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代词一:指示代词1.指示代词有this , that , these , those , such , same.2.指示代词的用法: (1).that 常用来代替前面出现的人.事. 物,以免重复.that代替可数名词和不可数名词;those可代替复数名词.2.指示代词的用法: (1).that 常用来代替前面出现的人.事.物,以免重复.that代替可数名词和不可数名词;those可代替复数名词.(2). 在打电话时,英语中常用this代替自己,that代替对方.例如: A: May I speak to Mr. Zhang, please? B: This is Zhang Ming speaking. Whos that.(3). Such表示 “如此,这样的人或事”. I have never seen such an interesting film before.(4). Same 表示 “ 同样的人和物”,前面必须加the.例如: They arrived there at the same time. Lucy and Lily are in the same class.They do the same thing everyday. 经典例析1.The weather in Australia is quite different from _ of Shijiazhuang. A. it B. that C. those D. ones2. The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than _ made in America. A. ones B. those C. that D. it3.Can you believe that in _ a rich country there should be _ many poor people ? A. such ; such B. such ; so C. so ; so D. so ; such4. -Hello! May I speak to Jim, please? - Speaking. _? A. how are you B. Is that Mike C. are you Jim D. who are you 5. There are more people in Shanghai than in Tianjin. (同义句) The _ of shanghai is _ than _ of Tianjin.6. This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.(同义句) I have _ read _ an interesting book before.二:不定代词1. 不定代词主要有: each , every , both, all , either , neither , none , one , few , a few , little , a little, many , much, other , another , some , any , no 以及some , any, no 和thing构成的合成词.不定代词的用法(1). Some , any , something , anything Some和something多用于肯定句中.当说话人期望得到对方的肯定回答或表示请求建议时,some , something可用于疑问句中,而不用any 和anything. 例如:any和anything一般用于否定句.疑问句和条件句中.例如: 1. Please ask the teacher if you have any questions to ask. 2.There isnt anything new in todays newspaper. 3. He is taller than any other boy in his class.注 意 事 项1.形容词或不定式修饰不定代词时,作后置定语. Be quiet ! I have something important to tell you.2. 不定代词作主语时谓语用单数. Listen ! Someone is singing in the next room.3.Nothing表示否定,表示“什么事都没有”等于notanything. 反意疑问句应用肯定 He knew nothing about the accident, did he ? The police found nothing in the room. =The police didnt find anything in the room.3.Nothing表示否定,表示“什么事都没有”等于notanything. 反意疑问句应用肯定 He knew nothing about the accident, did he ? The police found nothing in the room. =The police didnt find anything in the room.1.I have some questions to ask you.2.There is something wrong with my watch. It doesnt work.3.-Would you like something to drink ? - No, thanks.4.-May I ask you some questions ? -Certainly. Whats it ?5.-Can I have some meat ? -Sure, here you are.三:经典例析1.Be quiet, boys and girls . I have _ to tell you. A. important something B. something important C. anything important D. important anything2. -I feel a bit hungry. -Why dont you have _ bread? A. any B. some C. little D. a3. The teacher said nothing at the meeting yesterday .(同义句) The teacher _ say _ at the meeting yesterday.(2). each 与 every each指两者或两者当中的人或事物中的每一个.every指三者或三者当中的每一个.each “每个,各,各自的”,强调个体;every强调整体,表示 “每个都”.There are many trees and flowers on each side of the street.Every student has read this story.经典例析1.-How often are the Olympic Gams held? -_ four years. A. Every B. Each C. In D. For2.There are many trees on _ side of the street. A. all B. every C. neither D. each(3).both 与 all ; neither 与 either,both 表示 “两者都”,常与and连用,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式.all指 “三者或三者以上的全体”.例如:Both mother and father are teachers.They all like this story.either指 “两个之间,其中的一个”,常与or搭配使用:either or意为 “不是就是; 或者或者”. 而neither是指 “两个人或事物中一个也不”,是both的全盘否定,常与nor搭配.eitheror和neithernor连接的并列结构作主语时,谓语坚持就近原则Neither people nor plants can live without water or air.There is only one seat here, either you or I can take it.经典例析1.They were all asleep. _ of themheard the sound. A. All B. Both C. None D. Neither2.Both of them are right.(同义句) _ of them _ wrong.3.All of us have been to Shanghai. (否定句) _ of us _ been to Shanghai.4. Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are world-famous sports stars._ of them have set a good example to us. A. All B. Neither C. Both D. None5.-Can you come and give us a talk on Thursday or Friday? -Im afraid _ day is possible. A. either B. neither C. every D. any6.-May I use your pen? -Yes, here are two and you can use _ of them. A. both B. every C. any D. either7. Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk ? _, thanks. Id just like a cup of tea. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None8. They were all tired, but _ of them stopped to have a rest.9. I have two watches,
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