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2018-2019学年英语六年级第一学期期末测试卷Class: Name: Score: 听力部分(40分)一听音找出你所听到的选项。(10分) ( )1.A .south B. silk C. reptile ( )2.A.insect B. ostrich C. artist ( )3.A.inventor B. giraffe C. lion ( )4.A.compose B. professor C. Asia ( )5.A. proud B. shrimp C. nervous ( )6.A.angry B. invent C. shark ( )7.A.whale B. pollution C. Spain ( )8.A.robot B. north C. actor ( )9.A.ocean B. centimeter C. Oceania ( )10.A.cloud B. worried C west二听音标序号。(10分) ( ) Where were you ? ( ) I called you yesterday, but you were not at home. ( ) There were a lot of new books there. ( ) I was at the bookshop. ( ) I bought some storybooks.三听音,选出你所听到的句子。 (20分) ( )1. A. I was born in China. B. I was born in Australia.C. I was born in Canada. ( )2. A. Last Sunday was Tree Planting Day.B. Last Sunday was Mothers Day. C. Last Sunday was New Years Day. ( )3. A. There is a park near my home. B. There is a post office near my home.C. There is a bank near my home. ( )4. A. It was wonderful!B. It was exciting!C. It was fantastic! ( )5. A. I would like to go to London.B. I would like to go to Beijing.C. I would like to go to New York ( )6. A. My telephone number is 82520015 B. My telephone number is 85250015.C. My telephone number is 82250012. ( )7. A. They will go there on foot. B. They will go there by bus. C. They will go there by subway. ( )8. A. Yesterday was Monday B. Yesterday was Friday.C. Yesterday was Sunday. ( )9. A. Where is the clothes shop? B. Where is the bookshop? C. Where is the clothes supermarket? ( )10. A . Did you go to plant trees yesterday? B. Did you go to dig holes yesterday? C. Did you go to water the trees yesterday?笔试部分(60分)一、 给出下列单词的汉语意思。(10分)1.province( ) 2.story( ) 3.robot( ) 4.wing( ) 5.north ( ) 6.giraffe( ) 7.musician( ) 8.hippo( )9.whale( ) 10.silk()二、单项选择。(10分)1. I will live in a house the moon. A at B on C about 2. He will be artist. A the B a D an3. My home is school.A far from B into C next 4. Do you go to your grandparents home by ship? - A. No, I do. B. Yes, I dont. C .No, I dont. 5. - are you going this weekend?-Im going to the cinema.AWhat BHow CWhere 6. Im nervous Im going to sing in front of my class.Abecause Bif Cand 7. - were you born? - I was born in Beijing. AWhere BWhat CWhen 8. -What do you know Russia? -It is in Asia and Europe. Aabove Babout Cfor 9. Jim likes football on Sunday. Aplaying Bplays Cplayed 10. What are you going to do ?Ayesterday Blast Sunday Ctomorrow 三. 选句子,补全对话。只填相应部分的序号。(10分)A:How are you?B: A: Why?B: A: Do you know Qi Baishi?B: A: When was he born?B: A: Why is he famous?B: 1. I got an A in English test.2. Im proud.3. He was born in 1864.4. He is famous because he painted shrimps well.5. Yes, he was a Chinese artist.四、英译汉,把相应的序号填在提前括号中。(10分)()1.哈尔滨在哪? . What kind of animal are它在中国的东部。 monkeys? They are mammals.()2.西藏为什么著名? B. People will eat pills as meals. 它以布达拉宫为著名。 ()3.斑马是什么种类的动物? C. What is Tibet famous for?他们是哺乳动物。 It is famous for the Potala Palace.()4.他是一个中国的演员。 D. Where is Harbin ? It is in the east of China.()5.人们将会把药片当饭吃. E .He was a Chinese actor.五 阅读理解。(10分 )David is my new friend. He is tall and thin. He lives in America. His mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She goes to work by subway.His father works in a school. He is a math teacher. He goes to work on foot. David has a brother. His name is Bank. They look the same, but they have different hobby. David likes playing basketball after school. Bank likes watching cartoons on TV.根据短文内容,判断下面句子正(T)误 (F).1. ( )David likes playing football after school.2. ( )Davids father works in a school.3. ( )His father goes to work by bike.4. ( )His mother works in a post office.5. ( )Bank likes watching movies on TV.六 小作文(10分) 你喜欢你的学校吗?把你的学校介绍给大家吧!请以“My school”为题写一篇小作文。
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