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2017-2018第一学期口语考试试题Topic OneIndividual Ability1.What stops you from trying new things? A: when I try new things, there is always the risk that we will not be happy with my choice. Just like I might try a food I have never tried before and end up disliking it. It could be too sour or too salty. It could be too spicy.B: Due to my failure of failure and my fear of something unknown, I may not try something new. For example, if I learn to skate,I am afraid of falling and embarrassing.2.What have you achieved in your life that makes you feel proud?A : My paintings often get compliments 获得称赞from classmates, friends and families. Moreover ,partly owing to the hand-painted walls I painted on the walls of my dorm, our dormitories have achieved excellent results in the selection.B : An accidental chance, I rescued an injured dog on the way home from school. Because of my help, it has not only recovered to health now, but also lived a happy life and became a member of my family.3.Who do you admire for their achievements and why?A : The person who inspires me is my father. He is a chemistry teacher. My father is not only a good teacher, but also a great father. He is patient with me and When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my father who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. My dad is less good-looking, but I admire and love him.B : The two people who inspire me are Martin Luther King who gave an amazing speech and stood up for what is right. He was strong and led his protests in a peaceful way, hand in hand. My second person is Emmeline Pankhurst who stood up to defend womens rights and getting women in Britain their right to vote. They are both amazing people and I hope to make a change similar to theirs when I grow up.Pair WorkWork in pairs and role-play the following situation. Use the skills for referring to what you said earlier.Situation: Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.A: You want to know Student Bs opinion about studyingabroad. 1. Ask B for his/her opinion about studying abroad. 2. Agree with B and add your own opinion.B: Student A is asking about your opinion about studying abroad. 1. Give your opinion. 2. Agree with As opinion.A:Hi,.B: Hi, .I heard you will go abroad for further study, is that true?A: yeah, Im planning to study abroad this summer.B: There are many advantages and disadvantages for going abroad. Are you ready to face them?A: You are right. That is what I worry about. As for me, studying abroad can help me pick up the latest developments of the living language more quickly, learn many new things to widen my views and broaden my minds, and develop my ability to coping with the routine matters such as renting a house and helping with the house work. What do you think of studying abroad?B: oh, Whats more, those high-ranking universities abroad like universities in the Ivy League have more advanced facilities, education methods and ideas. With so many outer help, you may have a better development in the future.A: yeah, I totally agree with you! Studying abroad is not only to breathe new air, experience different cultural atmospheres. I also want to learn something useful. I wont waste time and money.B: I believe you can do it. And you will learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with the teachers and classmates. During their study, they can acquire some interpersonal skills.A: Thank you! You are so nice. No matter what decision I make, I wont hesitate to go!Topic TwoIndividual Ability1. Do you know your neighbors? How well do you know them?I know my neighbors very well,I live in the community,Opposite my home is an old couple,They are easy to get along with,and sometimes my parents will invite them over for dinner, Their children will come back when The Spring Festival is coming.Nope. I dont know them at all, even have never officially met them. But my parents know them well, They often say hello or go out for a walk, may be Ive been out of school so I rarely get a chance to get in touch with my neighbors.2. What do you think makes a good /bad neighbor?To be a good neighbor, the most important to do is to be kind. I dont appreciate that kind of neighbors who dont care about others feelings and dont respect their privacy.3. Who is the best or worst neighbor you have ever had and why?Mr. Adalric is a highly extrovert man with the look of an adventurer. I like Mr. Adalric much for his benevolence behaviour and his extrovert nature. Besides, he is the person who understands the almost every situation and comes to offer help without any conditions. Whenever he comes to visit us, he asks about my study and if I am in trouble with any of my subjects, especially English, he provides me the directives to study and in some cases makes the texts and issues clear to me. While the small computer is so light-
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