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Earth Song by Michael Jackson,A MV Version of The Doom Day 2012 ? by Lucy,地球之歌,早在1995年迈克杰克森在其“地球之歌”的MV中就为世人演绎了世界末日的景象: 群象倒毙在残树断枝之间,人们跪卧在焦土裂田之上,风在吼,人在啸,是否玛雅人的预言2012年“太阳将不再升起”应验了? MV 的结尾设计成回放模式,一切又回到了起点,象活了,树生了,人们站起来了。 难道现实生活也可以回放吗?,The Doom Day,Its smart to present the topic 2012-The Doom Day together with the famous Earth Song by Michael Jackson. I dont think the end of the world will befall on that particular day (2012-12-21/31) of 2012 foretold in the namesake film or by some Mayan prophets though I do believe someday in the future the earth with all its creatures like the human race, animals and plants will vanish totally into the emptiness of the infinite and timeless universe.,a wasteland,Everything is mortal; our earth is no exception. The various destructions caused by human beings revealed in the Earth-Song and its MV is now accelerating the speed of our heading for the last day. Still, watching the whole process from life to death of the world we inhabit now - from the luxuriantly green woods glowing in sunshine to a wasteland dilapidated with dying elephants, burning tree stubs, scorched soil and knelted men and women kissing the once-dear land and reaching upward for prayers, I feel more than shocked and scared.,the debut,Seeing is believing, as the old saying goes; the world owes much to Jacksons animated presention of the Doom Day scene along with his and their howling and roaring solo and chorus. Here, Id like to show my great respect to Michael Jackson who called our attentions to Earth protection 18 years ago (the debut of Earth-Song:1995-12).,be manipulated,Though Jackson seems to leave a hint that the earth might revive its vitality and vigor by rewinding the ruined scene to its fresh start, he and we all know for sure that life is not like a MV that can be manipulated by mans power, intelligence or technology:,lament,What is done cannot be undone. Thats the law of nature. What we can do now is not to lament the wrongdoings but to prevent from doing them again. Were mortal as we know, but we also wish the earth will not end up in our own hands.,The Earth Song,Its smart to present the topic 2012-The Doom Day together with the famous Earth Song by Michael Jackson. I dont think the end of the world will befall on that particular day (2012-12-21/31) of 2012 foretold in the namesake film or by some Maya prophets though I do believe someday in the future the earth with all its creatures like the human race, animals and plants will vanish totally into the emptiness of the infinite and timeless universe. Everything is mortal; our earth is no exception. The various destructions caused by human beings revealed in the Earth-Song and its MV is just accelerating the speed of our heading for the last day. Still, watching the whole process from life to death of the world we inhabit now - from the luxuriantly green woods glowing in sunshine to a wasteland dilapidated with dying elephants, burning tree stubs, scorched soil and knelt men and women kissing the once-dear land and reaching upward for prayers, I feel more than shocked and scared. Seeing is believing, as the old saying goes; the world owes much to Jacksons animated presentation of the Doom Day scene along with his and their howling and roaring solo and chorus. Here, Id like to show my great respect to Michael Jackson who called our attentions to Earth protection 18 years ago (the debut of Earth-Song:1995-12). Though Jackson seems to leave a hint that the earth might revive its vitality and vigor by rewinding the ruined scene to its fresh start, he and we all know for sure that life is not like a MV that can be manipulated by mans power, intelligence or technology. What is done cannot be undone. Thats the law of nature. What we can do now is not to lament the wrongdoings but to prevent from doing them again.Were mortal as we know, but we also wish our earth will not end up in our own hands.,
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