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Who Is In Charge Here,1,PART,Watch A Video,5 dangerous things you should let your kids do,Think about these questions,Spoiling children is an act of love.,Parents should fulfill all the needs of their children.,Parents should always treat their children as friends.,Parents should never lay a hand on their children.,Discuss in group and tell me what do you think, please.,对动手,2,PART,Understanding,STRUCTURE AND MAIN IDEA,PARAGRAPH 1,Here is parenting (n,养育,抚养) parable(n.寓言故事)for our age. Carla Wagner,17, of Coral Gables.Fla. spent the afternoon drinking the tequila(n.龙舌兰酒)she charged on her American Express Gold Card before speeding off in hr high-performance Audi A4. She was dialing her cell phone when she ran over Helen Marie Witty, a 16-year-old honor student who was out rollerblading(v.滑旱冰).Charged with drunken driving and manslaughter(n.过失杀人), Carla was given a trial date-at which point her parents asked the judge whether it would be OK if Carla went ahead and spent the summer in Paris, as she usually does.,The kid was charged with drunken driving and manslaughter, but her parents still wanted to take her for fun.,PARAGRAPH 1,这是一则处在我们这个时代关于抚养孩子的预言故事。来自佛罗里达州科勒尔盖布而斯的17岁女孩Carla Wagner在花了一个下午喝龙舌兰酒并把费用记在了她的美国运通金卡上面。她驾驶高性能的奥迪A4超速行驶。当她正拨打手机的时候,撞倒了在外面滑旱冰的16岁优等生Helen Marie Witty. Carla被控告酒驾和过失杀人并给出正式审讯的日期。而此刻她的父母询问法官Carla 是否可以像往常一样先去Paris 度过这个夏天。,PARAGRAPH 2,A TIME /CNN poll finds that 80% of people think kids today are more spoiled than kids of 10 or 15years ago. and two-thirds of parents admit that their kids are spoiled. In New York City its the Bat Mitzvah whereN Sync was the band; in Houston its a catered (v.提供饮料及服务)$20,000 pink-themed party for 50 seven-year-old girls who all wore mink(n.貂皮) coats, like their moms.In Morton Grove.11,. its grade school teachers handing out candy and yo-yos (n.溜溜球)on Fridays to kids who actually managed to obey the rules that week. Go to the mall or a concert or a restaurant and you can find them in the wild, the kids who have never been told no, whose sense of power and entitlement (n.应有的权力;授权)leaves onlookers (n.旁观者)breathless , the sand-kicking , foot-stomping (v.跺,重踏步),arm-twisting, wheedling(v.讨好或奉承的方法获得某物), whining (v.抱怨,牢骚)despots(n.暴君,有至高无上权力的统治者) whose parents presumably deserve the company of the monsters they, after all, created.,Many people think kids today are spoiled.However, when they are in the wild ,the kids have never been told no.,PARAGRAPH 2,时代周刊和CNN的一项调查显示80%的人认为今天的孩子们比起10年或20年之前的孩子更是被宠坏了。三分之二的父母承认他们的孩子被宠坏了。在纽约的犹太女孩成人仪式上,N Sync到场助兴。在休斯顿有为50名7岁的孩子们举办的价值20000美金且提供饮食服务的粉红主题晚会,晚会上她们像妈妈们一样穿着貂皮大衣。在伊利诺伊州的莫顿格罗夫,一所小学老师在星期五分发糖果和溜溜球给这周努力遵守守规矩的孩子们。去购物中心、音乐会餐厅你会发现孩子们处于一种自然任性的状态下,他们踢沙子、跺脚、交叉手臂、奉承,那种享有权利和拥有权力的感觉令旁观者透不过气来,没有人告诉他们不能这样子。这些爱抱怨又专制的小孩们他们的父母很可能受到这些小恶人们的折磨,毕竟这是父母创造出来的。,PARAGRAPH 3,It is so tempting to accept the cartoon version of modern boomer parenting that it is easy to miss the passionate debate undernearth it.,承上启下,PARAGRAPH 3,Have we gone too far? Should we negotiate with our children or just inform them of the rules? Is $20 too much for lunch money? What chores should kids have to do, and which is extra credit? Can you treat them with respect without sacrificing your authority? Cheer them on without driving them too hard? Set them freebut still set limits?,The unending concern and confusion over where and how to draw the lines.,PARAGRAPH 3,接受现代婴儿潮一代人的亲子教育的简化版模式是如此的诱人,以至于我们容易忽视其背后的激烈争论。暂且不考虑两类极端类型的父母,即懒惰的、放任孩子的父母和聪明的、能自然做出明智选择的父母,在中间地带你听到对话是这样的,无休止的忧虑和困惑:到底应该在哪些方面、怎样去来实施对孩子的管制。我们是否已经走的太远,给予孩子们的权利已经超过了他们所能够控制的范围,填塞给孩子们的东西已经超过他们可能所需要的。我们是应该与我们的孩子协商制定规则或只是告知他们?20美元的午餐前是不是太多了? 孩子们应该有什么家务必须要做,还应该给予额外的奖赏吗?你能尊重他们而不牺牲自己的权威吗?你能为他们加油打气而不是穷追猛打吗?你能给他们自由而不是设置限制吗?,PARAGRAPH 3,Tempting adj. 吸引人的;诱惑人的 v. 引诱(tempt的ing形式) Aroma Tempting 香气诱人 Tempting Fate 诱惑人的命运 Passionate adj. 拥有(或表现出)强烈性爱的;情意绵绵的;怒不可遏的 adj. 热诚的;狂热的 a passionate interest in music 对音乐的浓厚兴趣 leave aside to not consider sth 不予考虑;搁置一边 A. leave sthaside Draw the lines to refuse to do sth; to set a limit 拒绝做;给定界限 A. draw the line (at sth/at doing sth) to distinguish between two closely related ideas 划界线;区分(两个密切相关的思想) B. draw the line (between sth and sth),语言知识,PARAGRAPH 4,Some of these are eternal questions. (承上启下) parents may often get the answers wrong wrestling with these issues rebellion brewing the wobbling economy gave parents an excuse to do what they have wanted to do anyway. Reduce the childs economic expenditure,PARAGRAPH 4,在这些问题中,有一些争论是长久存在的。现代的父母对于以上问题总是得到错误的答案。可是说他们没有努力去寻找答案也是错误的。和父母浅谈几句你就会发现他们在同这些问题苦苦挣扎,你不必深究就会发现他们正在酝酿揭竿而起。正如如过去一年的经济形势的不稳定,使得显著性的消费变得有点不太显眼,它也给了家长一个借口,做他们想做的事:不给孩子买140$的胶底鞋,解雇园丁,由孩子们修剪草坪。华尔街日报称这种现象为儿童经济衰退:总体消费支出比去年略有上涨,但8至24岁之间孩子的消费支出下降了约三分之一。在华尔街日报引用的一个11月份的调查中发现,12%的孩子表示他们的零用钱已经在最近几个月被削减,相比去年,16孩子表示接受了更少的礼物。,PARAGRAPH 4,Wrestling n. 摔跤; 扭斗,搏斗; v. 与搏斗(wrestle的现在分词); 摔跤; 格斗; wreste with sth 挣扎,为取得某物而努力奋斗。 Rebellion n. an attempt by some of the people in a country to change their government, using violence 谋反;叛乱;反叛 rebellion against sb/sth teenage rebel
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