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Unit 6 Summer Vacation Lesson 1 日期表达,1) The s_season of the year is summer. 2) The t_season of the year is autumn. 3)-Which is the first month of the year?-J_. 4) - Which is the fourth month of the year?-A_. 5) My birthday is in _ _(五)month of the year .,econd,hird,anuary,pril,the fifth,自主学习阶段,1.能正确运用词汇:序数词“第一-第十二”; 月份“一月-十一月” 2.能够正确运用短语:“make sth for sb”“为某人制作某物”;能够区分使用“when”和“what time”,Learning Aims,New words: first 第一 January 一月 eighth 第二 February 二月 ninth 第三 March 三月 fourth 第四 April 四月 fifth 第五 May 五月 twelfth 第六 June 六月,second,third,sixth,New words: seventh第七 July 七月 eighth 第八 August 八月 ninth 第九 September 九月 tenth 第十 October 十月 eleventh 第十一 November 十一月 twelfth 第十二 December 十二月,eighth,ninth,twelfth,A:What is the seventh/eighth.month of the year? B:Its. A:What month comes after October/July? B:Its . A:How many days are in November? B:30/31/28. days.,Key Sentences,Jack: Hi, Li Ming. What are you doing? Li Ming: I m making a birthday present for my grandfather. Jack: When is his birthday? Li Ming: His birthday is on Wednesday, December 28. Jack: What are you making? Li Ming: Its a calendar! My grandfather forgets his birthday every year. Jack: Ha ha! A calendar is a good present for him. Li Ming: When is your birthday, Jack? Jack: My birthday? Its on August 11. Oh, no, thats my mums birthday. My birthday is on August 23. Li Ming: Ok, Jack. Maybe I need to make a calendar for you, too.,Text Reading,Read and answer the questions.,1) Jacks birthday is on August 11.( )(T/F),2) LiMings grandfathers birthday is _ Wednesday, _28.,3) Why does LiMing make a calendar for his grandfather? _,F,December,Because his grandfather forgets his birthday every year.,on,Reading Task,1. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? 【巧解句构】本句是由when(意为“什么时候,何时”)引导的特殊疑问句,用来对“时间”进行提问。例如: When will you have lunch? 你何时吃午饭? When do you go to the store? 你何时去商店? 【要点剖析】birthday意为“生日,开始日”,它是由birth“出生”与day“天,日子”两个词组成的合成词。,Language Points,2. 基数词变序数词,英语中基数词变为序数词时,一般在基数词后加词尾-th, 但有几个词变化特殊,只要记住下面口诀,这些问题即可迎刃而解。 一、二、三,单独记;八去t,九除e, ve要用f替; 整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie;要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序,th最后加上去。 解析口诀:onefirst, twosecond, threethird这三个词变化特殊,要单独记;eighteighth, nineninth, 八去t,九去e后再加-th; fivefifth, twelvetwelfth,五、十二把ve换成f再加-th;twentytwentieth, thirtythirtieth整十先把词尾y改为ie再加-th。两位数时则十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,如twenty-first。,月份+序数词,月份是专有名词,首字母大写。 月份可以用缩写 January-Jan. February-Feb. March-Mar. April-Apr. June-Jun. July-Jul. August-Aug. September-Sept./Sep. October-Oct. November-Nov. December-Dec.,月份后面具体到几号,要用序数词表示。 序数词可以用阿拉伯数字和序数词词尾一起构成。,Further study,1. _ is the 1st month of the year. 2. _ is the 2nd month of the year. 3. May is the _month of the year. 4. August is the _ month of the year. 5. _is the tenth month of the year.,January,February,fifth,eighth,October,6. September is the month of the year. 7. December is the _month of the year.,ninth,twelfth,二、填空,8. Spring Festival (春节) is in _ or _. 9. Tree Planting Day (植树节) is in _. 10.Mothers Day is in _. 11.Christmas Day is in _. 12.Teachers Day is in _. 13.Childrens Day is in _.,January February,March,May,December,September,June,1.序数词“seventh”至“twelfth”需注意eighth,ninth,twelfth特殊变化。 2.月份“July”至 “November”。 3.短语“make sth. for sb. ”与“make sb. sth.” 4.“when”与“what time”使用区别。,summary,A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。,THANK YOU !,
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