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一、教学内容:PEP小学英语四年级下学期Unit2 What time is it? Part A Lets learn 部分,本课时主要内容是学习时间的表达法以及不同时间进行的日常活动。主要单词music class. P.E.class. English class. breakfast. lunch. dinner和主要句型What time is it?Its. Its time for 二、教学目标与要求1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词和词组:music class. P.E.class. English class. breakfast. lunch. dinner2.能够认读句型:What time is it? 并做出相应的回答:Its. Its time for 3.能够听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Time for breakfast. Drink some milk4.培养学生珍惜时间的品质和合理安排自己时间的习惯。三、教学重、难点分析1.本课时需要重点掌握有关学生日常活动的六个单词和词组。2.本课时难点是对句型What time is it? Its nine oclock. Its time for的理解和运用四、课前准备1.教师准备一个教具钟和本单元的挂图2.教师准备六张单词卡3.教师准备录音机及录音带4.多媒体课件五、教学设计 直观演示法、任务教学法六、教学步骤及意图Step 1. Warm-up1.(课件歌曲音乐)Lets sing “Our School”.2.T: Oh! Our school will shine today. Its beautiful. Lets go and have a look, OK?S: OK.(出示 Unit 1 A 部分的 Lets do 图片)T: Go to the garden/library. Ss:Water the flowers/Read a story book.加上 Go to the English class. Ss:Play games.【设计意图】上课开始,我组织学生听录音做Lets do 部分的动作,激发学生的学习兴趣。富有韵律的节奏吸引了学生的注意力,chant中的动词为新授知识Its time for 做铺垫,Go to the English class. Play games 更使整堂课以轻松活泼的形式开始。Step 2. Presentation1.Quick-eye Game.2. T: Do you like to play games in English class? Lets play a Quick-eyegame!(多媒体快速呈现各种物品图片,数目为1-12之间,之后消失,学生通过快速观察说出一共有几个。)T: How many are there? Ss: .(教师在黑板上将物品数目按钟面数字一一排列,如,不一定要出现12种物品,教师可在操练56次后带领大家从l数到12,边数边把钟面填满,然后顺势把数字用方框或圆框框起来,画上分针和时针,并问Whats this?)T: Whats this? Ss: Its a clock.(设计意图)通过此游戏让学生复习112这几个数字,利用数字和圆的结合引出clock,让学生在巧妙设计中自然学习clock这个单词,激发学生学习的欲望。2Look at my clock! What time is it?(1)(教师引导学生看屏幕,利用课件把数字和圆结合起来,组合成一个活动钟, 指着钟面上的数字继续引导学生)T:YesIts a clockLook! What time is it?教师反复提问,并出示相应的句型板书,让学生跟读,逐渐刺激学生使他们明白这一问句的意思, 同时鼓励学生回答“Three”给予肯定性评价并引导学生完整回答:Ss:Its three oclock. (教师及时出示此句型板书,反复强调oclock并领读。在这一过程中,教师还要及时运用鼓励机制,在课件中设计Wow,great配以掌声的语音提示,鼓励学生大胆发言。(2)Oh,Naughty clock(教师利用课件改变时针、分针的位置,再次重复提问)T:Oh,Naughty clock! Look at my clock! What time is it? (学生看钟面回答问题)S:Its seven oclockT:Im a naughty clock! I can runPlease look at me! What time is it?B:Its 5 oclock.【设计意图】利用第一单元学过的Naughty Zip, 设计这个Naughty clock的游戏,教师用富有节奏感的语言引导学生提问,组织男女同学比一比,赛一赛,看看谁是最棒的报时员。在紧张的比赛氛围中更容易集中学生的注意力,操练的密度和强度都加大了,教师也可引导学生集体提问、个别回答,以增加操练的面。3Its time for (1)Wolf, wolf! What time is it?(钟面上突然呈现灰太狼的动画,并隐藏时针和分针,让大家感觉灰太狼的出现占据了给我们报时的闹钟,为接下去的教学设置悬念,动画形象的出现吸引了学生的注意力)T: Who is it? Ss: A wolf.T: (Becoming scared, 引导学生扮演小羊,用害怕的语调提问)Ss:A wolf! A wolf! What time is it?T:(扮演wolf的角色,站在黑板上的钟面前用自己的双手做时针、分针,回答:Its 4 Oclock.Sheep: Wolf, wolf, what time is it?Wolf:(任意变换双手的位置) Its one oclock.Sheep:Wolf,wolf,what time is it?Wolf:(恶狠狠地回答) Its eleven oclockIm hungry(摸摸肚皮)Its time for lunch(装作开始抓小羊的样子,并带领同学们变换着用老狼的语调、饿得有气无力的语调、请求的语调等朗读这个句子,板书出示图片及单词卡让学生在具体情境中体会Its time for lunch. 的含义。)(2)Present the word dinner, breakfast.(利用课件制造出太阳运行的轨迹,板书出示图片及单词卡呈现Its 6 oclock. Its time for dinner/breakfast. 带读并问)T:What do you have for dinner/breakfast?S:I have rice/fish/chicken/tomato for dinnerS:I have milk/egg/bread/for breakfast.T:Yes. Its 6 oclock amIts time for breakfast!Its 6 oclock pm. Its time for dinner!【设计意图】本环节以游戏促发展,利用同学们喜闻乐见的动画形象,将经典游戏“老狼,老狼,几点钟?”引入课堂,让学生在没有学习压力的状态下,自然地接受语言信息,体会语言在情境中的运用。利用太阳的运行和学生的认知直接引出lunch,dinner,breakfast的概念,并通过提问吃什么让学生区分dinner,breakfast,也可引出pmam的概念Present the word English class, music class, RE class.(教师摸摸肚皮,感觉随着同学们的回答吃饱了似的)T:Im Big Big Wolf. Im full. Im so happyI want to sing songs(变换双手的位置)T:What time is it? S:Its 2 oclock.T:Oh,Thats great! Its time for music class. (板书出示图片及单词卡并以唱歌的语调带读Its 2 oclockIts time for music class)T: And now,what time is it? S: Its 3 oclockT: Oh, Thats great! Its time for PE class. (板书出示图片及单词卡,带领同学们以各种球类运动的方式练说Its 3 oclock. Its time for PE class.)T: Oh, so funny! I want to have English class with you. Do you like me? Yeah,Im sure you like me. DO you want to know more about me? Listen Carefully to my school-day and fill in my timetableT:hello,Im Big Big Wolf.Im happy to be at school with you.This is my school-day.Big Big Wolfs (灰太狼)school-dayTick,tock,tick,tock.What time is it? Its six oclock .Its time for breakfast.Tick,tock,tick,tock.What time is it? Its seven oclock . Its time for school .Tick,tock,tick,tock.What time is it? Its eight oclock . Its time for English class.Tick,tock,tick,tock.What time is it? Its eleven oclock . Its time for lunch.Tick,tock,tick,tock.What time is it? Its two oclock . Its time for music class.Tick,tock,tick,tock.What time is it? Its three oclock . Its time for P.E. class.Tick,tock,tick,tock.What time is it? Its four oclock . Its time for home.Tick,tock,tick,tock.What time is it? Its six oclock . Its time for dinner.Im so happy today.教师播放听力材料,提问T: What does he do at 7/5 oclock7?引导学生回答并板书出示图片及单词卡.【设计意图】通过童话故事情境的创设,为学生创造产生语篇的条件,提高学生参与英语学习的热情,并且化解学习内容的难
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