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1 / 14中考近义词 83 组辨析梳理:1、 say/ speak/ talk/ tell. say “说、讲”普通用语,指用言语表达思想,强调所说的内容。如: What did he say? 他说了些什么? He said that it was true. 他说那是真实的。. speak “说、讲 ”可表示以任何一种方式说话。它着重于说话这一动作本身。而不强调所说的内容。为不及物动词。作及物动词时与表语言的词连用。如: Please speak more slowly. 请说得慢一些。 The baby is learning to speak. 这小孩在学说话。 She can speak English fluently. 她英语说得很流利。. talk “谈话、讲话” ,通常表连贯地与别人谈话。强调谈话这一动作,而不是内容。如: He was talking to a friend. 他在和一个朋友谈话。 e went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said. 他滔滔不绝地讲了半天,但是他说得太快,我们几乎没有什么人能听懂他说的些什么。 She is always talking nonsense. 她总爱讲废话。. tell “告诉、讲述”指将某事讲给别人听。它有时还有“吩咐、命令”等含义。如: He told the news to everybody in the village. 他把这消息告诉了村子里的每个人。 She told me not to write the letter. 她叫我不要写信了。2、see watch noticesee,强调看的结果。有意识或无意识地看。see a film. look,强调看的动作。watch,强调注视动静变化之意。notice,强调有意识地注意,从没没注意到注意到了的变化。3、hear of , hear from, hear about.hear of 意指间接地“听到”“ 听说”后接名词性质的词。如:I have never heard of him before. 我以前从来没有听说过他。 注意:hear of 与 hear about 的意义相近,这两个词组在英语中有时可以通用。它们含有“听人说起”,“从书报上看到关于 ”等意义。例如: Ive never heard of him. 我从来没有听说过他。 Have you heard about him from anywhere?你从什么地方听到过他吗? (3) hear from 指“收到 的来信”与 get or receive a letter from 同义,其宾语应是人,而不是信。如: I often hear from my parents.我经常收到父母的来信。4、give in, give upgive in (to sb/sth) allow oneself to be defeated or overcome (by sb/sth) (向某人某事物)屈服, 让步, 投降: The rebels rebl were forced to give in. 叛乱者被迫投降. * Shes a gutsy gtsi player, she never gives in. 她是个勇敢的选手, 从不屈服. * The authorities :riti showed no signs of giving in to the kidnp kidnappers demands. 当局对绑架者的要求丝毫没有让步的迹象.give up v.放弃, 抛弃, 戒除, 交出;(oneself)自首He gave himself up (to the police). 他(向警方)投案了。abandon an attempt to do sth 放弃做某事的尝试: They gave up without a fight. 他们不战而降. * She doesnt give up easily. 她做任何事都不轻易放弃. * I give up; tell me what the answer is. 我认输, 告诉我答案吧.5、achieve、come true、 realizeachieve:实现成绩、目标,主语是人。realize:实现,意识到,多指意识到某种道理、规律什么的,主语是人。come true:实现,多指梦想、蓝图、计划,主语是梦想蓝图计划什么的。意思有区别的,可以根据上下文意思区分。不过 come true 和 realize 好像更多的用于Dream;achieve 则更多的用于 goal 或者直接跟 sth.用法是 achieve sth. realize ones dream; realize sth.(也可以表示“意识到。”) make .(dream/.) come true6、accident/incident “事故”. accident 可以表示事故,指不幸的意外事件。也表偶然的事件。 Twenty people were killed in the railway accident He met with an accident. 这完全是偶然的事。. Incident 的意思是事件,尤指与较重大的事件相比,显得不重要的事件。它还可以表引起国际争端或战争的事件。 It is a quite common incident.这是很普通的事。 The Lugouqiao incident accrued on July 7th, 1937. 芦沟桥事件发生于 1937 年 7 月 7 日。7、above/over/on/upon. 方位介词, “在之上”. above 着重指:在上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below. The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。 The aero plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。.over 表盖在上面,或铺在上面。此时不能用 above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为 under. Spread the tablecloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。. on 含有与表面相接触的意思。 The book is on the desk. There is an oil painting on the wall. 墙上有一幅油画。.upon 也含有和表面相接触的意思。与 on 没有多大的区别,但较正式,口语中较少用。 He laid his hand upon the boys head. 他把手放在孩子的头上。注 up 与以上几个不同,它表示向上方或高处,含有由下而上,由低而高的意思。常和表示运动的动词连用。作副词时,表示在上方或高处。 We run up a hill. 我们跑上山。 The plane was high up in the air.飞机在高空中。8、at hand/ in hand . at hand“在手边;在附近;即将到来 ”如: When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand. 他写东西时,手边总有一本字典。 Spring is at hand. 春天就要来了。. in hand “在手中的;现有的”引申为:“在掌握中;在处理中” 。如: I have 100 yuan in hand. 我手头有 100 元钱。 2 / 14 The police immediately had the situation in hand. 警方立即控制了局势。9、across/through/ over. across “横过、穿过” ,指从的一边到另一边。含义与 on 有关。如: I swam across the river. 我游过这条河(指从此岸到彼岸) Lets help push the cart across the bridge. 我们帮着把车子推过桥吧。. through “穿过、通过 ”指穿过两边。是从空间较狭窄的一头穿到另一头。是从内部穿过,含义与 in 有关。如: We walked through the forest. 我们穿过森林。 The river flows through the city from west to east. 这条河从西到东流过城市。. over“横过、跨越”指横过道路、河流等“细长物” 时,与 across 通用。Over 虽可指从表面的接触及跳(飞)越,但指渡过则不能用。从房间、原野、海洋等“平面延伸”的一端横越到另一端时也不能使用。而常用 across. She went across / over the bridge. He jumped across / over the stream 他跳过了小溪。 She swam across the straight of Dover. 她游过了多佛尔海峡。 They drove across the desert. 他们驶过沙漠。另外,over 作介词还有“翻过”的意思,如:climb the mountain 翻过那座山。10、feel like / would like.feel like 与 would like 意思很相近,但 feel like 后面常跟 名词;动名词。构成: feel like (doing) sth. 而 would like 一般接 名词;动词不定式。构成: would like (to do) sth.的句式。如: I feel like (having) a drink. = I would like (to have) a drink. 我想喝一杯。 Do you feel like talking a walk. = Would you like to take a walk? 你要不要散步? I dont feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。.feel like 还表示:“觉得好像,摸起来像” 。如: It feels like silk. 它摸起来像绸缎。11、after/behind“在之后”. after “在 (时间)之后”;“在(地点)之后”,指次序。如: He came after ten oclock. 他十点以后来的。 Two days after his arrival, I called on him. 在他到达两天以后,我拜访了他。 Against comes after again in this dictionary.在这本字典中 against 排在again 之后。. behind 表地点时意为:在后面、着重指位置的前后。偶尔也指时间,表按照一定的时刻而迟了的意思。 The garden is behind the house. He stood behind me. The train was behind time. 火车误点了。 You are two hours behind. 你迟了两个小时。12、agree to/ agree with/ agree on(up on). agree to “同意、应允”通常用于同意某件事情(我们可以同意我们自己有不同看法而并不赞同的事情) 。如:
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