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Unit2 A Womans place is in the home一、 单元分析 (Unit Analysis)(一) 单元地位 (Unit Position)1. 本课描述了一个关于女性是否应该成为家庭主妇的一个班级辩论活动,让同学熟悉了辩论的流程和基本用语。教师可以围绕“女性地位”这一主题,激发学生的思考,让同学更多的去关心一些社会问题和现象,通过收集有关资料对家庭主妇的生活有所了解,并提出自己的看法。2. 教师可以设计一个辩论活动来让学生将说学习到的辩论用语和辩论词的写作结构得以输出,通过学生思想火花的碰撞,给他们提供更多有趣,新颖的观点,提高学生的语言表达和组织能力,为他们之后的写作任务提供素材。 3. 本课的语法现象是掌握分词做定语,分词做表语的的使用,教师可以安排游戏或者竞赛的形式,来训练学生对于这个语法点的应用。 (二)单元目标 (Unit Target)1. 了解女性在社会中的重要地位2. 掌握分词做定语,分词做表语的用法3. 学会与他人辩论的技巧4. 练习三大阅读技能:skimming, scanning以及利用关联词来分析文章结构 (三)单元重点 (Unit Points)1. 关键词:Bring up, burden, capable of, chairperson, clinging, concede, confined, discrimination, life expectancy, manual labour, motion, play a compliment, priorities, proposing, suggestion2. 功能:Group interaction: Disagreeing politely(参考课本第35页 Speaking)3. 语法点:1) 掌握分词做定语,分词做表语的用法一、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1 Reading作为“女性地位”这一主题的引入,教师可以让学生看一些关于成功女性的图片和文字描述,来引入本文的主题。 链接1由于本文是一篇辩论题材文章,教师应指导学生熟悉辩论稿的写作手法,分析文章结构,协助他们完成相关练习,使他们对文章内容能有更深刻、全面地了解。链接2课本第24页Reading 部分。2 Listening作为教材第28页的听力练习部分是指导帮助学生来如何转换信息的,教师可按照课本要求和实际情况带领学生完成相关的习题。课文第28页Listening部分3 Speaking以“女性地位”为主题设计两个口语活动。活动一:根据课文内容和阅读相关材料,以小组采访的形式来与各成员讨论他们是否愿意自己或者自己的伴侣成为家庭主妇,并说明理由。活动二:让学生看一组当地要求给家庭主妇发放工资的新闻,根据学生的观点把他们分为两组进行辩论。链接3课文第35页Speaking 部分4 Writing学生通过之前的活动,已经对辩论题材的文章有一定的了解,教师应趁热打铁引导他们把自己的想法以辩论词的形式展现出来。链接4课文第38页Writing部分5 Language本课语法主要是分词使用的学习,在此基础上教师可以帮学生回顾下之前学过过去分词和现在分词的用法。除了利用课本上的图片和练习进行操练外,教师可以以竞赛的形式和学生一起回顾历年相关的高考题。如果条件允许教师还可以让学生在自己喜欢看的英语报刊杂志上找出自己喜欢的句子带进课堂来与大家分享。链接5课文第30页Language 部分6 More Language Input 根据课时,来安排more language input 的讲解,教师可以按照课本要求和实际情况带领学生理解文章和完成相关的习题。课文第39页More Language Input 链接1活动一:说明: 作为导入,教师首先以一幅幅成功女性的图片和文字,使学生快速进入到课文主题。链接2说明:由于本文是一篇辩论题材的文章,教师在课文初步处理时可以采用jig-saw reading这一方法,可以化整篇阅读为段落阅读,使学生通过对所读课文内容的互动交流,完成不同的练习,实现从部分到整体,逐步熟悉掌握课文的目的。在活动的各阶段,教师可设计不同的任务,有针对性地训练学生的阅读能力。整个活动都是以小组为单位进行的,这就要求学生通过组员间的配合,来完成任务,培养学生互帮互助的团队合作精神。链接3活动一:说明:问卷调查是一个让学生搜集所需信息的一种与人沟通的技巧。该活动是一个能体现语言社会交际功能的活动,是贴近学生生活、真实的任务。通过采访周围的人,了解不同人的不同观点,并加以整理进行班级交流。不仅锻炼搜集信息的能力,也培养了整理信息的能力。SurveyName Point of ViewReason相关阅读材料:I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother. Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife. He is looking for another wife. As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that I, too, would like to have a wife. Why do I want a wife? I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent, support myself, and if need be, support those dependent upon me, I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am going to school I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife to keep track of the childrens doctor and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too. I want a wife who will wash the childrens clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturant attendant to my children, who arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care, because, of cause, I cannot miss classes at school. My wife must arrange to lose time at work and not lose the job. It may mean a small cut in my wifes income from time to time, but I guess I can tolerate that. Needless to say, my wife will arrange and pay for the care of the children while my wife is working. I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals, serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning up while I do my studying. I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and change of scene. I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wifes duties. But I want a wife who will listen to me when I feel the need to explain a rather difficult point I have come across in my course of studies. And I want a wife who type my papers for me when I have written them. I wan
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