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2019考博英语练习题1. If only the patient _a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.A. had received B. received C. should receive D. were receiving2. School children ought to be _ to their parents and teachers.A. alien B. transient C. obedient D. current3. The Collectors Edition coin is _, and represents a true collectors treasure to be appreciated for generations to come.A. unlikely any Elvis Presley collectible ever releasedB. unlikely, and Elvis Presley collectible never releasedC. unlike any Elvis Presley collectible never releasedD. unlike any Elvis Presley collectible ever released4. It eliminates the complicated _, do not have to spend time around friends, you just need to sit at home and can easily be completed.A. engagementB. date C. itineraryD. appointment5.Hewassoabsorbedinhisworkthathewas_tothingsgoingonaroundhim.A.obliviousB.digestibleC.dormantD.introvert6.Wewere_throughthethickundergrowthwhenwesuddenlycame acrossafast-flowingstream.A.scribbling B.scrambling C.scratching D.scraping7. Hampshires assertions, far from showing that we can _ the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more _ than we had thought.A. dismiss relevantB. adapt pressingC. admire elusiveD. rediscover unconventional8. I found it difficult to _ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.A. intensifyB. amendC. reconcileD. consolidate9. The reason for the traffic accident in the morning was _ one of the drivers had lost control of his car.A. thatB. whyC. howD. when10. Do you agree with the saying that the monkey was the_ of the human race?A. offspring B. successor C. breeder D. predecessor11. Johns application for _ to graduate studies in the School of Education has been approved.A. entrance B. admission C. experience D. allowance12. The old farmer put up iron fences around the flower garden _ neighbors sheep should break in.A. on condition that B. now that C. lest D. but13.Althougharecessionisusuallycharacterizedbyatleasttwoconsecutivequartersof_GDP,thisisnotafixedrule.A.falling B.declining C.fluctuating D.impending14._shewonderedifshehadmadeamistake.A.Notuntillongafterwardsthat B.NotlonguntilafterwardsC.Itwasnotuntillongafterwardsthat D.Itwaslongafterwardsuntil15. The history of life on earth has been a history of _ between man and his surroundings.A. interaction B. interference C. interpretation D. integrity 16. You forgot your keys when you left home in the morning. Good heavens, _.A. so did I. B. so I did. C. so you did. D. so did you.17. People must try their best to prevent endangered species of wildlife from becoming extinct in order that their future generations may enjoy the great _ of animal life.A. perplexity B. incessancy C. diversity D. benevolence18. My parents took the 7 0clock plane yesterday, and they _ in New York by now.A. will arrive B. will be arriving C. will have arrived D. are arriving【翻译练习】1.玛丽给彼得设了个陷阱,而他就真的掉了进去。2.从这个意义上说,儿童和大人享有同样的权利。3.世界上没有两片叶子是相同的。4.周五9月14日,众所期待的凯蒂猫豪华咖啡厅(the highly-anticipated Hello Kitty Grand Cafe)在加利福尼亚大学欧文分校(Irvine, California)开店,里面的内部装饰就是你想象中的那么可爱。5.马男波杰克(Bojack Horseman)讲述的是一位90年代失败的情景喜剧明星(sitcom star)碰巧也是一匹马在试图东山再起时,与自我厌恶、酗酒和失败的恋爱关系作斗争。6.星巴克(Starbucks)在墨西哥城开了一家专门雇用老年人的咖啡厅。7.在爱奇艺(iQIYI)中文在线视频平台上播放的一部长达70集的名为延禧宫略(StoryofYanxiPalace)的电视剧创下了网络电视节目单日7亿多人次收看的记录。8.据报道,中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(Chinese e-commerce behemoth Alibaba Group)的联合创始人兼执行董事长马云(Jack Ma)即将退休。9. 中国科学家近日研制出一种可在海水中降解的塑料,或将有助于控制日益严重的海洋塑料污染问题。【参考答案】1.A【句意】只要这位病人接受一种不同的治疗而不是使用抗生素,他现在可能仍然活着。【解析】语法题表示与过去情况相反的虚拟语气。由句中关键词“insteadofusingtheantibiotics而不是使用抗生素”与“hemightstillbealivenow他现在可能仍然活着”的对应知这里表示“与过去情况相反的虚拟”,再由这类虚拟语气中从句谓语动词为过去完成时知A项“hadreceived”正确。2.C【句意】学龄儿童应该服从父母和老师。【解析】形容词词义辨析。填入的形容词作句子的表语,其主语是Schoolchildren,由关键信息totheirparentsandteachers“对其父母和老师”可知obedient“顺从的,服从的”符合语境,因此答案选C。alien“异域的;陌生的;不相容的”;transient“短暂的;临时的”;current“当前的;流通的”。3.D【句意】此款收藏版硬币,不同于任何曾经发行的埃维斯普里斯利的收藏品,代表着一个真正的收藏家的珍品,其在未来的世代将会升值。【解析】固定搭配。由“unlikely”一般构成it is unlikely that(后接从句)“不太可能”或be unlikely to do sth.“不大可能做某事”知A项与B项不符合;再由关键词“represents a true collectors treasure代表一个真正的收藏家的珍品”的对应知这里指代“这款硬币与曾经发布的产品不一样”;也由此知D项“不同于任何曾经发行的埃维斯普里斯利的收藏品”正确;C项“不像任何从未发布的埃维斯普里斯利收藏品”在句意上不符合逻辑。4.C【句意】它除去了繁琐的旅行计划
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