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智课网IELTS备考资料雅思口语之为别人加油打气的常用句1.Hold your horses, Sally.萨利,你要沉住气。“沉住气”意指“耐心等待”或“保持镇静” 。有时人们往往由于心急而行事莽撞,结果把事情搞糟。此情景中“沉住气”一般可用hold ones horses来表达。Hold your horses, Sally.Just wait with patience. Or youll screw it up.萨利,你要沉住气。就耐心等着吧。否则你会搞砸的。2. I dont enjoy seeing you twiddling your thumbs.我不想看你闲得无聊。细心的人会发现,人闲着没事干的时候往往会坐在一旁玩弄自己的大拇指,这个习语就是表达了这个意思。What did you do all this morning? I dont enjoy seeing you twiddling your thumbs.你今天一早上都干嘛了!我不想看你闲得无聊。3.In such situation, you are not suppose to leave the children in the lurch.在这种情况下,你不能放下这些孩子不管。此语多含“不尽职尽责”的意思,用的时候应该注意。They are too young.In such situation, you are not suppose to leave the children in the lurch. 他们太小了。在这种情况下,你不能放下这些孩子不管。4.You should jump at the chance.你要抓住机会。关于“抓住机会”的英语表达法有以下三种: seize the chance, take the chance 和jump at the chance.不过最后一种最符合英美口语习惯。You should jump at the chance. Its a good opportunity.你要抓住机会。这可是个好机遇啊。5She is the salt of the earth.她是个没有坏心眼的人。这句话出自圣经中的马太福音,此语直译为“大地之盐” ,意指“不会腐烂”。大家都知道盐是一种防腐烂的物质,因此,the salt of the earth是不是可以理解为不被坏思想所腐蚀的人呢?也就是“没有坏心眼” 。You should never harm a girl like her. She is the salt of the earth.你不能伤害她那样的女孩,她是个没有坏心眼的人。6Dont take that too much to heart.别太往心里去。我们常常说“别往心里去”,英语里安慰人别在意的话也跟中文差不多,看来,语言还真是很有相通之处的。Well.Dont take that too much to heart. I dont think she meant to hurt you.呃 别太往心里去。我觉得她不是有意伤你的。7Youre working too hard and worrying too much.你只是工作压力太大.担心过多而已。【其他表达】 This responsibility bears down on me.这项任务给我压力很大。I feel like I am under too much strain these days.我感到这些日子承受的压力太大【Tips 】Sleeping Pills安眠药weighing heavily on the spirit; causing anxiety or worry.对精神压力大;导致忧虑或者烦恼。8。Get yourself together!振作起来!这句话是不是很生动形象啊?被打败得七零八落的人再把自己重新“组装” 起来,不就代表着要一切从头开始,自己要振作起来吗?Get yourself together! You already did a good job.振作起来!你已经做的很好了。
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