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连狗也不放过, 韩国人开始流行给宠物整容,人类,麻烦腾点地儿,看起来动物们也需要化妆美容。 主人花钱给宠物做美容手术在韩国已掀起一股热潮。,Vocabulary,Summary,Contents Some of the popular procedures include tail shortening and ear trimming for dogs, to make them cute with pointy ears. Fat reduction is another popular surgery, along with stretch marks removal, wrinkle smoothing, double eyelid removal and even botox injections. These procedures start from $60 and ostensibly run into the thousands. 一些受欢迎的美容手术包括为狗狗剪短尾巴、修饰耳毛,变成“可爱”的尖耳朵。抽脂术也是很流行的美容手术,此外,去除妊娠纹、除皱、去双眼皮甚至是注射肉毒杆菌也很受欢迎。这些手术收费从60美元到几千美元不等。 Its not entirely surprising, given that South Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world. This is the place where tourists become unrecognisable to the extent that they need special doctor certificates to return to their native lands after having work done on their faces. So it was only a matter of time before people started thinking of botoxing their pets as well. 鉴于韩国是世界整容之都,出现这种现象也就不足为奇。到韩国的游客可以整容整到面目全非,必须出具医生的特别证明才能回到本国。因此,韩国人想要给宠物注射肉毒杆菌只是早晚的事情。,The dog in the before and after photos above apparently had plastic surgery done because his inner eyelids were pointing towards the eyes. After the procedure, his eyes look bigger, a feature that many pet owners love. 通过对前后两张照片的比较,可以看出狗狗显然是做过了整容手术,因为它的内眼皮吊起来了。手术后,狗狗的眼睛明显变大了,这是许多主人喜欢的模样。,According to one anonymous veterinarian, “Plastic surgery for pets in the past were for medical reasons but the result also brought better looking dogs, so there is a growing customer base getting a plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons on their dogs.“ Apparently, a few doctors believe that these surgeries are “medically safe” and ethical. They say its the “owners right“ to make their pets look beautiful. 一位不具名的兽医称,“过去通常是出于医疗考虑才给宠物做整容手术,结果正好令狗狗更漂亮了,导致越来越多的消费者为了漂亮而给自己的狗整容。”的确,有的医生认为整容手术“符合医疗卫生安全”和道德标准。他们称让宠物更美是“主人的权利”。 In fact, a few vets are actually pitching cosmetic surgery to pet owners. According to an article in Chosun Daily, a woman visited a vet to get vaccinations for her five-month-old puppy. The doctor, however, asked if she wanted to close the gap in the canines mouth which he considered unappealing from a cosmetic perspective. 事实上,确有部分兽医给宠物主人推销整容手术。朝鲜日报的一篇文章指出,一位女性让兽医给自己五个月大的小狗注射疫苗,结果这名医生称从美容角度考虑,狗狗的嘴不大好看,问她是否愿意给小狗做口部缝合手术。 Animal lovers in South Korea are horrified by the trend, which many consider animal abuse. Lots of them feel people have no right to inflict their distorted sense of aesthetics on helpless animals. Korean veterinarian magazine Daily Vet conducted a survey in which 63 percent of pet owners wanted plastic surgery for dogs to be banned. Many of them have taken to social media to express their disgust. 韩国动物爱好者对这股潮流感到恐惧,多数人认为这是一种动物虐待。许多人认为人类无权将这种扭曲的审美观加诸于无助的动物身上。韩国兽医杂志Daily Vet做过一项调查,63%的宠物主人希望叫停狗狗整容术。许多人还在社交媒体上表达对该行为的反感。,“Did the dogs say they want plastic surgery,“ one person asked. “狗狗们说过它们想做整容手术吗?”有人问道。 “I dont care about people who want and get plastic surgery, but this is too much,” another wrote. “Are you saying because they look up to the owners, the owners can do anything to them?” 另一位网友写道:“如果是人们自己想做并做了整容手术,我无所谓,但是给宠物做整容就太过分了。难道它们靠主人来养活,主人就可以对它们为所欲为了吗?” “What is the difference between this and forcing your own children to get plastic surgery,“ another pointed out. 还有人指出,“这和强迫你自己的孩子整容有什么区别。”,
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