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-Cultural corner,The Life of Mark Twain,(必修5) Module 3,1. 深入理解课文马克.吐温的一生,通过完成阅读任务来提高阅读理解能力; 2.学习文学故事,了解著名作家,激起英语文学兴趣; 3.掌握重要词汇和语言点。,学习目标,Pre-reading,Have you heard of Mark Twain? 2. What do you know about him?,Mark Twain (1835-1910),Mark Twain,In my mind, Mark Twain was beyond question a great man in his time, you may heard lots of about Mark Twain before, his humour and brilliant mind ,composing many well-known novels and stories such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finntheman,whos really gods favor. People speak of Mark Twain as a signal humorous writer. Now, lets learn more about this wonderful man .,Mark Twains Main works,Life on the Mississippi” 密西西比河上,This work is a memoir/memwa:/ (回忆录) by Mark Twain detailing his days as a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River before and after the American Civil War,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(汤姆索亚历险记),This novel talked about a young boy called Tom Sawyer growing up along the Mississippi River. It describes children pursuit of novelty and adventure life.,最伟大的儿童文学作品,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝利费恩历险记,This book is about how to set the slaves free and how to realise ones dreams,The 1000000 bank-note,Can u retell the whole story ?,1、“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.”,2、“Humor is mankinds greatest blessing.”,Famous Saying,Watch the video!,word study,1 n.与相似 (词汇 大聚焦P26 2 v.创造 n.创造 adj有创造性的 n. 创造者 3 n.例外 v .把除外 4 v.警告 5 adj.浅的 adv. 深的 6 n.青少年 7 adj.坚决的 v.下定决心 8 n.便士 n.美元 9. v.强迫,迫使,exception,warn,shallow,adolescent,determined,penny,create,creative,creation,resemble,force,deep,determine,dollar,except,creator,10 n.领航员 11 adj生动的,逼真的 12 v.确立 adj确立的 n.确立,建立 13 名誉,名望 核心短语 1 发财 2 出发,启程,establish,reputation,make ones fortune,set off,vivid,pilot,established,establishment,词汇 (大聚焦P26),while-reading,Go through the passage and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.,Para. 1,Para. 2,Para. 3,Mark Twains experiences,Mark Twains reputation,the meaning of his pen name -Mark Twain,Task 2 Listen and Choose the correct answers,1.Which of the following jobs did Mark Twain not do? A. A journalist. B. A pilot. C. A writer. D. A lawyer. 2、Which of the following is NOT true? A.“Mark Twain” was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi, meaning “watermark two”. B. Mark Twains life resembles the life of Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. C. Mark Twains life on the Mississippi benefits his works. D. Mark Twains success is due to his being educated for a long time as an adolescent.,Task 2 Choose the correct answers,3、Which of the following about Mark Twain is NOT mentioned? A. His works. B. His hometown. C. His adventurous life. D. His hobbies. 4、When did Mark Twain begin to write stories? A. When he worked on a steamboat. B. After he left school. C. After he became a journalist. D. After he became a writer.,Task 3 Ture OR False,1. Mark Twains pen name was Samuel Clemens. ( ) New Orleans was Mark Twains final destination when he left home. ( ) The reason why Mark Twain worked as a pilot was that he couldnt get to South America by boat. ( ) Twain was a pilot when he began writing. ( ),F,F,T,F,real,Amazon,journalist,The Name of Mark Twain,Twains real name was Samuel Clemens.“Mark Twain“,which means“watermark two“,was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water.,Task 4 阅读表达 1 .Why did Mark Twain leave his hometown for South America? ( within 5 words) 2. In what ways was Mark Twains life an adventure?(within 20 words) 3. What do you think contributed to the success of Mark Twain as a writer? (within 5 words) _,To make a fortune.,He left school and home early, determined to make a forture,He worked on the river for several years .,His experiences as a pilot / His life on the river.,post-reading,Mark Twain is a _name,which is a call used by _on the Mississippi. Mark Twain lived an _life. As a teenager, he decided to _ in South America. So he _ from Missouri for New Orleans. To his disappointment, he can not find a _ for South America. He had to change his plan.,The life of Mark Twain,pen,sailors,adventurous,make his fortune,set off,boat,He has been a _for several years. Later, he became a journalist and wrote _which happened on the _. Mark Twain is famous for his _, and_description, which helps him to _the reputation.,pilot,stories,river,vivid,amusing,establish,Disccusion : What can we learn from Mark Twain
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