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Is this your schoolbag?,Unit 5,Lesson 26,a pencil,a pen,an activity book,a ruler,a sun cap,a schoolbag,a dictionary,a camera,Is this a pencil box?,Yes,it is.,Is that an eraser?,No,it isnt. Its a book.,PAIRWORK,Ask about the things in the picture . A: Is this/that your schoolbag? B: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.,Are these books?,No, they arent. They are erasers.,Are those dictionaries?,Yes, they are.,温馨提示,能够用 yes ,no 回答的疑问句称为 一般疑问句。在读这些疑问句时, 句末用升调。,Is this your eraser? Yes, it is. Is that your book? No, it isnt,A: Is this your ? B: Yes, it is. Its mine. No, it isnt. Its his/hers.,Groupwork,that,pencil box,this/that,(1),A: Are these your ? B: Yes, they are. Theyre mine. No, they arent. Theyre his/hers.,Groupwork,those,pencil boxes,these/those,(2),练习:Is this your book? _. Its a book. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isnt your book. 解析:考查句型Is this?的肯定或否定 答语,肯定答语为:Yes, it is.否定答语为:No, it isnt. 由排除法选C。,C,练习: Is that your schoolbag? _. Its his schoolbag. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it is a schoolbag. C. No, it isnt. D. No, it isnt a schoolbag. 解析 C 一般疑问句用Yes或No来回答,要求 其前后一致。 由答语“是他的背包”可知选C。,C,练习: Is this his ruler? _, its my ruler. Yes B. No C. Not D. Dont 解析:B 由问句的his及答语的my可知应用否 定回答, 而且对Is this?此类一般疑问句的否 定回答只能用no,not不能单独使用。,B,
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