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PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 Story time教学设计 郧西县明德小学 钟学姣 教学目标 1. 知识目标:能听懂、会说、会用故事中出现的语句。 2. 能力目标:能够正确理解故事内容,能够复述、表演故事内容。 3. 情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣,使其明白友谊的珍贵和“团结就是力量”的道理。 4. 学习策略:通过将英语和体育学科整合,把学生喜欢的拔河游戏带入课堂,活跃课堂气氛,创设真实情境。通过儿歌、表演等方式激发学生的学习积极性,在活动中掌握语言知识并理解故事含义。教学重、难点1. 能听懂、会说、会用故事中出现的语句。2. 能积极、主动且准确地复述、表演故事。教具准备:多媒体课件 故事表演用头饰 绳子 教学过程Step Warming-up 1. Greetings. (略) 2. Sing a song: Friends. Friends are big. Friends are small. Friends play sports like basketball. Friends are cute. Friends are tall. We are friends, one and all. 【设计意图:通过师生相互问候及歌曲演唱活动,创造了轻松、愉快的学习氛围,同时导入“朋友”的话题,激活相关的知识,为之后教学进行铺垫。】 3. Guess: Who is my friend? T: Do you have friends? Do you like your friends? I have many friends, too. Listen and guess: It is small and white. It has two red eyes. It has a short tail. It has two long ears. Who is it? Ss: It is a rabbit. T: What does rabbit like to eat? Ss: It likes to eat turnips. 4. Game: Whats the opposite? (教师将全班学生分成两队进行游戏比赛。) T: Now Ill divide you into two groups. One is Rabbit Team and the other is Turnip Team. Lets play a game. (游戏内容是说一说反义词,教师给出一个形容词,学生要快速说出它的反义词。最快说出正确答案的学生可为本队获得加分。) . T: Which group is better? The winners can say “Hooray!” Ss: (赢得比赛的队) Hooray! T: (对输掉比赛的队)Come on! 【设计意图:设计这种快速反应的游戏,一方面可以集中学生的注意力,另一方面可以帮助学生复习学过的形容词,为后面的教学打下伏笔,并且将句子Hooray!和Come on!自然地应用到一定情景中,创设了真实的语言运用环境。】Step Presentation 1. Teach the sentence “One, two, three, pull!” and “Hooray!” (延续上一环节中的游戏活动。) T: Short, short, short. Ss: Long, long, long. T: (出示一把较短的尺子)Is it long? Ss: No! T: (呈现一把很长的尺子)Is it long? Ss: Yes! T: Right, it is a long rope. Wow! What a long rope! Lets play a game, OK? Ss: OK! 2.Game :拔河 T: Lets play a tug of war. Listen! What can you hear? “One, two, three, pull!” Lets play this game. And we can say “One, two, three, pull!” It means “一 二 三,拉!” (边说边做拔河的动作)One, two, three, pull! (示意学生一起说) Ss: One, two, three, pull! (教师让个别学生说句子,进行抽查;然后让学生分组说句子;最后让学生集体说句子。) T: (手持绳子)Lets have a try, OK? s: OK. T: The winners should say “Hooray!” Remember? Ss: Yes! (教师从两队中各请出一名选手,让他们进行拔河比赛。) 【设计意图:拔河一项学生非常喜欢的体育活动,学生的积极性很高,非常乐于参加,不知不觉地就在游戏的过程中学会了句子One, two, three, pull!和Hooray!的使用。】 3. Teach the sentences “Come on, . Please help me.” and “Let me help you.” T: Lets try again. Try your best, OK? Ss: OK! T: One, two, start! Ss: One, two, three, pull! . (比赛结束后。) Ss: (赢得比赛的队) Hooray! T: (对输掉比赛的队)Come on. I am strong. Let me help you. Come on, my friends. Who can help me? S1: I am strong. Let me help you! T: Come on, S2. Please help me. S2: I am strong. Let me help you! T: Come on, S3. Please help me. (教师请四名学生到讲台前,让他们进行拔河比赛。输掉的一方可以向台下的学生求助,要用语句“Come on, . Please help me.”台下的学生则用“I am strong. Let me help you. ”来回应。之后重新开始比赛。比赛时台上和台下得学生一同喊:“One, two, three, pull!”为选手助威。) (比赛结束后) T: Oh, Rabbit Team / Turnip Team is the winner. Ss: (赢得比赛的队)Hooray! 【设计意图:拔河比赛中,输掉的队会非常着急,学生自然会尝试用刚学会的求助语言(Come on, please help me.)来寻求他人的帮助。小学生争强好胜,都抢着想为自己队多出一份力。在这个过程中,他们就会争先恐后地回应队友的求助,表达自己的能力和意愿(I am strong. Let me help you.)。这一游戏的设计实现了“玩中学”和“学中玩”的统一。】 4. Teach the sentence “What a big turnip!” T: Hooray! Here is a gift. Its for the winners.(出示一只大玩具蚂蚁)Wow! What a big ant! 教学句型What a big.) T: (利用课件呈现一个大鼻子)Whats this? Ss: Its a nose. T: What a big nose! (以同样的方式呈现一只巨大的蜜蜂,一朵巨大的花,让学生练习这一句型。) T: (呈现一颗大萝卜)Wow! What a big turnip! (教学单词turnip。) 5. Act the story. T: I like turnips. Do you like turnips? Who wants to be a turnip? (邀请一名学生扮演turnip。) T: Which animal likes turnips very much? Ss: Rabbit! T: (扮演rabbit)Now, Im a rabbit. (师生共同演绎故事。) T: Wow, what a big turnip! One, two, three, pull! One, two, three, pull! Oh, its too big. I cant pull it up. Come on, my friends. Please help me. S1: I am strong. Let me help you. S2: I am strong. Let me help you. S3: . T & Ss: One, two, three, pull! One, two, three, pull! . T: Oh, its too big. 6. Teach the sentence “I cant pull it up.” T & Ss: (教师和学生一同做拔萝卜的动作)One, two, three, pull! One, two, three, pull! T: Its too big. I cant pull it up. (教学句子I cant pull it up.) Chant Pull the turnip, pull the turnip. Pull the turnip, pull the turnip. Pull it up, pull it up. Pull it up, pull it up. One, two, three, pull. One, two, three, pull. One, two, three, pull. One, two, three, pull. Sorry, I cant pull it up. Yeah, I can pull it up. Hooray. 【设计意图:句子I cant pull it up.的读音有一定的难度,因此我安排了个儿歌学唱的活动。朗朗上口的儿歌使学生更快地掌握了这个句子的读音,同时帮助学生理解新句子的含义。】 Step Consolidation
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