences according to the example. Example: When she arrived t the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff.On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff .1. As soon as the boy saw his mother, he began to creep to her. .2. When she heard the bad news, she became sad. .3. As soon as the woman walked out the store, she was arrested by the detective. .5. As soon as he got the letter from the magazine, he immediately wrote back. .l Choose the correct words and write them in.1. She walked _ me without recognizing me. (passed / past)2. One day last week I _ my old school. (passed / past)3. Max and Pat are old friends of mine. I saw Max in the town the _ day, and then the _day I saw Pat.(next / other)4. There were a lot of people sunbathing on the _ (shore / beach)5. When I woke up after the accident(事故), I _ myself in hospital. (was / found)6. The woman was _ as soon as she walked out of the shop with the stolen clothes in her bag. (accused/ arrested)l Fill in the blanks with the prepositions in the box. to at for from out of towards into1. The old man ran _ me for help.2. I wonder what has happened _ her. Ive been waiting for her for a long time.3. The plane will leave _ France. and then go on _Italy.4. I saw the thief jump _ the window and run _ the crowd.5. He shouted angrily _ me.6. The dog was kicked _ the door by its angry master(主人).7. All the girls in the tent called out _ the boy but he could hear them.8. My boss never looks up _ his desk when we enter his office.9. She got up _ her armchair and hurried back _ work.10. She aimed _ him with her shoe, but broke the window instead!11. On seeing a shark, he swam quickly _ the shore.l 用所给动词的正确形式完成短文。Once upon a time, there was a rich man. Each morning, the rich man found a poor man (sit) on a bench in the park. The poor man always sat there, looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived. One day, the rich man (get) out of his car and said to the poor man, “Excuse me. I want (know) why you sit here and look at my hotel every morning.” “Sir ,” said the poor man,
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