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英语完形填空训练,成都石室中学 冯丹,The crowd got off the subway, walked out, 3 the spot where she lay, took a look at this well-dressed lady, wondered why she was there, and then left. A. came B. got C. left D. neared I live near here. neared “靠近”,She 6 the young mans eye and said, “Sir, would you please help me?” A. missed B. caught C. avoided D. saw see ones eye? -look into ones eyes catch? 1) Here you are. Catch! 2) catch a bus/train 3) catch ones eye attract ones attention,Of course, she was 7 to hospital immediately and her life was saved. A. rushed B. led C. forced D. invited rush? 1) Dont rush. 2) rush sb to hospital 迅速把人送到医院,But when I looked into your eyes, kindness was evident. I knew, 10 , that your gentle spirit would give me help in my time of need. A. then and there B. for a moment C. all of a sudden D. sooner or later,总结:,熟词-新意,neared the spot catch ones eyes rush sb to hospital then and there,2014年高考说明 -对阅读能力的要求,1 理解归纳语篇的主旨和要义; 2 理解语篇中具体信息; 3 根据语篇上下文推测词义; 4 简单的判断和推理; 5 理解语篇的基本结构; 6 理解作者的意图、观点和态度,生词词义,熟词新义,(2011四川) In the beginning, I didnt want to discuss marriage, because the sadness of losing Mum still felt great. Paul understood that and never _ me but, by summer, we got married. A. left B. pushed C. surprised D. interrupted,熟词新义,push,1) To use your hands, arms or body in order to make sth move forward or away from you. 2) to put pressure on sb. 给别人施压,(2011四川) In the beginning, I didnt want to discuss marriage, because the sadness of losing Mum still felt great. Paul understood that and never _ me but, by summer, we got married. A. left B. pushed C. surprised D. interrupted,(2013 福建) I tell her what it was like here, the memory _ back, swift as the tide(潮水). A. falling B. turning C. rushing D. bringing,涌,This was so unfair that angry people _ the bank president with emails. A. hit B. arrived C. flooded D. beat,flood,2) flood the bank president with emails. v. to send sth. in large numbers 大量送至;挤满,1) n. a large amount of covering an area that is usually dry 洪水,This was so unfair that angry people _ the bank president with emails. A. hit B. arrived C. flooded D. beat,完型文章2,I was a thief. I stole 1 , from money to jewelry, to bigger items like paintings and computers. Luckily, I could 2 walk away with what I got.,everything,always,He continued, “Anyway, I dont have any regret. I lived, 8 , laughed and left a legacy(遗产).” These words kept ringing in my heart. 9 I die, can I tell people that I have no regret, that I have lived, loved, laughed and left a legacy? I havent done anything for anyone _10_!,loved,before,yet,讨论 3,4,5, 6, 7,I saw a brand new BMW. The color, the logo, the shape, everything was so _3_ . Thats exactly what I was dying for! A. interesting B. loving C. inviting D. inspiring,be dying for sth: want sth very much,inviting: attractive,The driver, who was a man in his seventies, got out of the car with a medical report in his hand and 4 straight for the main building. A. came B. wondered C. looked D. headed,head: n. 头,head: v. to move in a particular direction (朝某方向前进),I was midway 5 when I heard a mans voice, “They say my 6 is now in advanced stage, and I dont have many days left.” A. across B. down C. through D. up,从表面走过了一半,往下走了一半,从内部穿了一半,往上走了一半,cancer,The old man came back so quickly! Afraid of being 7 , I hid myself behind the car. A. spotted B. beaten C. misunderstood D. recognised,spot: n. 斑点,污渍,v. to see or notice a person or thing (看见,注意到),总结:,熟词-新意,Everything was so inviting. He headed for the building. I was midway through. Afraid of being spotted, ,Lets practice! -写出下面单词你所知道的所有意思,run,1. Your nose is running. (流动) 2. The bus to Chunxi Road runs every half-hour. (行驶) 3. He runs a company. (经营),Lets practice! -多的是,你不知道的事,Lets practice! -多的是,你不知道的事,develop,1. She developed cancer at the age of 56. (患上疾病) 2. Einstein develops his ideas more fully in his later books. (阐明) 3. I will develop the film(胶卷) tomorrow. (冲洗),Lets practice! -多的是,你不知道的事,admit,1. It was a stupid thing to do, I admit. (承认) 2. He was admitted to Cambridge at the age of 17. (接收) 3. The theatre only admits 1,000 persons. (容纳),bear,1. 2. Senior Three students bear lots of pressure. (承受) 3. She wasnt able to bear children. (生育),Lets practice!,It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 起作用 His name escaped me for the moment. 想不起 In class, every minute counts. 很重要,In this new school, everything is foreign to me. 陌生的 He placed his hand on her shoulder. 放置 He is badly in need of a haircut. 急切地,2014年高考说明 -对阅读能力的要求,1 理解归纳语篇的主旨和要义; 2 理解语篇中具体信息; 3 根据语篇上下文推测词义; 4 简单的判断和推理; 5 理解语篇的基本结构; 6 理解作者的意图、观点和态度,
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