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,Unit6 How many?,A lets learn,0,3,4,8,数字王国,Im going to the zoo. Lets go together. OK?,What do you see?,I see pandaslions,How many monkeys do you see?,I see,eleven.,seven.,e,le,ven,11,seven,7,咧咧嘴eleven,( ) elephant ( )ears,one,two,( ) elephants ( )ears ( )elephants ( )ears ( )elephants ( )ears ( )elephants ( )ears,two,three,four,six,four,six,eight,?,张张嘴twelve,twelve,3 + 9 =,4 + 8 =,7 + 6 =,2 + 9 =,2+10 =,eleven,twelve,twelve,twelve,?,and,is,考考你,thir,teen,thir,teen,13,7+6=,How many ducks do you see?,I see,fourteen,four,teen,four,teen,14,圆圆嘴fourteen,Lets learn,fif,teen,fif,teen,15,咬咬唇fifteen,第一关,第二关,第三关,游戏一,游戏二,游戏三,Lets play,第一关,爆炸游戏,快速读出炸弹炸中的单词。,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,11,12,13,14,15,Bomb game,(three 3),(four 4),(five 5),爆炸游戏:快速读出 炸弹炸中的单词。,( one 1),( two 2 ),第二关,测试眼力,看图几秒并说出正确的数量。,How many fish do you see ? I see_.,fourteen,How many ducks do you see ?,I see_.,twelve,How many dogs do you see?,I see fifteen.(15),How many birds do you see ? I see_.,thirteen,第三关,Task time.英汉连线,twelve fourteen eleven fifteen thirteen,15 13 12 14 11,Show time,Role play:角色扮演teacher and students,请个别同学扮演小老师提问题,看看谁能根据图用英文来回答出物品的正确数量。,I see.,How many kites do you see?,twelve,I see.,How many strawberrys do you see?,thirteen,How many bags do you see? I see_.,fourteen,15,I see_.,How many watermelons do you see?,fifteen,Pair work.,13 11 14 12 15,A:How manydo you see?,B:I see _,Lets chant 歌谣1,Eleven, eleven, I see eleven. Twelve, twelve,I see twelve. Thirteen, thirteen,I see thirteen. Fourteen, fourteen, I see fourteen. Fifteen, fifteen,I see fifteen.,Lets chant 歌谣2,Hello,my friend.Please tell me. How many cars do you see? One,two,three.I see eleven. One,two,three.I see eleven.,Sum up(总结),1、numbers: eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 2、ask and answer: How many _s do you see ? I see_.,Homework,1.Read after the tape for 5 times. .(跟读课文录音5遍) 2. Copy the 5 words ,times each word. (抄写1115新单词,每个5遍,一行写5个。),Thank you.,Goodbye.,
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