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Transportation,A:Since it is the first time to import from China,could you give me some ideas about the transportation? B:Dont worry.Our CIF prices will release you from the mass of arranging transportation.Normally,we choose multi-model combined transport by rail and sea.That is ,we will send the goods to Tianjin by rail and then from Tianjin to Armsterdam by sea. A:One of my friend told me that we can make transshipment in Hongkong. How is that? B:Do you mean that we mange to catch a certain vessel heading to Europe from Hongkong?Then we need take the risk of missing the the intended sailing.Another possibility is ,the designated vessel is already carrying a full load when our goods are ready in Hongkong.Besides,the transshipment also increase the possibility of damages. A:But the combined transport also may cause a delay in shipment or even a loss,doesnt it? B: Risks exist in all ways of transportation.As far as I know,delay and loss never happened in our transshipment of European-bound cargoes at Tianjing port. A: Good.Then,how about the formalities?Are they complicated? B:But we will handle them at our end.What you need to do is to pay on the arrival of the shipping documents for the transshipment from Tianjin. A: OK.,A:May we have the price of CIF Wuhan? B:If I am right,Wuhan should an inland port. B:Yes.Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province.It is a landlocked city located on the bank of Changjiang Revier. A:I am afraid that we can only ship your goods to a sea port nearest to Wuhan.That is all we can do.I think it should be Shanghai. B:Then,how about the distance from Shanghai to Wuhan? A:Generally,the buyer prefers to ship the goods by means of some kind of river boat since Changjiang Revier leads all the way up to Wuhan. B:Understand,So you will quote CIF Shanghai A:That is right.,When goods are transported by road ,rail or air, the contract of carriage takes the form of a Consignment Note(托运单) or Air way Bill(空运提单或航空货运单). In sea transport,chartering of ships or booking shipping space is invovled .And the contract entered into between the shipowner and the shipper may take the form of either a Charter Party (租船契约)or a Bill of Lading(海运提单).,Modes of transportation,国际货物运输,水上运输,陆上运输,航空运输,管道运输,内河运输,海上运输,公路运输,铁路运输,Sea transportation,Types of cargo vessel,A general cargo vessel An OBO(orebulkoil)carrier A refrigerated ship A timber ship A container vessel(TEU) A roll on roll off (Ro-Ro) ship is specially designed for loaded trailers and any equipment on wheels to be driven onto the vessel to enable faster loading and unloadibng A LASH(Lighter Aboad Ship) is a vessel designed to carry lighters on which cargoes are loaded.A LASH does not need a pier for loading and unloading .,近日,华电工程在山东蓬莱举行了公司首台出口卸船机印尼龙湾3315MW燃煤电厂2000T/H桥式抓斗卸船机滚装上船仪式。此设备是迄今印尼最大的卸船机。它标志着华电工程公司大型设备的滚装能力进一步提升,为华电工程大型设备今后开拓国际市场奠定了基础。 业主东方电气对华电工程此次滚装所做的各项准备工作表示满意,并期待卸船机能顺利到达印尼现场并调试成功。,载运货驳的运输船舶。又称子母船。载驳船用于河海联运。其作业过程是先将驳船(为尺度统一的船,又称为子船)装上货物,再将驳船装上载驳船(又称母船),运至目的港后,将驳船卸下水域,由内河推船分送至目的港装卸货物并待另一次运输。载驳船的优点是不需码头和堆场,装卸效率高,停泊时间短,便于河海联运。其缺点是造价高,需配备多套驳船以便周转,需要泊稳条件好的宽敞水域作业,且适宜于货源比较稳定的河海联运航线。因此,虽然早在1963年美国就建造了第一艘载驳船,但未得到很大发展。,Merchant vessels,Liner Tramp(voyage charter, time charter, contract of affreightment,P58 59) Liner business 1 find out freight rate 2 select shipping line and a particular vessel 3 booking shipping space 4 register cargo on a shipping note 5 register details on the customs forms 6 arrange adequqte packing 7 receive calling forward notice from shipping line 8 send cargo to the port of shipment with consignment note ,which has the details of the shipment 9 pay freight bill 10 receive from the shipping line a Bill of Lading Tramp business voyage charter(singer voyage charter,round voyage charter,consective voyage chartrer) time charter(demurrage, despatch) contract of affrigement,Freight rate,Freight is collected in different ways. 1 for most types of cargos,fright is charged by weight(weight ton),by volumn(measurement ton),or by weighet or volumn per freight ton WM at shippers option) 2 for valuable cargos,ad valorem freight is charged 3 for cargoes such as truck and animals ,freight is charged for each unit 4 for certain cargoes, freight might be charged by WM or ad valorem or WM plus ad valorem 5 various surcharge( port congestion surcharge,alternation of destination charge,deviation charge,heavy lift additional,over-length addition,中波轮船股份公司是中华人民共和国与波兰共和国于1951年合资创办的一家远洋运输企业,也是新中国第一家中外合资企业。 公司自1951年起经营亚欧航线件杂货班轮运输业务,在承运各类复杂及超长、超重件货物方面积累了丰富的经验。公司承运了如山西神头电厂、葛洲坝、宝钢等国家重点工程大型成套设备,近年来还独家承运了上海地铁、广州地铁设备与车厢,进一步显示出中波公司在重大件运输方面的卓越能力和特长。1999年,公司顺利通过了中国政府主管机关及英国劳氏船级社的外审,取得了中国政府,马耳他政府及塞浦路斯政府颁发的3张公司符合证明(DOC证书)以及劳氏船级社颁发的ISO9001:2000符合证书。,中国远洋货运运价表 中国租船公司运价表(中波轮船公司CHIPOLBROK,日本东方公司,德国瑞克麦斯公司) 香港华夏公司 汉英中国出口商品字典,德国瑞克麦斯轮船公司 德国瑞克麦斯轮船公司主要为件杂货物、工程货物以及超重货物提供专业远洋运输服务. 公司曾为中国的很多大型公司及工厂承运过设备: 如华能洛璜电厂,小浪底工程机械,北京电网改造(164吨两件),山东德州电厂的变压器(279吨)、涡轮机,天津盘山电厂(146吨), 广西来宾电厂(200吨),石化行业的上海金山石化(175吨/32米冷箱),兰州炼化,镇海炼化,齐鲁石化,广东茂名石化,大庆油田,胜利油田,塔里木油田,江苏油田,土
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