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,Unit 3 My school calendar,PEP 五年级下册,课时 3,Lets spell,一、读句子,圈出所有含有画线部分发音的单词。 1. fish The shoes in this shoe shop are cheap. 2. sheep I use a brush to wash my T-shirt. 3. children There is much milk on the chair. 4. lunch I buy the watch made in China in March.,二、读短语,给短语选合适的图片。 A. B. C. D. ( )1.chicken for dinner ( )2.a shirt and shorts ( )3.Chinese children ( )4.a Chinese teacher,D,B,C,A,三、单项选择。 ( )1.I am from_. A. China B. Chinese C. chicken ( )2.The fish is_. A. shorts B. for C. fresh,A,C,( )3.The shorts_ cheap. looks B. are C. is ( )4.What would you like for _? Id like some fish. A. lunch B. China C. chicken,B,点拨:,shorts是可数名词复数形式,be动词用are。,A,四、按要求完成下列各题。 (一)根据图片补全句子。 1. These are my sisters _. 2. I am Chinese. I am from _. 3. There are lots of _ in the fields. 4. _is in June.,1 2 3 4,shoes,sheep,Childrens Day,China,(二)从上题的答案中找出含有画线部分读音的单词。 1. cheese chair _ _ 2. shorts ship _ _,Childrens,shoes,sheep,China,五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Im Li Hua. I live in Beijing. My favourite month is February, because I love winter. In winter I can sleep a long time. I can play in the snow with my good friend. My good friend is Li Ming. He lives in Beijing, too. He likes January best, because New Years Day is in January.,( )1.Li Hua likes February because _. A. New Years Day is in February B. he loves winter C. his birthday is in February ( )2.When is New Years Day? A. Its in February. B. Its in March. C. Its in January.,B,C,( )3.Li Hua can _ in winter. A. sleep a long time B. play in the snow C. Both A and B. ( )4.Li Mings favourite month is _. A. January B. February C. March,C,A,
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