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第二章 旅游的产生与发展,Evolution of Tourism,Historical Background,As has been pointed out by many authors, the histories of travel and civilization are parallel. Early man kept on the move from one pasture to another. Trade and pleasure travel have been intertwined for centuries. Early travelers were explorer-traders, such as Marco Polo, who sought new functions and societies out of curiosity and yet had increased trade motivations. Pilgrimages to religious meccas, resorting around the Mediterranean, and participation in the spas were popular in Greek and Roman times. The lowest point in tourist travel came with the early Middle Ages because of feudalism and the stringent necessity of work for survival. Religious values were coupled with prohibitions against recreational travel.,Before modern science and technology identified many causes of disease, the curative powers of sea water and spring waters containing many minerals became popular health objectives. These attractions sparked fashionable resorts the world over. In the 17th century, in the heyday of British history, no young man was thoroughly educated unless he had experienced the arts, architecture, women and foods on the Grand Tour. The trip was met with many risks from bandits and bad food, but it usually included visits to the seats of government of France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany.,The priority given travel throughout history is evident no matter the mode of transportation. First, hiking and horseback riding, followed by stagecoach travel, proved that the desire was there. Major technological advances, such as the train and steamboat, gave new impetus to travel, especially by the wealthier classes. Travel exploded with the automobile, not because of roads but because it opened up new markets. For the first time, a personalized form of transportation became available to the middle and lower classes. Working men and working womenfactory operatives, plumbers, waitresses, bank clerks, farm hands, stenographers, storekeepers, subway guards, mill hands, garment workers, office boys, truck driversfound countless pleasures and amusement readily available that had once been restricted to the privileged few.,Whereas the recreational tourist trip represented the first surge of automobile use, sales and other business people began to popularize the flexibility of automobile business travel. But it took jet travel to shrink the world and expose a new abundance and mosaic of travel markets. Records have demonstrated that regardless of economic shifts over many decades, the desire to seek out travel experiences has continued to grow worldwide. Travel, for many reasons, now has become almost a right of life.,第二章 旅游的产生与发展,第一节 十九世纪中叶以前的旅行发展 第二节 近代旅游的发展和旅游业的诞生 第三节 现代旅游的发展 第四节 中国旅游业的产生与发展,第一节 十九世纪中叶以前的旅行发展 (Evolution of tourism before mid of 19 century),一、人类旅行的起源 1、原始社会前期 2、新石器时代早、中期 第一次社会大分工(畜牧业和原始农业开始形成和发展) 3、新石器时代晚期 第二次社会大分工(手工业同农业和畜牧业的分离) 4、原始社会末期和奴隶社会初期 第三次社会大分工(开始出现专门从事商品交换的阶级),二、人类旅行的发展,1、旅行发展同一个阶段和一个国家的政治、经济状况直接相关。 2、旅行目的主要是贸易经商。 3、就旅行的社会作用看,旅行并非人们社会生活的基本需要,人们在主观上缺乏旅行度假的要求和习惯。 4、消遣旅行不具备普遍的社会意义。,(一)奴隶社会的旅行活动 中国奴隶制社会,中华民族的始祖黄帝就是一位大旅行家。 3000年前周穆王是我国古代最著名的旅行家之一 尚书禹贡篇最早记载了全国水道交通网。 陆路交通也有相当发展,西周至春秋战国时期,已有邮传制度的建立。 商代商人的足迹“东北到勃海沿岸乃至朝鲜半岛,东南达今日浙江,西南达到了今日皖鄂乃至四川,西北达到了今日陕甘宁绥乃至远及新疆已经走遍了他们所知道的世界”。 春秋战国时代,商务旅行更趋发展,许多商人到处周游,进行贸易交往。,西方奴隶制社会,4000 B.C. 苏美尔人懂得使用钱或通过物物交换来支付交通和住宿费用。The invention of money by the Sumerians (Babylomans) and the development of trade beginning about 4000 B.C. mark the beginning of the modern era of travel. Not only were the Sumerians first to grasp the idea of money and use it in business transactions but also to invent cuneiform writing and the wheel, so they should be credited as the founders of the travel business. People could now pay for transportation and accommodations with money or by barter.,1480 B.C. 古埃及荷赛特女王访问旁特地区(非洲东海岸,今索马里)世界上第一次以和平观光为目的的旅游活动。Probably the first journey ever made for purposes of peace and tourism was made by Queen Hatshepsut to the lands of Punt (believed to be on the east coast of Africa) in 1480 B.C. 底比斯的门农巨人是古代旅行者神往的地方,其底座雕刻着公元前5世纪希腊旅行家的名字记载。The Colossi of Memnon at Thebes have on their pedestals the names of Greek tourists of the 5th century B.C.,(2700 B.C. 古埃及法老们开始利用尼罗河流域优质的建筑石料,精心建造他们的坟墓。包括德约瑟法老的阶梯式金字塔、狮身人面像以及坐落在吉萨的三大金字塔和建造在阿布色的金字塔群) 1600 B.C. - 1200 B.C. 大批游客前往金字塔观赏,其主要动机是好奇荷纯粹的欣赏,并不含宗教因素。These great outdoor wonders began attracting large numbers as early as the New Kingdom from 1600 to 1200 B.C., yet their prime motivation was curiosity or disinterested enjoyment, not religion.,776 B.C. 开始,城市国家的居民每个四年就聚集一次,通过参加体育比赛来纪念希腊神宙斯,这样就诞生了四个国家性的节日活动:奥运会、皮托竞技会、科林斯地峡运动会和尼米亚赛会,每个节日活动只向一个神供奉祭品并进行祷告。Beginning in 776 B.C., citizens of the city states came together every four years to honor Zeus through athletic competition. Eventually, four of these national festivals emerged: the Olympic Games, Pythian Games, Isthmian Games, and Nemean Games. Each festival included sacrifice and prayer to a single god. They honored the de
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