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上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 计算流体力学在先天性心脏病血流动力学中的应用研究 姓名:万大伟 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:动力机械及工程 指导教师:曹兆敏;刘应征 20090101 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 I 计算流体力学在先天性心脏病血流动力学中的应用研究 摘 要 计算流体力学在先天性心脏病血流动力学中的应用研究 摘 要 本论文是在上海市科委国际合作研究项目“复杂先天性畸形心脏血流动力学 计算机仿真研究及其实验验证”和国家自然科学基金项目“计算机模拟血液动力 学应用于复杂先心手术的实验研究”支持下完成的。随着高速度、大容量、多功 能电子计算机硬件的发展和数值计算理论的不断完善,利用计算流体力学的仿真 方法来研究心血管系统的血流动力学机理,已经越来越受到人们的重视。作为一 种研究与预测相结合的手段, 计算机数值模拟可以提供病变部位详细的流动图像, 可以从不同角度和侧面为医学研究提供目前实验方法所不能得到的信息。而且在 数值计算中,能够根据各种变化的条件(生理条件、虚拟手术改变几何等)进行 模拟,探索这些条件变化因素对人体血液流动的具体影响。 论文结合临床医学数据,通过两维图像处理与分割、三维数值建模与网格化 和 PIV 测试技术,从计算机仿真和实验模拟两个方面针对两种先天性心脏病在临 床上存在的肺动脉狭窄、肺动脉高压和左心室衰竭等问题,从流体动力学角度进 行深入细致研究。首先,本文利用计算流体动力学(CFD)的方法,对正常人体 肺动脉几何、20%狭窄和 50%狭窄时的模型进行全三维建模和数值模拟,来研究 不同肺动脉狭窄程度对病灶处血流动力学因素改变情况,同时文中还深入探讨了 治疗单心室疾病的双侧、双向 Glenn 术后腔-肺连接区域的能量损失情况;然后, 本论文还利用数值建模和图像处理技术,针对肺动脉狭窄进行虚拟扩张手术,采 用计算机仿真技术对不同右心室流出道扩张程度(150,200%和 400%)的肺动 脉中血流细节及流动损失进行了研究;最后,本文初步尝试对 Glenn 连接段内的 流动进行 PIV 测试研究,旨在开展优化临床手术方案的探索性研究和验证计算模 型的正确性,从而为解决相关的生物医学流体动力学问题提供初步模型和数据。 本论文利用工学理论知识、技术和方法,结合临床医学影像重建和数值建模 方法,应用于先天性心脏病的血流动力学分析中,该方法对今后相关临床医学问 题的研究,必将起到积极的作用。 关键词:关键词:计算流体力学,数值分析,先天性心脏病,血流动力学,医工结合 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT II COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSES AND SIMULATIONS OF BLOOD FLUID APPLIED TO THE CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE ABSTRACT Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is one of the branches of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methodsand algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to perform the millions of calculations required to simulate the interaction of fluids and solids with the complex surfaces used in engineering. As the development of high-velocity, large-volume and multifunctional computer, the studies on mechanism research of hemodynamics in cardiovascular system using CFD methods are more and more popular, which can provide the some flow details in disease from multi-angle which the experiments could not get. The thesis combined engineering knowledge with CFD methods and computer image processing and modeling to solve medical problems. It applied the hydrodynamics principles and techniques to analyze the characteristics of the blood flow in two types of congenital heart disease. The means of numerical simulation of unsteady flow and the technology of PIV measurement were also employed in the investigation of local characteristics of hemodynamics at main pulmonary artery stenosis and Glenn connection. In the first part of this thesis, it was to investigate the influence of different main pulmonary artery (MPA) stenosis rate (0, 25%, and 50%) on the hemodynamic features within three pulmonary artery (PA) models using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In these simulations, one three-dimensional stenosed model was reconstructed from the computer tomography (CT) images, and the other two were acquired by changing the degree of stenosis based on the geometry reconstructed. A velocity profile was used together with a pulsatile waveform according to recorded clinical data as the inflow condition, and transient CFD simulations were performed on these three PA models. The results are presented for a better understanding of the flow characteristics such as distributions of the flow pattern, pressure drop and wall shear stress in the stenosed PA models, which may be the primary variable for evaluating the effect of different levels of MPA stenosis rate. 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT III In the second part, the virtual operations of main pulmonary artery stenosis were employed to acquired three models which the flow areas of main pulmonary artery increased to 150%,200% and 400% respectively, A velocity profile was used together with a pulsatile waveform according to recorded clinical data as the inflow condition, and transient CFD simulations were performed on these three models. The results are presented for a better understanding of the flow characteristics such as distributions of the flow pattern, pressure drop and wall shear stress in these PA models, which may be the primary variable for evaluating the effect of different levels of increase rate of right ventricle flow areas and consequently optimizing the surgical deign. In the last part, the objective of this part was to simulate the blood flow in cavopulmonary anastomosis with bilateral superior vena cavae.Three-dimensional geometry of the connection was reconstructed based on the Magnetic Resonance Images. Clinical data of mean flow rates in left and right superior vena cava were imposed on the CFD model as inflow boundary conditions. The blood flow at different ratios of left pulmonary artery/right pulmonary artery was numerically modeled.The energy losses at different levels of predetermined pulmonary flow ratios were different, which was mainly affected by flow structures within the connection and pulmonary arteries.The results of the simulation were shown that it is necessary to simulate blood flow in different cavopulmonary anastomosis. This may provide essential information for surgical desig
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