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NUMERICAL MECHANICS APPLICATIONS User Manual FINE/Turbo v8.9 Flow Integrated Environment - April 2011 - NUMERICAL MECHANICS APPLICATIONS User Manual FINE/Turbo v8.9 Documentation v8.9b NUMECA International Chausse de la Hulpe, 187-189 1170 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 647.83.11 Fax: +32 2 647.93.98 Web: Contents FINE/Turboiii CHAPTER 1:Getting Started1-1 1-1 Overview 1-1 1-2 Introduction 1-1 Components 1-1 Multi-Tasking 1-2 Project Management 1-2 1-3 How To Use This Manual 1-4 Outline 1-4 Conventions 1-4 1-4 First Time Use 1-5 Basic Installation 1-5 Expert Graphics Options 1-5 1-5 How to start the FINE/Turbo Interface 1-6 1-6 Required Licenses 1-6 Standard FINE/Turbo License 1-6 Additional Licenses 1-7 CHAPTER 2:Graphical User Interface2-1 2-1 Overview 2-1 2-2 Project Selection 2-2 Create New Project 2-2 Open Existing Project 2-4 Grid Units making the grid using IGG, running the computation with the FINE/Turbo solver and visualizing the results with CFView. Furthermore, the user has the possibility to start, stop and control multiple computations. Please note that the flow simulation can be time consuming, therefore the possibility of running computa- tions in background has been implemented. See Chapter 11 for more detail on how to manage mul- tiple tasks through the interface or in background. 1-2.3Project Management To manage complete flow analyses, FINE/Turbo integrates the concept of project. A project involves grid generation, flow computation and visualization tasks. The results of each of these tasks are stored in different files that are automatically created, managed and modified within FINE/Turbo: The grid files: The grid generation process, IGG, creates files containing the representation of the geometry and the grid related to the project. The definition of the types of boundary con- ditions is also done during this process. The five files that contain the information about the mesh have the extensions “.igg“, “.geom“, “.bcs“, “.config“ and “.cgns“. The project file: The project file is created by FINE/Turbo. It has the extension “.iec“ and contains the input parameters needed for the flow computations. The result files: FINE/Turbo creates a new subdirectory for each computation where it stores the following files: a file with extension “.run“ containing all computation input parameters used by the solver and by CFView, a “.cgns“ file that contains the solution and that is used for restarting the solver, a “.res“ file used by the Monitor to visualize the residual history (see Chapter 12), two files used to visualize the convergence history in the Steering with extensions “.steer- ing“ and “.steering.binary“ (see Chapter 12). two files with extensions “.mf“ and “.wall“ that contain global solution parameters. a “.xmf“ file that stores the information contained in the “.mf“ file in XML format. two files with extensions “.std“ and “.log“ that contain information on the flow computation process. a “.batch“ file used to launch the computation in batch (see Chapter 11). The CFView visualization files: In addition to the “.run“ file, the flow solver creates a series of files, which can be read by CFView. These files have different extensions. For example in case of turbomachinery flow problem, the solver will create a file for the azimuthal averaged results with extension “.me.cfv“. Through the interface, the user can modify all the information stored in the files associated to the project. When creating a new project a new directory is made, e.g. “/project“. In this directory the project file is stored “/project/project.iec“ and a directory is created called “/project/_mesh“. In this direc- tory the grid files used for the computations can be stored. It is however also possible to select a grid that is located in another directory. Only one mesh file should be used for all computations in a project. If computations need to be done on another mesh file it is advised to duplicate the project (see section 2- IntroductionGetting Started FINE/Turbo1-3 3.1.4) or to create a new project (see section 2-3.1.1) for those computations. The special characters, such as , and et al., are not allowed in the path name. Off line files on Windows operation system are not supported Both the absolute and relative pathnames are used in “.iec“ and “.run“ files for the mesh and initial solution files. When moving the project from one location to another location in the local machine or between different machines (the same or different OS), the use of the relative pathnames allows the user to: open the graphical user interface and (re)start calculation without the need to (re)link the mesh and pathnames, open a solution file within CFView without the need to open the graphical user interface, start calculations in batch mode without the need to open the graphical user interface and (re)link the mesh and pathnames. The limitations on the use of relative pathnames are as follow
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