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习语翻译,拟声词翻译,It iswasthat 特殊句型的翻译方式,习语(idiom)的译法,set phrases proverbs sayings idiom epigrams slang expressions colloquialisms quotations ,(一)习语对等翻译法,He shut his eyes to our joint petition. Were not talking about the castle in the air the donkeys carrot. No, I mean something weve all shared. Those who like to make a scene will never get advantage. To requite like for like is a common practice. Since you are raising a Cain, how can we hope to get peaceful days?,(一)习语对等翻译法,他对我们的联合请愿置之不理,充耳不闻。 我们并不是在谈论什么空中楼阁 那些挂在驴鼻子前面的胡萝卜一样的东西。我指的是一些大家都有份的事情。 那些喜欢无理取闹的人永远讨不到什么便宜。 一报还一报是人们通常的做法。 你在那儿兴风作浪,我们怎么期望会有安宁的日子过?,(二)形象意义兼顾法,You need much more prudence when you are going to take up a quarrel. It was in the cards for the son to succeed his father as head of the business. His life savings went down the drain in a bad investment.,若人家争吵时你袒护其中一方,你可要多加小心哟。 子承父业,顺理成章,他后来成了其父创办的企业的新老板。 因为一个错误的投资,他的一生积蓄化为乌有。,(三)意译改造法,I am here like a fish out of water. She has a bad habit of buying a pig in the poke. Worship carries her off her feet. Hes not honest to you; hes turning you around his finger.,因为环境生疏,我在这里感到不自在。 她有见物就买的坏习惯。 宗教使她痴迷癫狂。 他不是真诚对待你,只是玩你于股掌之间。,(四)优势互补翻译法,Dont waste your time. We have already decided to nail the colors to the mast. She bowed me to the earth. Wherever he works, he always wins his chiefs ears. Dont poke your nose into other peoples business; then you can well keep your nose clean.,你不要浪费时间了。我已经决定坚持到底,决不投降。 她使我羞愧难当,无地自容。 他无论到哪儿工作,总是能得到上司的宠顾。 如果你能少管闲事,就完全可以明哲保身。,汉语习语的翻译,1.同义习语借用法,意义和形象相同或相似的习语,随大流 绞尽脑汁 千钧一发 浑水摸鱼 君子协定 有志者事竟成 事实胜于雄辩 有其父必有其子 谋事在人,成事在天 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳,swim with the tide to rack ones brains hung by a thread to fish in troubled water gentlemens agreement Where theres a will, theres a way. Actions speak louder than words. Like father, like son. Man proposes, God disposes. Once bitten, twice shy.,1.同义习语借用法,意义和形象相同或相似的习语,行尸走肉 沽名钓誉 自食其果 心宽体胖 随波逐流 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。,a walking skeleton fish for compliments eat the fruit of ones own doing laugh and grow fat swim with the stream As you sow, so you will reap.,意义相同但形象不同的习语,fish in the air give oneself airs the apple of ones eye smell of the baby a black sheep Every barber knows that. True blue will never stain. Talk of the evil and he is sure to come. Whats at the back of it? a blessing in disguise,水中捞月 装腔作势 掌上明珠 乳臭未干 害群之马 家喻户晓 真金不怕火炼 说曹操,曹操到。 葫芦里卖的什么药 塞翁失马,焉知非福?,意义相同但形象不同的习语,as timid as a hare Like draws to like fish in the air spend money like water kick down the ladder eat humble pie The pot calls the kettle black. Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.,胆小如鼠 臭味相投 缘木求鱼 挥金如土 过河拆桥 忍辱含垢 五十步笑百步 宁为鸡口,勿为牛后,2. 直译法,求同存异 朴实无华 能者多劳 自力更生 顺水推舟 欺软怕硬 半途而废 不入虎穴,焉得虎子?,seeking common grounds while reserving differences simple and unadorned The abler a man, the busier he gets. regeneration through ones own efforts push the boat with current bully the weak and fear the strong give up halfway How can one get tiger cubs without entering the tigers den?,有钱能使鬼推磨。 If you have money you can even make the devil turn your mill. 十年树木,百年树人。 It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people. 路遥知马力,日久见人心。 A long road tests a horses strength and a long task proves a mans heart. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.,十五个吊桶打水,七上八下 Like fifteen buckets being hurriedly lowered into a well for water eight going down while seven coming up. 瞎子点灯白费蜡 Like a blind man carrying a candle - a waste of wax. 泥菩萨过河 自身难保 The clay idol fording the river its as much as it can do to preserve itself from disaster. 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年 不怀好意 A weasel wishing Happy New Year to a chicken harboring no good intentions. 老虎吃天 无从下口 A tiger wanting to eat the sky not knowing where to start.,3. 意译法,脱胎换骨 双管齐下 畏首畏尾 青出于蓝而胜于蓝 不到黄河不死心 独木不成林,cast off ones old self and take a new self do both things simultaneously Over-cautious Pupil learns from and outdoes his teacher. Not stop until one reaches ones goal. One person cannot accomplish much.,3. 意译法,留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 咱们骑驴看唱本走着瞧吧,看究竟是什么原因。 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。 他这一阵子心头如十五个吊桶,七上八下,老是宁静不下来。,While theres life, there is hope. Lets wait and see what the reason for it turns out to be in the end. Everyones business is nobodys business. His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.,Translation:,比较直译:As long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewoods.,4. 直、意结合法,怨天尤人 债台高筑 欲盖弥彰 斩草除根 风餐露宿 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心。 各人自扫门前雪,哪管他人瓦上霜。,blame everyone and everything but oneself be up to ones ears in debt try to hide a mistake, only to make it more conspicuous pluck up the evil by the roots braving the wind and dew Like the dog that bite LuTungbin you bit the hand that feeds you. Sweep the snow from your own front door, leave the frost on the other mans roof to thaw.,5. 节译法,无影无踪 长吁短叹 一朝一夕 根深蒂固 自给自足 狼吞虎咽 同心同德 清规戒律 惊心动魄 天长地久,vanish without a trace sigh deeply overnight deep-rooted self-sufficient wolf something down with one mind taboos/ r
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