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临床药师的必备资料药历,2019/10/17,2,药历及其临床意义 药历的类型 SOAP法记录药历书写实例三则 药历记录的格式与要求,大 纲,2019/10/17,3,药历及其临床意义,一、药历的背景资料 华西药学院的临床药学教育 1989年开始国内首次临床药学本科教育(5年制) 医疗机构药事管理暂行规定已于2002年1月21日由国家卫生部、中医药管理局颁布执行。第十七条 逐步建立临床药师制度,2019/10/17,4,05年10月召开卫生部临床药师培训基地工作会议建立“临床药师培训基地”,06年第一批学员参加培训。 培训的重点项目之一-书写药历,2019/10/17,5,2007年10月启动临床药师制度试点工作,2019/10/17,6,二、书写药历的临床意义 参与临床 药师走出药房,深入病房,为临床第一线工作的医师、护士提供药学服务,促进临床合理用药,提高医疗服务质量。,2019/10/17,7,建立临床思维 在实践过程中发现药师参加临床的实践活动中缺乏系统的临床思维培训;那么,临床药师如何能够建立临床思维,更好的开展临床药学服务呢? 1、阅读医疗病历, 2、建立临床药物治疗为主线的药历。,2019/10/17,8,临床药师的资料库药历 如同病历是医师了解患者既往病史和治疗过程的宝贵依据一样,药历是临床药师的必备资料,是以药物治疗为中心的技术档案,是为患者进行个体化药物治疗的重要依据。,2019/10/17,9,一、纯医疗模式的药历 在美国的部分医院,临床药师参与病房的查房和病例讨论,并可以将关于合理用药方面的建议直接写入病历中。,药历的类型,2019/10/17,10,二、以药物治疗为主的药历 任何与治疗结果相关的生化检查、临床表现、医疗措施和药物治疗方案,均应分类记录在案。系统地介绍药历书写前后药师应该询问、关心并记录的信息。,2019/10/17,11,三、以用药指导为目的的药历 主要记录治疗方案、用法用量、服药时间和发药数量、用药指导、应对患者继续观察的项目。药师根据这些信息评估药物-药物,药物-疾病间的相互作用,判断患者服药的依从性和下一次取药的大概时间。 建立和应用家庭病床静脉输液治疗的药历和数据库。,2019/10/17,12,四、以问题为线索的药历 根据患者的病症,记录患者的主诉和相关检查结果,作出判断,提出建议。 这个方式较为直接、省时,是社区药房的药师为患者服务时可采取的药历记录方式。,2019/10/17,13,五、IC卡式药历: 是将病人的全部信息、病史、药物治疗情况以及药师的用药建议等输入IC卡,具有方便携带和迅速调阅、掌握病人情况的优点。,2019/10/17,14,六、SOAP药历模式 美国芝加哥大学伊利诺分校和阿拉巴马州大学的药学院pharm.D教学中教授并延用至今的 SOAP 模式,是一种较为规范的书写格式。它按照这四个字母的顺序扼要系统地书写整理,详细记录整个发病和治疗过程,以便在病情变化、再次入院或探讨药物治疗合理性时,能够迅速准确地掌握患者的情况,2019/10/17,15,S(subjective)即主观性资料:病人的主诉、病史、不良反应、药物过敏史、既往用药史; O(objective)即客观性资料:病人的生命体征、临床各种生化检验指标、影像学检查、血/尿/痰/粪培养结果,血药浓度监测值等;,SOAP法记录药历书写实例三则,2019/10/17,16,A(analysis)即临床诊断药物治疗过程中的分析评价; P(plan)即治疗方案:选择具体的药物名称、给药途径、剂量、间隔时间、疗程以及用药指导相关建议。 优点:能够扼要、系统地书写整理,详细记录病人发病及治疗用药的全部过程。,2019/10/17,17,实例一 美国药历格式 实例二 国内药历格式 实例三 我院药历格式,2019/10/17,18,实例一 美国药历格式,CHIEF COMPLAINT(主诉) K.H. is a 52-year-old man who comes to the clinic today with complaints of shortness of breath and increased sputum production. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS(现病史) He reports that a rash began yesterday. He also complains of feeling depressed, lacking energy, waking up early in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep, a decreased appetite, and a general lack of interest in everything, including his job and his family for the last 6 weeks. Although he has several medical problems, he has been doing well prior to this episode.,2019/10/17,19,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY(既往病史) Chronic bronchitis secondary to smoking. Increasing SOB over last two years. Patient injured his right leg in a fall seven months ago. Deep vein thrombosis in the calf developed a week later. SOCIAL HISTORY(社会史) K.H. has a stable and happy marriage; he has two sons in college, both doing well. K.H. continues to smoke 1 pack per day; he has 50 pack-year history. K.H. tried marijuana once with his son but did not like it.,2019/10/17,20,MEDICATION HISTORY(既往用药史) Theodur 600 mg bid for 2 years Terbutaline inhaler 4 puffs qid and pm for 2 years Vibramycin 100 mg qd for bronchitis x 10 days Warfarin 3 mg qd, started 7 months ago Acetaminophen prn headache ALLERGIES(过敏史) None known,2019/10/17,21,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION(体格检查) GEN: Middle aged man, in severe distress VS: BP 120/80, HR 100 reg, T 37.6, RR 32, Wt 80 kg, Ht 57“ HEENT: Normal COR: Normal S1 and S2; no S3, S4 or murmurs CHEST: Numerous rales, rhonchi, and wheezes ABD: No organomegaly GU: WNL RECT: WNL EXT: NL DTRs, maculopapular rash on trunk and thighs NEURO: Oriented x 3, WNL,2019/10/17,22,RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTS(实验室检查) Na 140 Hct 55 Alb 4 K 4.0 Hgb 17.5 TBili .8 Cl 101 WBC 8.1 Glu 95 Uric acid 7.4 HCO3 28 Plts 305k Ca 8.8 BUN 37 Cr 1.2 P04 2.6 AST 40 ALT 35 Mg 2.0 PT 25 (INR = 3) WBC differential: Neutrophils 4.8, bands 0, lymphs 3.0, monos .5, eos .12 ABGs: pH 7.37, P02 55, PCO2 49 PFTs: pre-bronchodilator FEV1 = 2000 mL (50% of FVC), post-bronchodilator FEV1 = 2600 mL (65% of FVC) Gram stain of sputum sample was unsuitable due to numerous squamous epithelial cells Urinalysis: WNL Chest x-ray: Clear, no signs of pneumonia,2019/10/17,23,PHARMACY-RELATED PROBLEM LIST 1. Chronic bronchitis in an acute exacerbation 2. Drug allergy 3. Depression 4. Deep Vein Thrombosis PROBLEM 1. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS EXACERBATION S: K.H. complains of SOB and increased sputum production. O: K.H. has a decreased FEV1, rales, rhonchi, wheezes, an increased respiratory rate, pulse, Hct and Hgb, and arterial blood gases that show an increased PCO2 and a decreased oxygen. K.H. has a 50 pack-year smoking history.,2019/10/17,24,A: K.H. has a symptomatic exacerbation of his chronic bronchitis that requires treatment. Smoking is the most likely etiology of the chronic bronchitis, while a viral upper respiratory tract infection is probably the cause of the acute exacerbation since K.H. shows no signs of systemic bacterial infection. He has a normal WBC, he is afebrile, and his chest x-ray is clear. The use of antibiotics in this situation is controversial, although recent evidence suggests a benefit. Pre-bronchodilator and post-bronchodilator FEV1 show reversible airway obstruction. The theophylline level is within the therapeutic range and there is
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