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1 Introduction there are no ceilings, and all the plant equipment is plainly visible. This set-up serves to limit the volume of air that has to be circulated and conditioned. 建筑体系 - 结构及材料 材料和组件用以强调结构的清晰性,动感奔放的造型设 计,运用简洁前卫的铝合金板塑造自由生态型体的屋顶及 外表面形式。 室内墙面同采用铝合金板,简单明了,及顺应外表面动感 形式的走势下的室内独立自由存在,自为一体的各功能小 岛,共同体现了,作为现代飞机场高科技及发展超前的特 征。 建筑自身即本是机器。各层混凝土楼板内设节能系统,抽 取地下水,使其回流,运用其冬暖夏凉的特征来降低或提 高室内空气的温度。室内不设吊顶,降低能源的消耗,同 时内部结构,清晰了然。 Utility System - Structure There are clear references to aviation in the form of the design, use of materials and technical fittings of the termi- nal building. The dynamic structures, the curved forms of the metal roof, streamlined metal facades, metal partition walls, and floating or free-standing fittings all allude to the technology and dynamics of air travel. The building itself also functions as a machine. The concrete floors serve as heating and cooling elements and are therefore in contact with the interior air throughout; there are no ceilings, and all the plant equipment is plainly visible. This set-up serves to limit the volume of air that has to be circulated and conditioned. 深圳飞机场的结构设计方案 屋顶结构设计 屋顶结构为双层的空间网架承重结构。空间结构的内网架及外网架由四边形构成,每边的长度为2,2米。以保证我们不 需要任何的附加的次结构来安装屋面板。屋面板将直接安装到空间网架的四边形结构上。 内外层的两个空间网架之间将由不同的钢连接构件联接。内外层的空间网架的总体高度将为空间跨度的1/25,这个结构 设计非常的节约材料,同时整体构型轻巧空透,结构的重量约为70 kg/m2 ,内外层的空间网架之间的钢连接构件截面 为圆型,其直径为80 mm。 各构件的节点将在工厂里由机器切割机直接完成。各网架连接构件将通过连接节点在工地现场进行组装, 而不是采用 通常的焊接的办法。这节省了在工地现场焊接构件的大量时间及其产生的误差。使屋顶网架可迅速高效准确的完成。出 发大厅的空间需设柱子。柱网间距为36 m。在其余的空间,如指廊,出发大厅等处,我们不需设柱子来承接屋顶的重量 屋面材料 屋顶结构为双层的空间网架,外层空间网架附简单的铝合金板及内层空间网架设带隔热保温层的铝合金板。双层的屋顶 网架结构将对节省能源,防止建筑内部过热,及防火抽烟的起到非常良好的,及科学的作用。 铝合金板将直接安装在内外层的空间网架上,同时双层空间网架可实现自身承重, 我们不需要任何的附加结构来支撑 网架和安装表面上的铝合金板。铝合金板的边长约为2.20 m, 厚度为120 mm。椭圆形的开窗将内置于铝合金板上。 铝合金板的形式是带双面弧度弯曲的。我们经过初步的结构设计和计算,整个屋顶的外表面可由13 种不同的铝合金板 形式组合建成。当然,所有的铝合金板的形式在方案深入阶段,可以对之进行进一步的优化和改进。这可加速屋顶的建 设及节省建筑造价和总开支。铝合金板的清洁问题可以由清洁人员通过直接攀登于室内屋顶及双层表面的夹层中来解 决。 Concrete sub-structure The concrete substructure consists of slabs and columns based on a regular grid. Small spans of aprox. 8m allow for prefab deck elements. Lateral stiffness is to be achieved by wall segments and necessary core elements for lifts and stairs. Structural principle and erection methods are chosen to meet a close time schedule and low cost budget. All substruc- ture elements are suitable to be carried out by local companies. Foundation The roof structure as well as the concrete slab structure spread their death and live loads equally over the whole length of the building. Therefore no special foundation elements (piles, guy wires e.g.) are required. The roof rests on a perimeter beam which transfers all resulting vertical onto the ground. Horizontal parts of the reac- tion forces caused by the curved roof geometry stay within the structure by pull back cables in the support plane. Only horizontal reaction forces caused by wind and seismic effects are to be carried to the ground. The concrete slab structure rests on a ground slab. Concrete sub-structure The concrete substructure consists of slabs and columns based on a regular grid. Small spans of aprox. 8m allow for prefab deck elements. Lateral stiffness is to be achieved by wall segments and necessary core elements for lifts and stairs. Structural principle and erection methods are chosen to meet a close time schedule and low cost budget. All substruc- ture elements are suitable to be carried out by local companies. Foundation The roof structure as well as the concrete slab structure spread their death and live loads equally over the whole length of the building. Therefore no special foundation elements (piles, guy wires e.g.) are required. The roof rests on a perimeter beam which transfers all resulting vertical onto the ground. Horizontal parts of the reac- tion forces caused by the curved roof geometry stay within the structure by pull back cables in the support plane. Only horizontal reaction forces caused by wind and seismic effects are to be carried to the ground. The concrete slab structure rests on a ground slab. 混凝土结构 基础混凝土的结构用通用的楼板及支撑柱组成,这一切结构使用常规的柱网,空间跨度为8m,所有的混凝土楼板可使用 预制构件。结构的承重将由承重墙及承重电梯核传送到地下。 建筑结构构建过程的主导思想是通过一系列有效的方法来加快工地的建设过程,并且节省投入资金。所有的结构建设实 施的措施和技术方法,都是非常成熟的并且经过在实际项目的中实施过的,这些技术都可以毫无问题的由中国当地的建 筑设计公司承包和实施。 基础设计 屋顶结构及混凝土楼板结构的自身荷载及附加的荷载将均匀的分散于基础之上,由此,我们不需要任何特殊的基础结构 构件。这保证了结构的施工的简单性及受力的均匀性。 屋顶双层网架的足部将固定在沿屋顶边缘构建的的环形的水平钢桁架上,钢桁架将直接将垂直受力传到地下。同时,屋 顶双层网架的足部水平扩张力将由也拉伸于在混凝土楼板中预埋的水平拉撑钢架承受,同时,水平方向的受力将由拉撑 钢架承受,并传送到基础及地下。 水平方向的外部受载力,如风力及地震力的影响将由屋顶双层网架结构直接承受,并传送到基础及地下。 节能设计 建筑的外形设计充分考虑了深圳市的亚热带地理及气候条件。 建筑设计的主要宗旨不仅是在这样一个重要的公共建筑里给人们良好舒适的环境及开放明朗的空间, 同时创造充分利用自然光的照明,注重建筑自身能源的节约,创建生态节能的现代建筑体系。 为了避免由于阳光直射引起的室内温度的大幅提高,控制室内的正常温度,能源的节约我们提出双层 外表面的设计构思,此新颖独特双层外表面对于能源的节约是非常经济及有效的。 与构型需要紧密结合的节能设计是创建双层表面,由此在双层表面之间构成一隔离层。 外表面是由单层铝合金板及开窗构成,用以遮风避雨,内表面是带保温层的铝合金板及双层玻璃。其 尽可能的减少外部热源进入到室内。同时也避免了由于市内外温度的差异引起的内表面的起雾及凝结 水滴。 在外表面之下设有用以遮挡阳光的百叶,随着阳光角度的改变,百叶将自动调整方向。以避免阳光的 直射。 Climate concept The buildings envelope has been designed to address the climate conditions of Shenzen. It is the architects intention to cr
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