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life is all about choices,教师寄语,Self-confidence is the cornerstone of our success. 自信是成功的基石.,1. What kind of young man was Mike? 2. What are the two choices Mike would make every day? 3. What are the two kinds of attitude one must choose from life?,Life is all about choices,1. What kind of young man was Mike? He was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was really a tireless and care-free young man. 2. What are the two choices Mike would make every day? He can choose to be in a good mood or to be in a bad mood. 3. What are the two kinds of attitude one must choose from life? An optimistic attitude and a pessimistic attitude.,Life is all about choices,1.Mike was the kind of guy you love to hate . 麦克是那种让你又恨又爱的家伙。 love to hate 又爱又恨 e.g. Mary was the kind of girl you _ _ _. 玛丽是那种让你又爱又恨的女孩。,2.He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. 他总是心情很好,总是讲让人振奋的话。 句中的be in a good/bad mood作“心情很好(不好)的解,又如: She is _ _ _ _ today. 她今天心情很好。 Hes always _ _ _ _ on Mondays. 他每星期一情绪都很坏。 He is in a mood. 他今天闹情绪了。,in a good mood,in a bad mood,mood 是“心境” “情绪”的意思,3.He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. 他总是心情很好,总是讲让人振奋的话。,句中的something positive意思是“让人振奋的事”“正面的事”,positive是形容词放在something的后面作后置定语。当形容词修饰不定代词something, nothing, anything, anybody等时,这个形容词通常放在不定代词的后面。,_ _ 新鲜的事 _ _ 有趣的事 _ _ 重要的事,something new,something interesting,something important,4. If someone asked him how he was doing, he would reply, “ Couldnt be better!” 如果有人问他最近怎么样,他总会答道: “再好不过了!” 句中的“ Couldnt be better!”是 “it couldnt be better!”的简略形式。,5. Mike used to say,麦克过去常说 Used to作“过去常常,以前常常”解,这里to是不定式符号,后跟动词原形。 e.g. He _ _ _late for school every day. 他过去常常上学迟到。,used to be,No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘,一分收获。 Early sow, early mow. 早种早收。,6. Each time something happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn a good lesson. 每当有事情发生时,我可以充当一个受害者,也可以从中吸取经验教训。 句中的each time可直接跟从句,作“每当时候”解,做时间状语,例如: _ _ he comes to Wuhan, he will call on me. 他每次来武汉都要来看我。,Each time,7. You can either choose an optimistic attitude or choose a pessimistic attitude. 你或者选择乐观的态度或者选择悲观的态度。 句中的eitheror,是表示选择的并列连词,连接两个并列的句子成分,作“或者或者”解。e.g. I left it _on the table _in the drawer. 我把它不是放在桌子上就是放在抽屉里。,either,or,知识拓展,由eitheror连词的并列主语,谓语一般和最近的主语一致。例如: Either you or he has to go there. 或者你或者他得去那儿。 Either I or my parents are coming. 或者我来或者我父母来。,8. The bottom line is: youre living your make it either happy or depressing. 归根结底,自己的生活自己过,可能快乐也可能忧愁。 本句中的the bottom line意思是“归根结底”“基本论点”,又如: e.g. _ _ _ is : youre an excellent student. 归根结底,你是一名优秀的学生。,The bottom line,Depressing 令人忧愁的 verb: depress 使忧愁 excitedexciting 令人激动的 movemoving 令人感动的 interestinteresting 有趣的 surprisesurprising 令人惊奇的 disappointdisappointing 令人失望的,9. But I often thought about Mike when I made a choice. 但是我经常在需要做出选择的时候,就会想起麦克。 think about 考虑,回想起 我正在考虑一项计划。 I am thinking about a plan. Make a choice(=choose)作出选择 Make a decision(=decide)作出决定 Make a guess(=guess)猜测 Make a promise(=promise)答应;承诺,10.Several years later, I was involved in a car accident and my legs were seriously injured. 几年后我遇到车祸,双腿严重受伤。 Involved 牵涉;拖累 Dont involved other people in your trouble. 别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。 Be involved in 陷入(困境);牵扯进去 All the children were involved in the school activities. 所有的孩子都参加了学校的活动。,Injured adj. 在本句子作表语,表示状态。 那个女孩伤得很严重。 The girl was badly injured.,I lived and succeeded in business, thanks to the treatment of the doctors and also to Mikes amazing attitude toward life. 我活了下来,而且生意很成功,这多亏医生的治疗,也归因于麦克对待生活非凡的态度。 Succeed vi. 成功;获得(成功) Succeed in doing sth. 在方面取得成功 他考试及格了。 He succeeded in the passing the examination.,12.Choose the one you love and love the one you choose. 选择你所爱的,爱你所选择的。 他提的那个问题很容易。 The question he asked was an easy one.,13. Why not choose the one we love and live happily! 为什么不选择我们喜爱的,并且快乐地生活呢! Why not+动词原形 省略了主语you的疑问句。在日常用语中,用来提出建议,不必回答。 为什么不再试试呢? Why not try again?,Mike was the kind of guy you _ _ _.He was always _ _ _ _and always had _ _to say .If someone asked him how he was doing ,he would reply ,“_ _ _!”He was really a tireless and care-free young man . Mike used to say , “_ _I wake up and say to myself ,Mike , you have two choices today . You can choose to be _ _ _ _or you can choose to be_ _ _ _. I choose to be in a good mood . _ _something happens ,I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn a good lesson . I choose to learn from life.”,Love to hate,in a good mood,something positive,Couldnt be better,Each morning,in a good mood,in a bad mood,Each time,随堂练习,Life is all about choices.,美句欣赏,生活充满选择!,You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood,美句欣赏,你可以选择心情愉快,你也可以选择心情恶劣。,Youre living your life and you make it either happy or depressing.,美句欣赏,自己的生活自己过,可能快乐也可能忧愁。,Thank you!,
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