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一些句式的翻译,是字句的翻译,Contents,定语的位置,一所以搞科研为重点的医院 重要的事情 一个当选希望极微的候选人 一个要饭的,身材矮小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛,瘸腿,蓬头垢面。,a research-oriented hospital something important(=something of importance) a candidate with little chance of success a little, yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar,汉语:逻辑关系,关系越密切,离中心语越近。领属时间、处所数量动词性短语(怎样的)形容词性短语(什么样的)性质、类别、范围。 带“的”的定语在不带“的”的定语之前 结构复杂的定语在结构简单的定语之前 英语:县官行令谢国才 a nice long new black British plastic pen 英汉语言都把名词,以及表出处,指示基本特征的形容词靠近名词,注意固定词组顺序 eg:军事法庭、,秘书长、当选总统 英语中某些表示方位的词也后置 eg:这的人,那边的那个工厂,出路,国外旅行 英文定语词序:次第-时间-本质定语-中心词-判断性定语-陈述性定语-国别定语 中文定语词序:国别-时间-次第-判断性定语-陈述性定语-本质定语-中心词,同位语:英语中一般在中心词后,汉语则较灵活,可前可后。 我们中国人 他们全体 这是我们医院的院长张先生 陪同贵宾的有国务院总理温家宝,英国是第一个承认中华人民共和国的西方大国。 Britain was the first Western power to recognize PRC. 他想找一个可靠的人帮助工作。 He wanted to get someone reliable to help in the work. 到场的来宾有一些是外国记者。 The guests present included a few foreign journalists.,状语的位置,英语中:方式、地点、时间 汉语中:时间、地点、方式 咱们后天在老李家碰头吧。 Lets meet at Old Lis the day after tomorrow. 汉译英时,为表示强调,可将状语提前,放在句首。 边防战士们日日夜夜守卫着祖国的边疆。 Day and night, frontier guards defend our motherlands border areas.,习惯不同 钢铁工业the iron and steel industry 敌我矛盾contradictions between ourselves and the enemy 衣食住行food, clothing, shelter, and transportation 新老干部应彼此尊重 Cadres, old and new should respect each other,他穿过马路,左顾右盼,害怕撞到过路的车子上。 While crossing the road, he looked right and left, afraid that he might run into some passing car. 他们的部队水陆并进,及时抵达前线。 Their troops advanced by both land and water, and arrived at the front in time. 他率领部队南征北战,越战越强。 The troops led by him became stronger and stronger when they fought north and south on many fronts.,我党和广大人民群众永远血肉相连。 Our Party and the masses of the people are always as close as flesh and blood. 无论晴雨,我们明天非去不可。 Rain or shine, well have to go tomorrow.,语态,一些习惯用语的英译可采用被动语态 应该说 据报告 据谣传 人们认为 普遍认为 人们相信 众所周知 据说 已经证明 人们希望,据悉 据推测 据估计 必须指出 必须承认 可见 由此可见 无可否认 可以肯定 可以有把握地说,把字句的翻译,1. 宾语是后面动词的受事,表示“处置”; 2. 后面的名词指当事者,表示发生不如意的事情; 3. “把甲当乙”; 4. 带双宾语的“把”字句; 5. 零位主语“把”字句用作祈使句;,1 表处置的把字句,可以用“动词+宾语+补语/状语”来翻译 我的一位朋友最近把他的房子油漆过了。 A friend of mine has had his house painted. 如果他不规规矩矩,我就把他关在那个房子里。 If he wont behave himself, Ill have him locked up in the room.,不一会儿, 他们把桌子板凳都摆好了 Soon they had all the tables and benches in place. 他把梯子靠墙竖着。 He stood the ladder against the wall. 千万把这封信放在他能找到的地方。 Be sure to put the letter where he can find it.,2表示“致使”的“把”字句:宾语之后接忙,累,急,气,吓等加补语,有致使的意味。可以用英语中有致使意的动词灵活翻译。 这一趟把他累坏了 The trip tired him out. 