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组织学与胚胎学 组织学与胚胎学 理论课双语教学大纲 理论课双语教学大纲 广西医科大学 组织学与胚胎学教研室 组织学与胚胎学理论课双语教学大纲 一、 前言 组织学是研究正常人体微细结构及其相关功能的科学,而胚胎学是研 究个体发生、发育及其机制的科学,在医学教育中,通常将组织学与胚胎 学作为一门课程来讲授。组织学与胚胎学是重要的医学基础课,是教育部 核定的医学主干课程。本课程的教学目的是使学生掌握正常人体的微细结 构以及个体的发生、发育的基本过程,为学习后续课程以及从事医疗、卫 生实践打下坚实的基础。组织学与胚胎学的教学要求学生掌握本学科重要 的基本理论、基本知识和基本实践技能,教师应理论联系实际,启发学生 独立思考,并培养他们分析问题和解决问题的能力。此外,为适应现代科 学的迅速发展,在教学过程中,教师应充分发挥主导作用,授课条理分明, 由浅入深,重点突出,及时介绍本学科新进展,使学生对组织学与胚胎学 的世界先进水平能有所了解。 教学大纲的所列理论课内容都是要求学生学习的,主要在课堂上讲授, 也可以通过其他教学方式贯彻,或由学生自学。教学内容的要求分三级, 第一级为掌握的内容,要求学生牢记并能自由表达,还能应用这些知识解 释有关生理现象及应用于后续课程;第三级为了解内容,要求学生有初步 印象;第二级为熟悉内容,介于掌握与了解内容之间。 实验课重点要求理论联系实际,巩固理论知识,拓宽思维,突出培养 学生的动手能力、综合分析能力、应用能力和创新能力。 本大纲是根据我校制定的教学时数与我教研室教学的实际情况特别制 定的,是教师的讲授大纲,学生的复习大纲,考试的考试大纲,应予以特 别重视。 本大纲使用人民卫生出版社出版的全国医学院校临床医学五年制本科 基础、预防、临床、口腔医学类专业用规划教材组织学与胚胎学。总 学时为 79 学时(理论课 34 学时,实验课 45 学时),4 学分。 本大纲实施的教学时数由学校教务部门指定,理论课与实验课的学时 基本比例为 1:1.5。 1 二、理论课教学内容及基本要求 Chapter 1 Introduction Learning objectives 1. Know the research object, purpose and common research techniques of histology and embryology. 2. Know the relationship between the cubic morphology with varieties of sections. Teaching contents 1. The research contents and the situation in medicine of Histology and Embryology. 2. The common research techniques of histology and embryology. The basic principle of manufactory of histological sections. The meaning of acidophilic, basophilic and neutrophilic affinities. The basic principle of manufactory of ultra-thin section. The meaning of high electron dense and low electron dense of transmission electron micrograph (TEM). The observation of scanning electron microscope (SEM). The basic principle of histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and autoradiography (the observation of LM and TEM). The method of tissue culture. 3. The relationship between cubic morphology and varieties of sections. 4. The common length unit of microscope uses the international unit system correctly. 绪论 掌握掌握 组织学、HE 染色及其染色性质的概念。 光学显微镜与电子显微镜的长度单位及其分辨率。 熟悉熟悉 一般光学显微镜技术。 了解了解 组织学发展简史和当代组织学。 其他的组织学研究技术。 组织学在医学中的地位及学习方法。 2 Chapter 2 Epithelial Tissue Learning objectives 1. Understand the general features and classification of epithelial tissue. 2. Understand the structured features and functions of varieties of covering epithelium. 3. Understand the L.M structure, E.M structured features and functions of microvilli and cilia. 4. Understand the position, L.M structure, ultra-structure and function of basement membrane. 5. Know the ultra-structure features and functions of varieties of intercellular conjunctions. 6. Know the conception of glandular cells, glandular epithelium and glands, and the morphological classification of exocrine glands. Teaching contents 1. The general structureal features and function (1) Features More cells (cells tightil joined) and less intercellular substance; polarity (free surface and basic surface); avascularity (no blood vessels); innervation (rich in nervous terminals); (2) Functions Protection; secretion;absorption; excretion; (3) Classification Covering epithelium, glandular epithelium and sense epithelium. 2. Covering epithelium (1) Classification Covering epithelium can de divided into six common types according to cell-layering and cell-shape. Simple squamous epithelium; simple cuboid epithelium; simple columnar epithelium; pseudostratified columnar epithelium; stratified squamous epithelium; stratified columnar epithelium and transitional epithelium. (2) Structural features of every type 3. The specializations of epithelial cell: (1) Free surface Microvilli: LM and Ultra-structured features and functions; Cilia: LM and Ultra-structured features and functions; (2) Lateral surface Tight junction, intermedia junction, desmosome and gap junction: position and their general functions. 3 The conception of junctional complex: (3) Basal surface Basement membrane: LM structure, Ultra-structure and function. 4. Glandular epithelium: The conception of glandular cell, glandular epithelium and gland. The generation of glandular cell and gland. The general features of exocrine gland and endocrine gland. The classification of exocrine gland. The types of glandular cell: protein secretary cell, glycoprotein secretary cell, steroid secretary cell. 5. The physiologic renew and the regeneration of the epithelium after destruction. 上皮组织 掌握掌握 上皮组织的一般特点(组成、有极性、无血管)。 上皮组织的分类(分类原则、类型)。 被覆上皮的类型(分类原则、类型)。 单层扁平上皮的分类及其结构特点、功能和主要分布。 单层立方上皮的结构特点、功能和主要分布。 单层柱状上皮的结构特点、功能和主要分布。 假复层纤毛柱状上皮的结构特点、功能和主要分布。 复层扁平上皮的分类及其结构特点、功能和主要分布。 变移上皮的结构特点、功能和主要分布。 腺上皮和腺的概念。 上皮组织游离面特化结构的组成与功能。 纤毛与微绒毛的异同。 上皮组织侧面特化结构的组成与功能。 上皮组织基底面特化结构的组成与功能。 熟悉熟悉 浆液性细胞与粘液性细胞的比较。 浆半月、肌上皮细胞、质膜内褶的概念。 基膜的结构。 了解了解 上皮组织侧面特化结构的结构特点。 腺的分类和外分泌腺的一般结构。 半桥粒的结构特点。 4 Chapter 3 Connective Tissue Learning objectives 1. Understand the feature and classification of the connective tissue. 2. Understand the structure and function of varied composition of the loose connective tissue. 3. Know the features of fibers and composition of the matrix. 4. Know the basic structure and function of the
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