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六年级英语练习卷 Class_ Name_ Mark_一、语音 30%A找出划线部分与其它三个发音不同的选项 10%( ) 1. A. mouseB. houseC. shouldD. loudly( ) 2. A. writeB. wrongC. walkD. writer( ) 3. A. weatherB. meatC. headD. sweater( ) 4. A. doctorB. sportC. morningD. horse( ) 5. A. singB. mouseC. roseD. small( ) 6. A. whatB. whoseC. whereD. when( ) 7. A. footB. foodC. bookD. good( ) 8. A. manyB. thatC. haveD. animal( ) 9. A. thinB. thisC. healthyD. think( )10.A.whereB. thereC. hereD. pearB找出与所给例词划线部分读音相同的单词 5%( ) 1. trousersA. touchB. aboutC. cousinD. mother( ) 2. hotA. frontB. thoseC. comeD. on( ) 3. elseA. alwaysB. visitC. yesD. present( ) 4. jumpedA. likedB. shoutedC. stayedD. played( ) 5. fatherA. afternoonB. can C. cakeD. lakeC判断每组单词划线部分有几种发音,A一种B两种C三种D四种 5%( ) 1. A. askB. matchC. sameD. want( ) 2. A. feverB. letterC. riceD. never( ) 3. A. habitB. biteC. timeD. hit( ) 4. A, coldB. bothC. oldD. home( ) 5. A. readB. breadC. greatD. reallyD根据音标提示填写单词 10% 1. Ducks are not _ / l:d/ or _ / str /.2. The students _ /at / _ /IksaItIdlI/.3. Yang Ling has a good _ /hbIt /. She does her _ /humw:k / early.4. _ /vedtblz / are good for our _ /hel/.5. When the road is _ /bIzI/, drivers cant see you _ /i:zlI/.二、英汉互译 10%1.轻声走 _ 2.用他锋利的牙咬网_3.保持干净整洁_ 4. 睡前刷牙 _5.健康饮食 _ 6. 只喝一点牛奶 _7.在人行道上等候 _ 8.在斑马线上行走 _9. I can help you some day. _10. I cant reach it. _三、单项选择题 20%( ) 1. From then on, Sam and Tina_ good friends.A. become B. becomes C. became( ) 2. What is your cousins bad ?A. habits B. habit C. a habit( ) 3. Does Tom learn English_? Yes, he often _ English books after dinner.A. good; reads B. well; reads C. well; looks( ) 4. The lion cried_. _can I get out?A. sadly; What B. sadly; How C. sad; How( ) 5.This is my new house. Let me _you _ it.A. show; around B. show; to C. show; for( ) 6. The child eating ice creams.A. are B. like C. likes ( ) 7. I have beautiful caps in my bedroom.A. a little B. a few C. lot of( ) 8. How can we cross the road_?A. safety B. safe C. safely( ) 9. Your little sister walk now. She is only one year old.A. can B. cant C. mustnt( ) 10. Im so sad, theres just _ water in the bottle. Im too thirsty!A. a little B. a litter C. a few( ) 11. My grandma _ me up this morning.A. wakeB. wokeC. wakes( ) 12. _ is in April.A. Womens DayB. Dragon Boat FestivalC. Qingming Festival( ) 13. A plane of Germanwings(德国之翼) was crashed in _.A. the UKB. FranceC. Australia( ) 14. Recently, Chinese Navy(海军) helped people evacuate(疏散) from _. A. YemenB. JapanC. the US( ) 15. In _, people drive on the left.A. LondonB. New York C. Paris( ) 16. Which letter comes next? A, C, F, J, _A. HB. MC. O( ) 17. Obama is a big potato. a big potato means _.A. 大土豆B. 大人物C. 大块头( ) 18. Look out! A car is coming! look out means _.A. 看外面B. 当心C. 看一看( ) 19. Which one is weak?A. a yellow dogB. an old henC. a dark horse( ) 20. Who looks healthy? A.B.C. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空 10%1. You _ (must) play on the road. 2. Jim can draw a tiger _ (easy). Its _ (easy) for him3. Tim knows how to cross the street _ (safe).4. There _ (be) a _ (little) juice in the glass.5. The mouse _ (walk) by and _ (wake) the lion up.6. We _ (must) speak and walk _ (quiet) in the library.五、实际应用 10%1. How can you make 6 out of three 7s? 7 _ 7 _ 7 = 6 2. Liu Tao got 5,000 yuan at Spring Festival. He goes to the bank(银行) to save(存) his money.He can get 5% of his money as interest(利息) every year. Five years later, Liu Tao can get _ yuan in all(总共) from the bank. 3. A boy in Nanjing was abused(虐待) by his parents. How do you feel? _. (一个单词)4. Describe(描述) your English tea
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