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NUMERICAL MECHANICS APPLICATIONS User Manual IGG v8 Interactive Grid Generator - April 2011 - NUMERICAL MECHANICS APPLICATIONS User Manual IGG v8 Documentation v8e NUMECA International Chausse de la Hulpe, 189 1170 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 647.83.11 Fax: +32 2 647.93.98 Web: Contents IGGiii CHAPTER 1:Getting Started1-1 1-1 What is IGG ? 1-1 1-2 Structure of the Manual 1-2 1-3 Installation then, the action can be performed just like before the viewing. This is useful when operations have to be executed in very distant areas of the model. Moreo- ver, to avoid the displacement of the mouse cursor over the correct viewing button, sev- eral viewing commands and tools are accessible with keyboard shortcuts listed in the dedicated section of this chapter (see section 2-3.1). a) X, Y, and Z projection buttons These buttons allow to view the graphics objects on X, Y or Z projection plane. Left : press this mouse button to project the view on an X, Y or Z constant plane. If the same button is pressed more than one time, the horizontal axis sense changes at each press. b) Coordinate axis The coordinate axis button acts as a toggle to display different types of coordinate axis on the active view using the following mouse buttons: Left : press to turn on/off the display of symbolic coordinate axis at the lower right corner of the view. Middle : press to turn on/off the display of scaled coordinate axis for the active view. The axis surrounds all objects in the view and may not be visible when the view is zoomed in. Graphical User InterfaceGUI Description 2-8IGG Right : press to turn on/off the display of IJK axis at the origin of the active block (in Block viewing scope) or of all the blocks (in Grid viewing scope). For more information about the viewing scope, see the View/Grid page of the Quick Access Pad (section FIGURE 6.4.4-1 on page 6-30). c) Scrolling This button is used to translate the contents of active view within the plane of graphics window in the direction specified by the user. Following functions can be performed with the mouse buttons: Left: press and drag the left mouse button to indicate the translation direction. The translation is proportional to the mouse displacement. Release the button when finished. The translation magnitude is automatically calculated by measuring the distance between the initial clicked point and the current position of the cursor. Middle : press and drag the middle mouse button to indicate the translation direction. The trans- lation is continuous in the indicated direction. Release the button when finished. The translation speed is automatically calculated by measuring the distance between the initial clicked point and the current position of the cursor. d) 3D viewing button This button allows to perform viewing operations directly in the graphics area. Allowed operations are 3D rotation, scrolling and zooming. After having selected the option, move the mouse to the active view, then: Press and drag the left mouse button to perform a 3D rotation Press and drag the middle mouse button to perform a translation Press and drag the middle mouse button, while holding the key, to perform a zoom To select the centre of rotation, hold the key and press the left mouse button on a geom- etry curve, a vertex or a surface (even if this one is visualized with a wireframe model). The centre of rotation is always located in the center of the screen. So, when changing it, the model is moved according to its new value. This 3D viewing tool is also accessible with the key. e) Rotate about x, y or z axis The rotation buttons are used to rotate graphical objects on the active view around the X, Y or Z axis. The rotations are always performed around the centre of the active view. Following functions can be performed with the mouse buttons: Left : press and drag the left mouse button to the left or to the right. A clockwise or counter- clockwise rotation will be performed, proportional to the mouse displacement. Release the but- ton when finished. Middle : press and drag the middle mouse button to the left or to the right. A continuous rota- tion will be performed, clockwise or counterclockwise. Release the button when finished. f) Zoom in/out This button is used for zooming operations on the active view. Zooming is always performed around the centre of the view. Following functions can be performed with the mouse buttons: Left : press and drag the left mouse button to the left or to the right. A zoom in - zoom out will be performed, proportional to the mouse displacement. Release the button when finished. GUI DescriptionGraphical User Interface IGG2-9 Middle : press and drag the middle mouse button to the left or to the right. A continuous zoom in - zoom out will be performed. Release the button when finished. g) Region zoom This button allows to specify a rectangular area of the active view that will be fitted to the view dimensions. After having selected the button
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