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Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Section A1. askfor 请求,询问,向要eg He asked me politely for the book.ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(不)做某事2. by prep. 通过靠(后接Ving)eg She learns English by English magazines.3. conversation cn 交谈,会话 (have conversations with sb)eg Ill have a long conversation with her.4. aloud adv. 出声地,大声地(常与read,think,cry,shout等连用,表示让人能听得见)loud adj/adv 响亮的/地,大声的/地(指发音音量大或声音穿得远,做adv时常与speak,talk, laugh等连用)loudly adv. 大声地 (表示声音高且喧闹、不悦耳或令人感到讨厌,常与knock,ring,crow连用)eg Look at the sign-“No one is allowed to read aloud in the library.He makes loud noise.Someone knocked loudly at the door.5. practice v. 练习,操练 (practice doing sth)practice un 实践,练习,锻炼eg He practices playing football.Practice makes perfect.6. too+adj/adv原形+to+V原形=so+adj/adv原形+that从句=not+adj/adv原形+enough+to+V原形eg He is too young to go to school.=He is so young that he cant go to school.=He isnt old enough to go to school.7. spoken English 英语口语eg His spoken English is not so good as his written English.8. quickly adv. 快地,迅速地 (指具体的动作迅速敏捷,也指思维反应快)fast adj/adv 快的/地 (指物体或人的运动速度快,也指说话快)soon adv 快速地 (指动作完成或离现在的时间间隔短)eg Come quickly,something terrible has happened.She drives very fast.My father will leave for Beijing soon.9. word by word 逐字地day by day 日复一日one by one 逐个10. patient adj 有耐心的,耐烦的 (be patient with/to对有耐心) n 病人 eg We all like Mr.Smith.He is very patient with us. The nurse is looking after the patient.11. noteverything 表示部分否定,could not understand everything “并非每件事都能理解”当every,all,always等表示整体意义的词与not连用时,表示部分否定eg I didnt find everyone on the playground.Not all balls are round in the USA.12. secret cn 秘密,机密 (keep a secret保密;in secret秘密地) adj 秘密的,隐秘的 eg Exercising every day is the secret of health. Its a secret passage.13. look up (在字典或资料中)查找;向上看,仰视eg Ive forgotten the number,you should look it up again.They looked up,and found many locusts.14. repeat =do or sayagain15. take a note/take notes 记笔记16. memorize v 记忆,记住 (指有意识地用心地去记,强调主观的动作过程memory nremember v 记得 (指某件事或印象在记忆里,一般不需要有意识地去记忆便可以想起)eg She tried to memorize every event.She remembered event that happened in these years.17. be afraid of doing sth 担心而害怕做某事be afraid to do sth 怕而不敢做某事eg The girl was afraid to go across the bridge,for she was afraid of falling down from it.Section B1. increase to 增到,增加到(后+总数)eg The population of this city has increased to 3,000,000by now. increase by 以的幅度增加,增加了 eg The population of this factory increased by 10 percent last year.2. at the speed of 以速度at top/full/high speed 高速,全速eg Your taxi traveled at the speed of 80 miles an hour.Its dangerous to turn round the corner at high speed.3. be born 出身于be born with 天生具有be born to do sth 天生能做某事eg He was born in a small village.Her cousin brother was born with a mole(胎记) on the shoulder.Man was born to cry,so its with other animals.4. have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事eg Jenny is the first person for the job,she has the ability to communicate.5. take an interest in=be interested in 对感兴趣lose interest in 对失去兴趣eg She seems to take an interest in discussing the trip.He has lost interest in fishing.6. create v 创造,创建,创作creative adj 创造性的,有创意的creation n 创造,创建7. Its +adj +for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是Its +adj +of sb to do sth (adj是表示情感,特征的词:kind ,nice ,good ,silly ,wrong ,wise等)eg Its hard for you to finish it.Its kind of you to say so.8. pay attention to 注意留心(to是介词,后接n/pron/Ving)eg Your spoken English is a little poor.Please pay attention to it.As you see,Sam didnt pay much attention to watching TV.9. connectwith把和连接起来connectto把连上eg First,the light is connected to a switch.Dont connect the matter with what happened last week.10. even if =even though即使,纵然eg I wouldnt give up even if I should fail a second time.I can still remember even though it happened so long ago.11. unless=ifnot如果不,除非 eg Youll be late unless you hurry. =Youll be late if you dont hurry.Unit 2 I think mooncakes are delicious!Section A1.a little too 太一点 eg Kevin was a little too young to dress himself.2.put on 增加(体重)发胖 +weight 穿上,戴上 +衣物 eg Last month,Joan put on some weight. Mr.Weevers put on his hat and hurried out.3.pound cn 重量单位“磅” .货币单位“英镑” eg two pounds of milk After the Sichuan earthquake,the British government gave away1,000,000 pounds.4.shoot down 击落,击毁 eg An US UAV was shot down in Iran last year.5.try to do sth 尽力做某事(但不一定成功) .try doing sth 尝试做某事 eg She tried to climb onto the bank(河岸),but failed. You always travel by train,why not try taking a bus for a change?6.steal 偷,窃取 (stole stolen) . steal sth from 从偷某物 eg The child stole a book from the shelf.
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