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和很多人一样,活在这么 uncertain 的天朝,主页君之一已绝望和不幸福很久了,便看了哈佛的公开课幸福课。话说其一开始就提积极心理学,说每个人应该更关注自己的优点而非缺点,应该多表扬自己甚合吾意,所以决定总结点积极情绪的词汇供大家自恋!(每天 10 到 15 个,解释皆出自韦氏大学词典。)第一天:agreeable gri:bla.令人愉快的, 惬意的;(欣然) 同意的1 : pleasing to the mind or senses especially as according well with ones tastes or needs 2 : ready or willing to agree or consent 3 : being in harmony Gentlemen, said he, although a companion is agreeable, perfect freedom is sometimes still more agreeable.“二位,” 他说,“有一个同伴虽然很令人高兴,但完全自由有时更让人高兴。 excitement iksaitmntn.刺激,激动;令人兴奋的事,刺激的因素1 : something that excites or rouses 2 : the action of exciting : the state of being excitedThe excitement quickened my pulse. 激动使我的心跳加快。delight dilaitn.高兴;使人高兴的东西( 或人)1 : a high degree of gratification : extreme satisfaction 2 : something that gives great pleasure 3 archaic : the power of affording pleasurev.高兴,欣喜1 : to take great pleasure 2 : to give keen enjoyment She clapped her hands in delight. 她高兴地拍手。lighthearted laith:tid adj.心情愉快的 , 无优无虑的1 : free from care, anxiety, or seriousness 2 : cheerfully optimistic and hopefulHe leans towards more lighthearted subjects in his later works.他在后期的创作中倾向于比较轻松的主题。exaltation egz:lteinn.(成功带来的)得意,高兴1 : an act of exalting : the state of being exalted 2 : an excessively intensified sense of well-being, power, or importance 3 : an increase in degree or intensity Its potential for good or evil, now and in the years of our lives, smothers exaltations and converts vanity to prayer. 在现在和我们过去的生活中,它都是一柄双刃剑,会使人越来越窒息、也会使人由空虚变得有信仰。exhilarate igzilreitvt. 使高兴, 使愉快, 使振奋1 : to make cheerful and excited 2 : refresh, stimulateexhilarate ones spirits使精神振奋 merry meriadj.愉快的, 欢乐的1 giving pleasure 2 : full of gaiety or high spirits 3 : marked by festivity or gaiety 4 : quick,briskmerry Christmasblithe blaiadj.快乐的, 无忧无虑的, 轻率的1 : of a happy lighthearted character or disposition 2 : lacking due thought or consideration She seems quite blithe. 她看上去很快乐。buoyant bintadj. 有浮力的 , 心情愉快的, 趋于上涨的having buoyancy:as a : capable of floatingb : cheerfulL,c : capable of maintaining a satisfactorily high level jovial adj.快活的, 高兴的, 愉快的1 capitalized : of or relating to Jove 2 : markedly good-humored especially as evidenced by jollity and convivialityIn a buoyant mood.轻松的心情whet wetvt. 磨, 磨快, 使兴奋1 : to sharpen by rubbing on or with something (as a stone) 2 : to make keen or more acute : excite, stimulate whet a persons appetite刺激食欲,引起胃口;更加煽起人的欲望 hilarious hlerisadj.欢闹的, 愉快的: marked by or causing hilarity : extremely funnyHe made himself juvenile and hilarious in the company of the young lords.他在这些年轻贵族中间嘻嘻哈哈,简直好象返老还童了。
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