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海事劳工管理手册海事劳工管理手册 Maritime Labour Management Manual 上海远洋运输有限公司上海远洋运输有限公司 SHANGHAI OCEAN SHIPPING COMPANY ,LTD. 海事劳工管理手册(MLMM) 上海远洋运输有限公司 1/57 上海远洋运输有限公司 SHANGHAI OCEAN SHIPPING COMPANY,LTD. 海事劳工管理手册 Maritime Labour Management Manual 版本/修改 2013/3 生效日期 2014-04-16 编 写 安监部、人力资源部 审 核 批 准 海事劳工管理手册(MLMM) 上海远洋运输有限公司 2/60 目 录 List of content 手册章节 Chapter 内容 Content 修改记录 Revision record 第 1 章 Chapter 1 总则 General Provisions 第 2 章 Chapter 2 招募和资质 Recruitment and qualification 2.1 招募 Recruitment 2.2 资质 Qualification 2.3 船员体检 Seafarer medical examination 第 3 章 Chapter 3 工作和待遇 Work and treatment 3.1 就业协议 Employment agreement 3.2 作息时间和休假 hours of rest and leave 3.3 工资 Wages 3.4 社会保障 Social security 3.5 遣返 Repatriation 第 4 章 Chapter 4 生活设施和饮食 Life facilities and catering 4.1 起居舱室 Accommodation 4.2 娱乐设施 Recreational facilities 4.3 食品与饮用水 Food and drinking water 第 5 章 Chapter 5 健康和安全 Health and safety 5.1 卫生 Sanitation 5.2 防疫 Disease prevention 5.3 医疗 Medical treatment 5.4 安全 Safety 5.5 应急和事故处置Accident and emergency handling 第 6 章 Chapter 6 附则 Supplement 6.1 投诉程序 Complain procedure 6.2 监督检查 Supervision and inspection 附件 Accessory 船上投诉程序 Complaints procedure on board ship 附录 Attachment Attachment 1-8 海事劳工管理手册(MLMM) 上海远洋运输有限公司 3/60 修改记录 Revision record 版本/修改 Version /revised 生效日期 Effective date 页码/章节 Page/chapter 修订内容及标识 Detail Revised/mark 审核 Audit 批准 Approval 2013/0 2013.01.01 新建立 All (Newly established) 全 部 All (Newly established) 殷焕宇 曹致俊 2013/1 2013.03.01 部分章节 Chapter partly 少量字句修改 A small amount of words to modify 殷焕宇 曹致俊 2013/2 2013.09.01 部分章节 Chapter partly 少量字句修改 A small amount of words to modify 殷焕宇 曹致俊 2013/3 2014.04.16 增加了 1.4、1.5 和附件 Increased by1.4-1.5 and the attachment 增加了审核、发证 的要求和船员投诉 程序 以下划波浪线标出 Increase the audit and certification requirements and the crew complaints procedure Marked by the underline 郭正云 曹致俊 海事劳工管理手册(MLMM) 上海远洋运输有限公司 4/60 第 1 章 总 则 Chapter 1 General Provisions 1.1. 目的和范围目的和范围 Purpose and scope 1.1.1. 为履行2006 年海事劳工公约 ,落实海事劳工符合声明所阐述的各项责任和义务, 公司特制订本管理手册。 This manual is to carry out Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and fulfill the duties and obligations defined by Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance. 1.1.2. 本管理手册适用于公司和所管理的船舶及船员。 This manual applies to the company, ships owned by the company, and seafarers working on board the ships. 1.2. 依据依据 Basis 本管理手册依据中国旗、中国香港旗和巴拿马旗海事劳工符合声明第 I 部分 、公司的 海事劳工符合声明第 II 部分及综合管理体系编制。 This Management Manual is compiled according to Declaration Of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I of Chinese flag, flag of Hong Kong ,China and Panamanian flag ,Declaration Of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II and Integrated Management System of the company. 1.3. 一般义务和要求一般义务和要求 General obligation and requirement 1.3.1. 落实“以人为本”方针,促进航运事业发展,维护船员合法权益,构建和谐劳动关系, 实现船员“体面劳动” 。 Observe people-oriented policy, facilitate the development of shipping business, protect legitimate interest of seafarers, construct harmonious labour relationship, achieve decent work of seafarers. 1.3.2. 贯彻结社自由和承认有效集体谈判权利;消除所有形式的强迫和强制劳动;有效废除童 工劳动;消除就业和职业方面的歧视等基本原则。 Carry out basic principles of freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or forced labour; the effective abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. 1.3.3. 确保每一在船工作船员均有权享受符合安全标准且受保护的工作场所;公平的就业条 件;体面的船上工作和生活条件;健康、医疗、福利措施及其他形式的社会保障。 Ensure that every seafarer has the right to a safe and secure workplace that complies with safety standards; fair terms of employment; decent working and living conditions on board ship; health protection、 medical care、 welfare measures and other forms of social protection. 海事劳工管理手册(MLMM) 上海远洋运输有限公司 5/60 1.3.4. 本手册将详细说明海事劳工符合声明 第 II 部分中的有关船员招募和资质、工作和 待遇、社会保障、生活设施和饮食、健康和安全等 14 项措施的实施要求,符合2006 年海事劳工公约标题一至标题五中的规则及标准 A 要求,并充分考虑导则 B 的要求。 This manual will describe 14 implementation requirements relating to seafarer recruitment and qualification、 work and treatment、 social security、 life facilities and catering、 health and safety which is declared in Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II in details, to conform to the rules of title 1 to 5 and standard A of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, and take into sufficient consideration of requirements of guideline B. 1.4. 审核和发证 Audit and certification 1.4.1. 船舶海事劳工证书和海事劳工符合声明 The maritime Labour certificate and the declaration of maritime Labour compliance of the ship 公司管理的每艘船舶应根据MLC2006和船旗国主管机关的要求获得和保持船舶海事劳工 证书和海事劳工符合声明, 主管海务监督员负责将主管船舶的海事劳工证书和海事符合 声明正本送交船长。海事劳工证书和海事劳工符合声明正本由船长保存,副本由安监部 保存。 Should be according to the company responsible for the management of each ship MLC,2006, and by the competent authority of the flag state requirements to abtain and maintain the maritime Labour certificate and the declaration of maritime Labour compliance of the ship, sea service supervisor in charge of for the maritime
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