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出入境卡翻译1.出境卡 (departure card) Departure Card(出境卡) 1.Full name as it appears in Passport(护照上的英文名字) 2.Passport No(护照号码) 3.Nationality(国家) 4.Sex Male Female (性别 Male:男 Female:女) 5.Number of persons traveling on this passport(此次旅游人数) 6.Category & Last permit No 7.Permit Expiry Date 是给当地居民出境时填的 2.入境卡 (arrival card) Arrival Card(入境卡) 1.Full name as it appears in Passport(护照上的英文名字) 2. Nationality(国家) 3.Country of Birth(出生地) 4.Date of Birth(出生年月日) 5. Passport No(护照号码) 6.Place of issue(护照发行地) 7.Date of Expiry(护照到期日) 8.Place of Residence(City/State/Country) (居住地) 9. Number of persons traveling on this passport(此次旅游人数) 10.Traveling on group tour Yes No (团体旅游吗) 11.Sex Male Female (性别 Male:男 Female:女) 12.Last place of Embarkation(入境之前到过的国家) 13.Next Destination(下一个目的地) 14.Mode of arrival Air Flight No Sea Ships name (抵达方式 飞机 航班 船 船名) 15.Length of stay (days)? (停留天数) 16.Purpose of visit:Holiday Transit Employment Business Official Other (旅游目的 度假 转机 工作 贸易 公务 其它) 17.Address in Maldives(落脚处) 18.Singature of the passport holder(护照持有者请签名) 19.Category & Last permit No 20.Permit Expiry Date 是给当地居民入境时填的 3.健康信息(health information) 1.Full name(Use block letters)(请用正体书写全名,当然是指英文) 2. Nationality(国家) 3. Male Female (性别 Male:男 Female:女) 4. Passport No(护照号码) 5.Flight/Vessel (班机或船只) 6. Place of Residence(City/State/Country) (居住地) 7. Address in Maldives(落脚处) 8.Countries visited in the past 14 days(最近14天曾到过的国家) 9.Duration of Stay(停留时间) 10.Date of Entry(入境日期) 11.Signature(签名)出入境填表常用词汇 姓:Family name,Surname 名:First Name,Given name 性别:sex,gender 男:male;女:female 国籍:nationality,country of citizenship 护照号:passport number 原住地:country of origin 前往国:destination country 登机城市:city where you boarded 签证签发地:city where visa was issued 签发日期:date of issue 出生日期:date of birth,birth date 年:year;月:month;日:day 偕行人数:accompanying number 签名:signature 官方填写:official use only 职业:occupation 护照:Passport;签证:Visa 登机、启程:Embarkation 登岸:Disembarkation 商务签证:Business Visa 观光签证:Tourist Visa-乘机常用词汇 航站、终点站:Terminal 入境大厅:Arrival Lobby 出境大厅:Departure Lobby 登机门号码:Gate Number 登机证:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass 机场税:Airport Tax 登机手续办理处:Check in Counter 海关申报处:Customs Service Area 货币申报:Currency Declaration 免税商品:Duty-Free Items 大号:large;中号:medium;小号:small 纪念品:Souvenir 行李:Baggage,Luggage 托运的行李:Checked baggage 行李领取处:Baggage claim area 随身行李:Carry-on baggage 行李牌:Baggage Tag 行李推车:Luggage Cart 退税处:Tax-free refund 盥洗室(厕所):Lavatory,washroom,toilet 使用中:Occupied 空闲:Vacant 男(女)空服员:Steward(Stewardess) 机内免税贩卖:In-Flight Sales 钱币兑换常用词汇 外币兑换店:Currency Exchange Shop 汇率:Exchange rate 旅行支票:Travelers check 手续费:Commission 自由行英语1、情景:在机场入境与出境1)直抵马尔代夫机场2)中国出发中途转机主要经停点:马来西亚吉隆坡机场、新加坡樟宜国际机场、斯里兰卡科伦坡国际机场1.1 检查护照 Check Passport常用句型Custom Officer:May I see your passport, please? Where are you staying?麻烦请给我你的护照。将在那儿住宿?Guest:Here is my passport / Here it is.这是我的护照。/I will stay at * Hotel.【计划转机时在第三方签证国留宿】我将住在*饭店。/Im just passing through and get around.【转念想到转机城市作短暂观光】我只是过境而已,出去转转。Others其它1.C:Whats the purpose of your visit?旅行的目的为何?G:Just for sightseeing/travel.观光/旅行。2.C:Do you have a return ticket to China?是否有回程机票?G:Yes, here it is.有的,这就是回程机票。3.C:How long will you be staying in the Maldives?预计在马尔代夫停留多久?G:* days.*天。4.G:How much money do you have with you?你随身携带多少现金?G:I have * dollars.大约*元。(多于30美元)1.2 行李遗失 Baggage Lost常用句型Guest:I can t find my baggage. Could you please check it urgently?我找不到我的行李。是否可麻烦紧急查询?Staff: Please wait for a moment while we are investigating. Your claim tag, please?我们正在调查,请稍等一下.请出示一下行李票。Guest:Here it is. How soon will I find out?选择1/Staff: Wed like t you to make a lost baggage report. Would you come with me to the office? 必须填份行李遗失报告。请和我到办公室。Guest:Ok.(Finish) Where can I get my baggage? 我找不到我的行李。选择2/Staff:Could you describe your baggage?请描述你的行李。How many pieces of baggage have you lost? 你总共遗失了几件行李?Guest:*(颜色尺寸特点件数etc)Staff:Your contact way, please?Guest:*(预定的酒店地址,停留天数,电话等) Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as youve located it.一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。 And your name?Staff:1.3 海关申报 Customer Declare常用句型C:Your passport and declaration card, please. Do you have anything to declare?请出示护照和申报单。是否有任何东西需要申报? 选择1/G:No, I dont.没有。C:Please open your bag.请打开行李。What are these? 这些东西是是什么?G:These are for my personal use. 这些是我私人使用的东西。选择2/Yes, I have*.是的,我带了*。C:O.K. Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.请拿上这张申请注意事项一般过关时,拿住以下这些表和护照(有效期在六个月以上),就会给你30天旅游落地签证1)入境表Disembarkation Card/Arrival card2)出境表Embarkation Card/Departure card3)健康资讯Health information分别填好这三项,到了马累以后,出关的时候,他们的海关人员会要这个表,审查后会在上面盖个章,然后只把出境
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