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英汉互译的常用技巧,一、选用适当的词汇,1.一词多类、一词多义的现象 例broken a broken man 潦倒 a broken soldier 残废 a broken sleep 时断时续的 broken time 零星的,2.词汇的褒贬、色彩之分 例1ambitious an ambitious gang leader 野心勃勃的 an ambitious student 有抱负的 3.词汇的言外之义 例1two fronts of the purse 武力和财力,4. 英式英语与美式英语的区别 例1orchestra chairs BrE: 乐池座位 AmE: 正厅前排座位 例2merchant bank BrE: 投资信贷银行 Ame: 商业银行,选词的依据: 1)上下文 2)与其他句子成分的搭配关系 试译: 1I challenge my own conclusion. 译文我重新考虑我的结论,2The imperialists are under greater and greater challenge. 译文帝国主义正面临越来越难以应付的局面。 3Recent discoveries have challenged their old notions. 译文新近的发现使他们对旧的想法产生了怀疑。,4None of them challenged the validity of those resolutions. 译文没有人对那些决议的有效性提出异议。 5can he produce evidence in proof to challenge the fact? 译文它能拿出证据来否认这一事实吗?,二、词汇增益与减益法,增益和减益:增词而不增义,减词而不减义 增词的场合: 1.英语动词的时态、情态、语气及非谓语动词翻译成汉语时 2.英语的抽象名词或代表特殊意义的名次翻译成汉语时 例1Restraint in crises must me augmented by cooperation in removing the causes of crisis. 译文必须通过消除危机起因方面的合作,来扩大在危机中采取克制态度所取得的成果。,3.英语中许多代词翻译成汉语时 例1The powers of Europe were content to leave the last negotiations to England and German who could be trusted to enforce it. 译文欧洲各强国愿意让英国和德国进行最后谈判,确信这两国必能设法达成协议。 例2约翰很快在灌木丛后面蹲了下来。他想爬进树丛,树丛却长满了芒刺。 译文John squatted down quickly behind the bush. He tried to crawl into it, but it was full of stickers.,4. 原文有时有省略,翻译时酌情补充 例1Some plants grow well in certain areas, but not in others, for they do not have the ability to adapt themselves to foreign climates. 译文有些植物在某些地区长的好,到了其它地区就长不好,因为它们无法适应不同的气候。,减词翻译的场合 1.英语在多数情况下都离不开主语,译成汉语时有时可以不译。汉译英时一般会补上主语。 例1I wonder if he was in time for the 7:30 train for Shanghai. 译文(我)不知道他能否赶上七点半开往上海的火车。 例2为头一人,头戴武巾,身穿团花线袍,白净面皮,三绺髭须,真有龙凤之表。 译文The leader of the band wore a military cap and flowered silk costume. He had a clear complexion, his beard was fine and he looked every inch a king.,2.英译汉时,有时可以省略连接词。汉译英时则必须译出连接词。 例1Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy. 译文早起早睡身体好。 例2冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 译文If winter comes, can spring be far behind?,3.重复出现的短语,翻译时可视情况适当省略 例1University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference. Over those who had not. 译文报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。 例2She curtseyed again, and would have blushed deeper, if she could have blushed deeper than she had blushed all the time. 译文她又行了一个屈膝礼。她的脸一直涨得通红,现在则是红的不能再红了。,三、词类转换法,翻译没有必要追求词类对等。必要的词类转换可以使译文更加流畅和通顺。 例1The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 译文看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的发动机声,真令人特别神往。 例2He directs a testing center. 译文他是一个试验中心的主任。,例3没有原则的人最不可靠。 译文The man devoid of principle is tha last to be trusted. 例4他的笑容、塔和别人握手时那股热情劲儿,都哪儿去了呢? 译文Where was his smile and hearty handshake?,四、意义引申法,有些原文具有隐含意义,但译文又无现成的对应表达。如逐词硬译,会使译文生硬艰涩,无法确切表达原意,甚至造成误解。许多情况下应引申原文的深层含义,转换成译文读者可以接受的表达法。 例1Last night an uninvited guest turned up to make five for bridge. I hand the kind of paper book at hand to make being the fifth at bridge a joy. 译文昨天晚上又为朋友不请自到,使得桥牌桌上多了一个人。我手边恰好有一本简装书,这样我尽管没打成牌却也过得很愉快。,例2See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct. 译文从那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化。 例3他这场病是洗冷水澡洗出来的。 译文His illness was caused by a cold bath.,五、重组法,句子和段落的重组,主要包括翻译中的拆译或合译,调整顺序,分段合段,增添和删节等。 例1Tuesday, November 10, 1989, promised to be a marvelous day for Mansfred Piller, a 22-year-old recent graduate of the Swiss-army-officer school. The morning mist slowly lifted over Nepals Royal Chitwan National Park to reveal the sun blazing from a cloudless sky. 译文1989年11月10日星期二这天,薄纱似的晨雾缓缓消散,尼泊尔皇家吉万公园沐浴在明媚的阳光之中,天空万里无云。这对于刚毕业于瑞士陆军军官学校不久,22岁的Mansfred Piller来说,是个好日子。,例2但经送我上船的一位华侨的介绍,认识了船长之后,他那慷慨的气度、镇定的申请,以及他对我像慈父般无微不至的照顾,使我很宽九消除了疑虑,产生了一种安全感和信赖感。 译文But after knowing better the captain through the introduction of an overseas Chinese who went on board to see me off, my misgivings soon disappeared. The captains magnanimous bearings and composure had disarmed all my apprehensions, his meticulous fatherly care engendered in my mind a feeling of safety and trust.,六、逆向翻译法,从正面译不通,就应考虑从反面译。从肯定译不通,就从否定的角度来译。从被动译不通,就从主动的角度来译。反之亦然。 例1It was all I could do not to laugh. 译文我差点笑出来。 例2His refusal is not final. 译文他的拒绝并不是不可改变。,例3John is now with his parents in New York: it is already three years since he was a bandmaster. 译文John现同父母住在纽约,他不担任乐队指挥已经三年了。 例4At the end of the interview they told me that I would be notified of any vacancies suitable to my experience and qualifications. 译文面试结束时他们告诉我,只要有了适合我的经验和资历的空缺,就会通知我。,七、注释法,主要用于某些地名、人名、事件、典故、特殊文化现象以及习语等的翻译。形式可以是在后面加注,也可以是在句中加词解释。 例1He works in the Old Lady of Thread-needle Street. 译文他在绰号叫“穿线街老太太”的英格兰银行工作。 例2Can the leopard change his spots? 译文包子改变不了身上的斑纹,这就叫本性难移。,例3”那哪能知道?他们一东一伙,都是看透三国演义的人。要我说,那一耳刮子,也是周瑜打黄盖,一个愿打,一个愿挨的。“ 译文”Hard to say. The two of them are hand in glove, and theyve read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I should say that box on the ear was disguisedly give by a Chou Yu and gladly taken by a Huang Kai.”,八、音译法,通常用于翻译人名、地名、专有名词,以及一些一般词汇或特殊的语言现象。 例 copy 拷贝
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