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Unit 1 Its the Spring Festival,Some information about the Spring Festival,spring :春,春天 festival:节日,喜庆日 the Spring Festival: 春节 (专有名词,注意第一个字母大写),eve : 前日 ,前夕 eve of the Spring Festival: 除夕 Christmas Eve :平安夜,firecrackers:爆竹,鞭炮,burn :燃烧,点燃,burn firecrackers 放鞭炮,a dragon 一条龙,dragon dance 舞龙,reunion :相聚,团圆 dinner:晚餐,正餐,a family reunion dinner 团圆饭,packet : 小包,包装,red packet 红包,词汇扩展,paste spring couplets 贴春联,give New Years greetings拜年,What do you do at the Christmas?,We put up a Christmas tree.,Put up a Christmas tree,Lets learn!,What do you do at the Christmas?,We make Christmas card.,Make Christmas card,What do you do at the Christmas?,We send gifts to others.,Send gifts to others,What do you do at the ?,We eat moon cakes.,Eat Moon cakes,Lets practice,What do you do at the Mid-Autumn Festival?,We .,Family reunion dinner,What do you do at the Mid-Autumn Festival?,We .,Look at the full moon,What do you do at the Spring Festival?,We .,Set out firework,Answers,1, Mid-Autumn Festival 2, eat family reunion dinner together 3, look at the full moon in the sky 4, set out fireworks,Homework:,1. 单词抄写; 2. 课文翻译一遍。,Thank you!,
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