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Unit 1 How can you become good learners? Section B (2a-2c),Jessica,listen to English songs,Free Talk,a good way to learn English,connect English with your hobby,It makes English not so boring.,when?,listening to music while doing homework,He cant pay attention to his study.,a bad learning habit,If you want to get good grades, what should you do?,have good learning habits,title,Be_ in class.,active,How many paragraphs are there in the passage?,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,Lets divide them into 3 parts.,subtitle 副标题,How many habits of successful learners are talked about?,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,Lets divide them into 3 parts. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:,Para 1,Para 2,3,4,5,Para 6,Para 1,Everyone is born with the ability to learn. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.,1. According to the writer, what kind of ability is everyone born with?,2. What other abilities are people born with?,Everyone _ _ _ the ability to_.,3. How can people learn well?,It depends on _ _.,is born with learn,learning habits,4.What is the topic sentence?,Para 2,Creating an interest in what they learn,The brain is more active.,Its easier to pay attention to it for a long time.,Connect what they need to learn with something interesting.,They need to learn English and they like music or sports.,Why?,How?,Example,They will not get bored,1.If you are good at something, you dont need to practice more. 2.Good learners are not afraid of making mistakes, they always keep practicing. 3.Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone overnight.,Para 3,True of false.,“ ”,Use it or lose it.,T,F,F,“ ”,Practice makes perfect.,He tried many times and learning from his mistakes.,They _ ways to_ what they have learned.,They may _ by writing down _ or by drawing_.,Developing their study skills,take notes,key words,mind maps,look for,review,They do this by _ or by _ the information _ another student.,reading notes,explaining,to,Para 4,How to develop their study skills?,Asking questions Good learners often ask questions during or after class. They even ask each other and try to find out the answers. Knowledge comes from questioning.,?,Para 5,The more you question, the more knowledge you will learn.,Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new. Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn wisely and learn well.,Do you agree that learning is a lifelong journey? Why or why not?,Para 6,Learn wisely and learn well.,Conclusion:,Tips: When you read a passage, pay attention to its structure(结构).,part 1 part 2 part 3,paragraph 1,paragraph 2,3,4,5,paragraph 6,show us the opinion(论点),show us the arguments (论据),draw a conclusion (得出结论),How can we become a successful learner?,Topic:,Successful learners have some good habits in common.,Argument:,create an interest ,your brain is more active and you can pay attention to it for ,practice and learn from mistakes,Practice makes perfect.,We can learn a lot.,develop study skills,They can help us learn better,ask questions,Knowledge comes from questioning.,Conclusion:,Learning is a lifelong journey, so learn wisely and learn well.,How can we become a successful learner?,Topic:,Successful learners have ,Argument:,create an interest ,your . is more active and you can it for a long time,practice and learn .,Practice .,We can learn a lot.,develop ,They can help us learn better,ask questions,Knowledge comes from ,Conclusion:,Learning is a journey, so learn .and learn.,Do you think you are a good learner?,2e,Discussion,What learning habits are the most useful for you?,Discuss in groups of 4, and share your ideas with the class.,Do you know other good learning habits ?,2e,Group work,In my group, we think the following learning habits are useful. First, we should_, because_. Second, _ _ _ _. Just learn wisely and learn well.,Homework,Level A: Finish the report. Level B: Review the new words and expressions youve learned today.,Thank you!,good learning habits,looking up new words in the dictionary,asking the teacher for help,taking notes,listening to the teacher carefully,be active in class,.,_ can you b_ a successful learners? All of you are _ _ the ability to learn. If you want to do this well, it _ on your learning _. Here are some good learning habits for you. First, you should c_ an interest in what you learn. Because your brain will be _ if you are interested in something. And it can help you _ _ _ it for a long time. Also , we need to _
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