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第一课时,吉林省长春市东光学校 赵晓娟,Miss White,Mr Jones,Who are they? 他们是谁?,This is . 这位是,可换成本班学生的老师,This is Miss White .,This is . 这位是.,可换成本班学生的老师,This is Mr Jones.,Guess!,John,This is .,Guess!,Mike,This is .,Guess!,Sarah,This is .,Say good morning to them.,Look, this is Mr/Miss. Good morning, Mr/Miss.,Miss White,Mr Jones,Miss Green,Lets read,Lets chant,Good morning, Miss Green. This is Mr Jones. Good morning, Mr Jones. This is Miss Green.,Lets act it out,A: Good morning,B. This is C. B: Good morning,C. C: Good morning,B.,1.Listen to and repeat “Let s talk”. 2.Draw and say your classmates to your parents.,Homework,
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