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Grammar Present perfect tense Present perfect continuous tense,Present perfect tense,现在完成时的用法,1.现在完成时表示的动作在说话之前已完成,但对现在有影响。句中没有具体时间状语。 We have bought a new computer. 含义是现在已经有电脑了。 He has given up drinking. 含义是他现在已经不喝酒了。,He has gone to Beijing. 她已经到北京去了。 含义是:她已前往北京,或在途中,或已到过现在人不在这里。 He has been to Beijing. 她曾到过北京。 含义是:她去过北京。表示一种经历,说话时她还在这里。,havehas gone to,have/has been to,2.现在完成时可以表示过去发生而持续到现在(也许还会继续进行下去)的动作或状态。这一用法通常都要与for, since等开头的表示一段时间的状语连用。 She has lived here for more than ten years. 她已在此住了10多年了。 含义是她可能现在已不住在这里,也有可能再住下去。 She has studied English since 1998. 她从2004年起就开始学习英语。,注:for后接的是时间段,since后接时间点,而且后面跟的是过去时间。,现在完成时不能和明确的时间状语(last week, just now, in 1949, yesterday等)连用,但可以和不明确的时间状语(如:already/yet, recently/lately, ever/never, just, twice/three times 等)连用;也可以和表示包括现在在内的时间状语(如:this morning, today, now, this week/month,so far 等)连用。,It has been cold this winter. 今年冬天一直很冷。(说话时还是冬天。),在过去几年中,我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。 There were great changes in our home-town in the past few years. There have been great changes in our hometown in the past few years. 析 “in / during the past / last + 复数名词“是完成时态的标志之一。,误,正,1. He has come here for a few weeks. 2. She has joined the Party for several weeks.,He came here a few weeks ago. He has been here for a few weeks. It is/has been a few weeks since he came here.,She joined the Party several weeks ago. She has been a Party member for several weeks. It is/has been several weeks since she joined-,一定要注意,像come, join, marry, leave, die, arrive, begin, stop等这样的瞬间动词,它们所表示的动作是在一刹那间或很短的一段时间内完成的;因此,瞬间动词的现在完成时的肯定式不可与表示时间段的时间状语连用。,他父亲离开祖国已经50年了。,析 瞬间动词的完成时的肯定式不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。 His father has been away from his homeland for fifty years. His father left his homeland fifty years ago.,His father has left his homeland for fifty years.,I have received his letter for almost a month.,注意:瞬间动词的现在完成时的肯定式不可与表示时间段的时间状语连用; 瞬间动词的否定形式可以与表示延续时间的状语连用。即动作不发生的状态是可以持续的。,I havent received his letter for almost a month.,1)It/This is the first / second time that结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。例如: It is the first time that I have visited the city. 这是我第一次访问这城市。 这是我第一次听他唱歌。 This is the first time (that) Ive heard him sing. 注意:It was the third time that the boy had been late.,用于现在完成时的句型,典型例题,(1)-Do you know our town at all? -No, this is the first time I _ here. A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming,B,This is the first time 后面所加从句应为现在完成时,故选B。,-Have you _ been to our town before? -No, its the first time I _ here. A. even, come B. even, have come C. ever, come D. ever, have come,D,ever意为曾经或无论何时,反意词为never, 此两词常用于完成时。,现在完成时与一般过去时的区别: 现在完成时与现在有联系,它表示过去的动作对现在所产生的结果、影响。 一般过去时通常表示在过去某一具体时间发生的动作,与现在没什么联系。,I have lost my pen. I lost my pen yesterday.,1 We have studied English for about five years. We began to study it five years ago. 2 Eric left home last year and has just come back. 3 Justin has been away from home for several days. He disappeared last Friday. 4 They bought this house three years ago and they have lived here since then. 5 My brother went to see my grandpa last week. He has visited him three times this month.,Practice,The tape recorder _ (be) out of order last week. We _ (have) it repaired the day before yesterday. It _ (be) in good condition ever since. We _ (know) each other since we_ (be) boys.,was,had,has been,have known,were,Exercise:Page 8,My friend Jack has just sent me an e-mail, telling me about his travels around the world. He has just been (just be) to Qomolangma Base Camp and _ (see) a Yeti there. He is still very excited about it. He _ (visit) the Great Pyramid in Egypt too. He says that he _(love) Egypt but he _(not visit) all the pyramids yet.,saw,has visited,loves,hasnt visited,He _ (swim) in Loch Ness, but luckily he _ (never meet) the Loch Ness Monster! He _ (dive) in the Indian Ocean many times looking for treasure. Although he _ (find)many sunken ships, he _ (not find) any treasure. _ he _ (be)to the Great Wall before? Im not surebut I have.,has swum,has never met,has dived,has found,hasnt found,Has,been,The present continuous tense,现在完成进行时构成,have/has + been + 现在分词,现在完成进行时的用法,现在完成进行时表示一个过去开始、现仍在继续中的动作或一个过去开始、现在刚刚结束的动作: Ive been waiting for an hour and he still hasnt turned up 我等了一小时了,可他还没来。 Im so sorry Im lateHave you been waiting long? 真对不起,我迟到了。你等了很久了吗?,瞬间动词(如:finish, marry, get up, come, go等)不能用现在完成进行时。,现在完成进行时常和all this morning, these few days, all night, this month, recently 等状语以及since和for 所引导的状语短语或从句连用。,现在完成时和现在完成进行时的主要区别,现在完成进行时着重表示动作的延续性,而 现在完成时着重表示动作的结果。,She has read this book. She has been reading this book.,I have worked here for three years. I have been working here for 3 years.,现在完成时可表示反复发生的动作,提问时用how many times。 而现在完成进行时则表示持续的、不间断的动作,提问时用how long。,I have visited Egypt twice this month. How many times have you visited Egypt? I have been visiting Egypt for two mo
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