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Making the news,Unit 4,the Shenzhou VII manned spaceship,How do you know what is happening around us or even abroad?,the media,Daily Weekly Monthly,article,headline,front page,What types of jobs do people do in making a newspaper? P25warmingup,Discussion,报社职位与报纸制作过程,文字记者 摄影记者 文字编辑 美术编辑 图片编辑 校对 技术部员工(负责电脑和采编系统的维修维护) 网络中心的员工(现在报纸旗下都有网站) 广告中心的业务员 广告制作人员 印刷中心的工人 发行中心的工人 。 策划活动,搜集素材, 编辑,审查,校对,定稿, 设计版面,发行.,reporter / journalist,interviewer/interviewee,photographer,editor,designer,printer,Reporter Editor Photographer Designer Printer,report edit photograph design print,Give me one verb to tell us what they do?,To make a newspaper we need.,reporter editor designer painter printer photographer ,chief editor 主编 deputy editor 副主编 subeditor 审校编辑 assistant editor助理编辑 critic 评论员 cartoonist 漫画师 correspondent 通讯员,Match the job and work involved,Reporter / Journalist Editor Photographer Critic Designer Printer,Interviewing people or finding out events from onlookers and writing news stories,Checking the writing and facts and making changes if necessary,Taking photographs of important people or events,Giving opinions on plays , books and events,laying out (design) the articles and photographs,Printing the newspaper,Do you know how to make a newspaper ? What is the process (过程)? -p30ex1,Discussion,How to make a newspaper?,A Editors check the facts B Designers design (lay out) the article C Reporters interview people or find out the events D Photographers take photographs E Printers print the newspaper,A,B,C,D,E,Order:,Every morning the newspaper chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists to discuss the main events .,Reporters are sent to do face-to-face interviews or do telephone interviews .,Photographers are sent to take the pictures,Doing ones homework-looking up information they need .,Reporters type their stories into the computer,The stories are quickly handed to the editor .,Photos are quickly developed .,Editors decide which picture should be used , read some stories and make any necessary changes,Editors write the headlines for each story and check that there is enough space.,Newspapers are printed on fast moving printing machines .,Newspapers are delivered by lorry and plane .,Newspapers are sent to every home .,How is a newspaper made?,The_ editor hold a meeting.,Journalists_ people and write stories,Photos are quickly _,Photographers _ photographs.,Editors _ the report.,Editors write the _.,The newspapers are _by train and truck,The newspapers are _.,interview,developed,take,check,headlines,delivered,printed,chief,Discuss in groups: 1.What s your ideal(理想的) job? 2.What qualities do you need to have?,Discussion,Suppose you are a good news reporter, what qualities do you need to have?,Speaking of my career planning, I must say that its quite attractive to me to become a good news reporter. But what qualities do I need to have? From my point of view, I must have good communication skills, because On the other hand, I must be good at writing, because Whats more, I must work hard, for the simple reason that.,Discussion,as a reporter, I have to meet many people who may be very different in their personalities.,it is vital to describe an event accurately and attract readers to pay attention to and know the whole things correctly.,I have to make myself popular to make more money to live a better and more comfortable life.,Requirements of a reporter in an ad:,1. Bachelor (学士)degree or above 2. At least 2 years working experience 3. Fluency in English both on spoken and written 4. Outgoing & sincere & brave personality and excellent interpersonal & communication skills 5. Initiative(主动的), passionate(充满激情的) , team-working and work with high degree of independence 6. Able to work under pressure 7. Good knowledge in computer software application (应用) especially in MS office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint),Pre-readingp25,What are the qualities a good journalist needs to have? Discuss in groups and tick the boxes below.,Prepared to work long hours,Ability to work in a team,patient,well-organized,patient,well-organized,thorough,curious,careful,concise,professional,polite,professional,creative,imaginative,gifted,technically good,p27ex3,A journalist needs to be _ _ but a photographer needs to be _._I think I would make a good_ _ _,thorough,curious,careful,and concise,creative,imaginative,technically good,and gifted,They both need to be profesional ,well-organized,and patient.,photographer,because I am creative and I enjoy being technically good at things.,Answers,Unit4 Making the news,Reading My first work assignment “unforgettable” says new journalist,1.Predict the content of this passage using the title and the picture.,An assistant jour
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