你怎么来这么晚,真把人急死了! Why are you so late? We were worried to death about you. 真把我饿死了! Im nearly starved to death.,3 把甲当作乙:用“动词+宾语+as/for” 他错把我当成我兄弟了。 He mistook me for my brother. 村里人不把我当作外人。 People in village didnt treat me as a stranger.,连动句的翻译,所谓“连动句”,就是一种两个或两个以上的动词共用一个主语的结构,其中动词可以带宾语、补语,但不带连词。 连动句又分为并列式、从属式和链式三种,各自译法有所不同。,1 并列式连动句: 并列式连动式中的几个动词表示两个动作的同时或几乎同时关系时,常将其中比较次要的译作英语中的现在分词(作伴随状语); 表示两个动作先后关系时,常译成两个英语动词,并用and 连接。,他把书接过来摆在膝盖上。 He took the book and laid it on his lap 他放下杯子站起来。 He put down the cup and stood up. 我悄悄地披了大衫,带上门出去了。 Shrugging on an over coat, I made my way out, closing the door behind me.,汉语中有些词组看似并列,其实不然。翻译时不应拘泥于连动句的一般方法。 来龙去脉 考虑来考虑去 披头散发 穿针引线,2 从属式连动句 从属式连动句中的几个动词有主次之分,主要动词与次要动词之间有条件、方式、对象、目的、因果等关系。英译时,一般将主要动词译成英语的谓语动词,将其他动词译作不定式、分词、介词短语等。,那老汉下意识地举起手来搔他那光秃秃的头顶。 The old man involuntarily raised his hand to scratch his bald head. 去年我和弟弟回乡去看朋友。 Last year I went home with my brother to visit our friends. 不久,他捧着那本书回来了。 Very soon, he came back holding that book in his hand.,她站在门口笑。 She stood at the door, grinning. 人民起来反抗压迫。 The people rose against oppression. 我们应当起来捍卫真理。 We should come forward in defense of truth.,3 链式连动句的翻译 链式连动式由两个或两个以上有逻辑关系的主谓结构并列而成,是比较复杂的并列式或从属连动式。链式连动式表示动作先后关系时,译文中可用and 表示;链式连动式表示从属关系时,应仔细辨别各动词之间的关系,找出主要动词,并根据英语习惯进行翻译,这个犯罪团伙,持枪劫车,杀人越货,真是罪大恶极。 The band of criminal gunmen hijacked trucks, killed drivers and looted the goods. Even death cannot atone for their offense.,兼语句的翻译,所谓兼语句,即谓语有两个动词,前一个动词的宾语,又是后一个动词的主语,前后两个动词不共一个主语。,1 当兼语句的第一个动词是“使,叫,让,教,请,劝,派,催,逼,要求,命令,请求,迫使,引诱,号召,鼓励,促进,动员,禁止,防止,阻挠”等时,第二个动词常化为宾补(由不定式、介词短语、形容词、介词、副词、分词或名词来充当) 。 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.,当局要求灾区群众开展生产自救,重建家园。 The authorities urged the people in disaster areas to overcome the adversity through greater production and to rebuild their own homes. 他迫使对方处于守势。 He forced his opponent into a defensive position. 地震使所有的房子都成了废墟。 The earthquake reduced all the houses to ruins.,2 英语中有表示“促使,促成”意义的词,也可以用它们来翻译,可以使句子简练有力。 这真叫我吃惊! 这会使孩子们高兴的。 这一暴行使全世界公众舆论感到震惊。,3 兼语式的第一个动词为“表扬”、“称赞”、“埋怨”、“责怪”、“批评”等时,往往可将第二个动词译成英语中表示原因的状语从句或状语性短语。 报上批评这位作家没有真实地反映生活。 Newspapers criticized the author because he failed to present a true picture of life in his works.,指挥员表扬他有勇气。 The commander praised him for his courage. 她责备孩子迟迟不回家。 She reproached her child for staying out late.,4 兼语句也要灵活翻译,要有将汉语动词名词化的意识。 我讨厌人们整天进进出出这里。 I dont want people coming in and out all day. 他不喜欢人家批评他。 He hates criticism.,要使十几亿中国人生活的更好 to ensure a better life for the more than one billion Chinese people
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