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,Module 2,外研版五年级上册,Unit 1 What did you buy?,Lead in,go shopping,Did you go shopping for your family?,What did you buy?,New words,list,清单,er,need,first,can,哦,嗯,呃,需要,首先,第一,最先的,可以,New words,lost,(lose的过去式)丢失,how much,cheese,any,多少,奶酪,一些,一点,若干,Look, listen and say.,Mr Smart:Sam, go and buy some fruit, please. Heres the list. Sam:OK.,Mr Smart:What did you buy? Where is the fruit? Sam:Er. Here! I ate it all.,Mr Smart:Sam, go and buy some fruit, please. Heres the list. Sam:OK.,Mr Smart:What did you buy?Where is the fruit? Sam:Er. Here! I ate it all.,list,清单,Er,哦,嗯,呃,ate,eat的过去式,Heres the list.,Grammar,本句是由here引导的倒装句,其正常语序为:The list is here.看到here引导的倒装句时要注意,当主语是名词时,要倒装,即:Here+谓语+主语.;当主语是代词时,不倒装,即:Here+主语+谓语.。,eg:Here is an English book. Here they are.,What did you buy?,本句是由what引导的一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,其句型结构为:“疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+其他?”。,eg:I bought some fruit yesterday. I didnt buy anything.,(1)陈述句。,eg:Did you go shopping last Sunday? Yes, I did./No, I didnt.,(2)一般疑问句。,(3)特殊疑问句。,eg:What did you buy? I bought some apples.,eg:Where did you go last week? I went to Shanghai.,Listen, read and act out.,At Home,Ms Smart:We need food for our picnic. Mr Smart:Ill make a shopping list. Ms Smart:First, we need six bananas. Amy:Lingling likes apples. Ms Smart:OK, we can buy four apples. .,制作一张购物清单,野餐,首先,第一,can,可以,At the Supermarket,Mr Smart:Oh no! I lost the list. How many apples did your mum say? Amy:Four apples.,Mr Smart:How much cheese did she say? Amy:I dont know.,(lose的过去式)失去,多少,奶酪,超市,At Home,Ms Smart:What did you buy? Mr Smart:We bought some apples. Amy:We also bought four pears. Ms Smart:How many bananas did you buy? Mr Smart and Amy: We didnt buy any bananas. We bought twelve eggs. Ms Smart:Twelve eggs? Oh, no!,一些,若干,你们买了些什么?,1. Who went to the supermarket?,Answer the questions below.,2. Did they buy wrong things?,3. How many apples did they buy?,Mr Smart and Amy.,Yes, they did.,They bought four apples.,Grammar,First, we need six bananas.,first的用法:,(1)本句中first意为“首先,第一”,常位于句首单独使用。,eg:First, we need twelve eggs.,(3)first还可以用来表示“日期”。,eg:Today is April first.,eg:Lingling won the first place in the exam.,(2)first还可以作序数词,表示顺序,须跟定冠词the连用。它所对应的基数词是one“一”。,OK, we can buy four apples.,can的用法:,(1)表示“能、会”,指脑力或体力方面的“能力”。,eg:Jim can swim but I cant.,(2)表示“可能”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。,eg:Han Mei cant be in the classroom.,(3)表示“可以”,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事。,eg:Can I have a cup of tea, please?,How much cheese did she say?,本句是由how much引导的特殊疑问句,how much意为“多少”,cheese意为“奶酪”,为不可数名词,所以需要由how much引导,来对不可数名词的数量提问。,eg:How much water did you drink yesterday?,how many与how much的区别:,(1)how many用来修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是:How many+复数名词+一般疑问句?,eg:How many days are there in a week?,(2)how much用来修饰不可数名词,也可单独使用。,用来询问数量,后接不可数名词。,eg:How much milk is there in the glass?,用来询问事物的重量。,eg:How much does the pig weigh? Eighty kilos.,how much意为“多少钱”时,可单独使用,也可构成词组how much money,但英语中常省略money,用来询问某物的价格。,eg:How much is the eraser? Two yuan.,用来询问数字计算的结果,相当于what。,eg:How much is nineteen plus five? Its twenty-four.,Listen and say.,How many bananas did you buy?,We didnt buy any bananas. We bought twelve eggs.,Practise.,What did you buy? How many . did you buy? Did you buy .?,What did you buy?,I bought five pears.,Did you buy any bananas?,Yes, I bought six bananas.,Exercise,一、给下列句子排列成一段完整的话。,( )First, we want four apples. ( )We need some food for dinner. ( )OK, lets go to the supermarket. ( )Ill make a shopping list.,1,2,3,4,二、单项选择。,( )1._ bananas do you want? Six, please. A.How many B.How much C.How ( )2.How _ cheese do you want? Half a kilo. A.about B. many C.much ( )3.What _ you buy? I bought some fruit. A.do B.are C.did,A,C,C,
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