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Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It?,What Time Is It?句型操练,What time is it?,Its 6 oclock.,What time is it?,Its _ oclock.,Its _ oclock.,Its _ oclock.,two,three,five,What time is it?,Its _ pm.,Its _ pm.,Its _ am.,1:30,2:15,10:05,What time is it?,It is 10:52.,What time is it?,Wake up!,It is 7:00! It is time to get up.,What time is it?,It is 11:45! It is time to have lunch.,It is 5:00 p.m.! It is time to go home.,What time is it?,Its time to do.句型,Its time to get up.,Its time to go to school.,Its time to have lunch.,Its time to do my homework.,Its time to play piano.,Its time to go to sleep.,
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