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Happy New Year,In western countryies althouth Christmas day is the most signficant festivel, new year still has an important position that others can never inetead of . It is a day people see the old days out and the new year in . 在西方国家,尽管圣诞才是最重要的节日,但是新年在人们心中仍占有不可代替的位子,因为这是人们辞旧迎新的时刻 。,New Years Day,Now ,1.1was the pubic festivel in mang countries around the world .but there are also some countryies and nationalities have different date because different traditions, religious ,beliefs, customs, seasons and climates,which makes the world more wonderful and colorful and show more nationality features 现在,世界上大多数国家把每年1月1日作为元旦,因为他们多采用了国际通行的公历。但也有一些国家和民族由于本地的历法传统及宗教信仰、风俗习惯、季节气候的不同,因而他们的元旦日期也不一样,这也使得这个世界多姿多彩,更显民族的特色了,New Years Day,Because of the longitude of the world in different locations, countries of time is also different, accordingly, new years date is also different. Such as Oceania located in the west of the RiJieXian island-state, it is the first day of the first place, also be to celebrate New Years country.,New Year,Located in the east side of the RiJieXian XiSaMaYa is the worlds most late start a new day of place. According to the calendar to count, our country is the worlds first start New Year 12 countries . 由于世界各国所处的经度位置不同,各国的时间也不同,因此,“元旦”的日期也有不同。如大洋洲的岛国汤加位于日界线的西侧,它是世界上最先开始的一天的地方,也是最先庆祝元旦的国家。而位于日界线东侧的西萨摩亚则是世界上最迟开始新的一天的地方。按公历计,我国是世界上第12个开始新年的国家。,Origin,It is around 5000 BC, the ancient Egyptians s life transformed from Nomadic to farming and they settled in the Nile River, their harvests has a great relationship with the Nile flood. From the ancient Egyptians long-term observation, the Nile flood had a regular time, they wrote the time on a bamboo pole, from that time spread between the two are separated by approximately 365 days; you also found, when the tide came up the Nile today near the city of Cairo, at this time , tide happened to that the sun and sirius raise from the horizon. Thus, the ancient Egyptians put this day as the beginning of the year. This is the origin of the first New Years Day.,大约在公元前五万年左右,古埃及人已由游牧改为农耕,定居在尼罗河两岸,他们的农业收成与尼罗河是否发生洪水有很大关系。古埃及人从长期的观察中发现,尼罗河泛滥的时间是有规律的,他们就把这个时间每次都记录在竹竿上,从中得知两次泛滥时间之间大约相隔365天;同时还发现,当尼罗河初涨的潮头来到今天开罗城附近的时候,也正好是太阳与天狼星同时从地平线上升起的时候。于是,古埃及人便把这一天定为一年的开始。这是元旦最早的由来。,Greetings,Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。 Happy New year to the worlds best parents! 祝世界上最好的父母节日快乐! Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 愿您在新的一年充满快乐 May happiness follow you wherever you go! 愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远 Wishing you and yours a happy new year. 万事如意,合家平安。 Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season. 愿你拥有美丽的新年所有的祝福 You are the one for me this New Year and for many New Years to come. 在此新年和未来的每个新年里,你都是我唯一的爱! My arms are wide open for you this New Year. 我张开双臂,盼与你共度新春佳节。,Britain New Year,January 1 is a big day in the lives of those living in United Kingdom, as it is the day of New Year. The tradition of celebrating New Year on January 1 according to Georgian calendar began officially in the year of 1752.,. People in United Kingdom eagerly wait for its arrival. When New Year actually arrives, they make sure to welcome it with lots of grandeur, cheer, and festivities,New Year Celebrations in United Kingdom,在英国怎样庆祝新年 New Year celebrations made in Unite d Kingdom are grand, best, and one of its kind, which is very much evident by the number of tourists vesting the country during the time of New Year. Almost each major city in United Kingdom is hosting at least one major grand celebration event on New Years Eve.,these events are now being celebrated since many years, and thus has become that essential part of the life without which no one might feel like being into a New Year. Most of these events usually have thousands of people gathering together, dancing together, celebrating together and cheering together to give a grand mutual welcome to the first few moments of New Year.,As a part of New Year celebrations in United Kingdom, anything and everything, from streets to buildings to towns and hills, is illuminated with vibrant lights. Lavish parties are thrown everywhere, with finest of food and drinks served to all those participating.,It is well complimented by high energy music, and equally high energy people who incessantly dance to its tunes. Almost everyone remain engaged in one or the other club or house party, or a short trip, or any other New Year celebration event. Other than these, theme parties, salsa dance, live shows, and music concerts are some of the other fervent events of New Year in United Kingdom.,The most cheerful moment arrives at the stroke of midnight, when all people cheer out loud, whistle, and beat drums. People raise toasts, and wish one another with New Year wishes by hugging and kissing.,New Year Parade in United Kingdom 英国的新年大游行 New Year parade is the biggest attraction of New Year celebrations in United Kingdom. It is organized in almost all major cities of UK. These parades go through various
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