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Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys,POP MUSIC,从根本上讲, 最开始的流行音乐应该从19世纪美国工业文明的兴起说起。那时大批农业人口进人城市, 构成一早期的产业队伍, 城镇市民的结构产生变化。来源于市民阶层中的新文化代表就是早期的流行音乐。那个时代, 反映怀念故土, 眷念家乡生活的通俗音乐作品, 正好表达了远离家园而来到陌生环境求生的人们的心理状态和纯朴的思想感情。19世纪末20世纪初的美国经历了南北战争和第二次工业革命, 经济的发展给人们带来丰富生活的同时也促使音乐的长足发展。 当时美国的流行音乐多来自于黑人音乐。他们以口传心授及与异族之间的私人交往, 逐渐形成了一种特有的音乐形式。不管是灵歌、索尔、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐, 甚至是爵士乐的根源都可以追溯到由非洲传来的黑人音乐。特别是由多民族文化汇集而成的爵士音乐, 以它独特的演奏、演唱方式, 刷新了听众的耳目, 轰动美国, 又很快传遍世界各国。爵士乐风格多样、节奏性强, 不仅影响了其他流行音乐的形式, 也影响了严肃音乐的创作。 二战后又兴起了摇滚乐、蓝调和乡村音乐。其中摇滚乐成为主流。摇滚乐同样源于美国, 是黑人音乐的节奏与白人乡村音乐和西部音乐的有机结合。摇滚乐强烈的节奏、以反抗为主题且简单直自的歌词以及多样的表演形式、特立独行的装扮强烈地吸引着战后的新一代青年。很多的美国乐队等都对以后的摇滚文化产生了巨大影响。70年代以后, 音乐风格更加多样, 走向前卫和极端, 表现在具有即兴性、强调借助和运用电子手段、注重乐器和效果的操纵技术、商业化倾向日趋明显。流行音乐的发展日益走向繁荣。,New Words group n. 小组,团体 pop singer 流行歌手 club n. 俱乐部 performance n. 演出 occasion n. 场合,New Words and Expressions,group n.组,团体; 群,批; (雕塑等的)群像; (英美的)空军大队; vt. How many study groups are there in our class? There are 11 study groups in our class. 固定搭配:a group of 一群 in group 成组;成群 as a group 作为整体;总体来讲 近义词:team,New Words and Expressions,pop singer 流行歌手 pop n. 流行风格的音乐 vi. 突然出现;爆开 vt. 取出;开枪打;抛出;突然伸出;突然行动 adj.流行音乐的; 通俗风格的; 通俗的; 现代的; pop up 突然出现 pop in 偶尔来访;突然出现 pop off n. 溢放口 , v. 突然离去 Popular:adj:流行的 popularly:adv popularity:n: 普及,流行,New Words and Expressions,club n. 俱乐部,社团;夜总会;棍棒; vt. 用棍棒打;募集 vi. 集资;组成俱乐部 adj. 俱乐部的 in the club 在俱乐部里;在会所 adj.clubbable 善交际的;适合俱乐部会员资格的 society 可与association换用,但前者的宗旨更严格,会员之间联系更紧密,活动更积极。 association 指较为正式的组织,强调兴趣和需要的一致性。 union 多指工会,也指学会或协会。 club 表俱乐部或会社,其成员因志同道合,有共同兴趣、爱好而组织到一起进行社交、娱乐或体育等活动。,New Words and Expressions,performance n. 演出;表现;性能 put on/give/see a performance 演出,表演 今晚的演出八点开始。 The performance tonight will begin at 8 oclock. performance in 在方面的表 His performance in the mathematics exam is not very good. 这组词都有“行为、行动”的意思,其区别是: operation 多指一连串行动或行为的完成方式。 deed 较庄重用词,除泛指各种行为外,还可用于指某种高尚或伟大的行为,故常译作“功绩,业绩”。 performance 主要指行动的方式方法。 action 普通用词,着重行动的过程。 act 一般指具体的、短暂的或个别的行为,强调行为的完成及其效果,New Words and Expressions,occasion n. 时机,机会;场合;理由 vt. 引起,惹起 on the/this/that occasion 在这种时候,在这种情况下 rise to the occasion 应付自如 by occasion of 由于,因为 give occasion to 使发生,引起 occasional adj. 偶尔的 occasionally adv. = sometimes,Listening Practice,Listening Practice Fill in the blank,The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.,Listening Practice Q & A,Question And Answer,1 What are the Greenwood Boys? 2 What are they doing at present? 3 Are they making a world tour? 4 Where will they be arriving tomorrow? 5 How will they be coming? 6 Wholl be meeting them at the station? 7 Do you think therell be many old people in the crowd? 8 Where will they be singing tomorrow?,Question And Answer,9 Will the Greenwood Boys be staying the whole week? 10 How long will they be staying then? 11 Will they be giving a performance on every night of their stay? 12 How many performances will they give? 13 Wholl have a difficult time?,Text Study,TEXT STUDY,The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. at present =now 目前,现在 nowadays adv. 目前 up to now =so far 到现在为止,TEXT STUDY,They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. will be doing 将来进行时态 表示最近的将来正在进行的动作或说话人设想已经安排好的事情,意思往往等于一般将来时态.,TEXT STUDY,They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Most of the 大部分的 most of + the 大多数的(一定要加the) most of the books; most of the time most of the young people = most young people most students = most of the students.,TEXT STUDY,Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances.,TEXT STUDY,As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions. as usual 像往常一样,照例 keep order 维持次序 当用occasion表示在某个/些场合时,它与介词on连用,Summary Writing,Summary Writing,The Greenwood Boys are pop singers. They will be coming here tomorrow. Most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. They will give five performances. The police will be trying to keep order as usual.,Key structures,Key structures,1.将来进行时 将来进行时由 will/ shall+ be+ 现在分词构成,通常用于表示最近或很久的将来正在进行的动作。 将来进行时常用来表示说话人设想已经安排好的事: By this time tomorrow, Ill be lying on the beach. 到明天这个时间,我将正在海滩上躺着。 虽然将来进行时与一般将来时有时表达的意思差不多,但它们之间还是有一些区别的。 一般将来时中的will经常具有蓄意为之的含义(如表示主语的意愿
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