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U11) (drive something home)在举出许多事例并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。 After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point.2) (more or less)差不多花了半年功夫,我们才完成了那研究项目。It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.3) (subtle)他说的话如此微妙我们很难理解他的真实意图。What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.4) (squarely)他的新书明确无误地审视当代的社会问题。His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.5) (be alive to)今日的年轻一代对互联网上的最行新信息很敏感The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet.6) (a matter of)外语是不是在童年更容易学好?这是一个观点问题。It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in ones childhood or otherwise.7) (take courage )在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心; 鼓起勇气坚定不移地去克服它。Never lose heart in the face of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely (constitute)米饭、肉类、蔬菜、水果构成均衡的饮食。Rice, meat, vegetables and fruit constitute a balanced diet.U21.一个人的努力不足以应付如此复杂的情况。It is not enough to cope with such an complex instance by one persons effect 2.你认为有关信息的新规章将在什么时候生效?(take effect)When do you think the new rules about information will take effect?3.彩票中奖的机会极少;可能只有百分之一的机会。 (a one in.chance)Theres few chances to win a prize in a lottery ; maybe just a one in one hundred chance.4.不少青年成了毒品的受害者这一事实很是可恶。 (fall victim to)It is very abhorrent that many yonths fell victim to drugs 或者:Many adolesences fall victims to the drug,thats very terrible.5.几乎没有任何人赞同他的提议。 (virtually)Virtually, there is almost nobody aprrove his mention 或者: VIrtully,almost no one aggree on his suggestion.6.谨防油嘴滑舌满脸笑容的骗子。 (beware)Beware the glib liers,and beware the liar underneath a mask of smile.7.不要碰那个包。里面的炸药随时会爆炸。你会有生命危险。 (be at risk)Dont touch that bag. The dynamite in it will blow up at any moment. Youll be at risk.8.他看上去对工作很有信心;但是在他的思想深处却潜藏着几分疑虑。 (lurk)He looks confident to the work, but therere some qualms lurk in his deep mindU31.他按了按汽车喇叭以引起路上行人的警觉。 (alert )He sounded his horn to alert the pedestrians on the road.2.信息工程的迅速发展是人类常识的一个突出事例。 ( endeavour )The rapid development of information engineering is an endeavour of humans general knowledge.3.Mary 试图找到恰当的语言来表达他对老师的感激。 (grope)Mary groped for the apt words to express her appreation to his teacher.4.学校校长以平易话语向年轻人传递了富有挑战性的信息。 (convey)The schoolmaster conveyed some challenging information to the youths with plain words.5.不要胡乱摆弄电线,要不然会引起电线短路。 (tamper with)Dont tamper with the electric wire, or it will arise short circuit.6.他自以为在竞争中可以战败任何对手。但是他过分的自信使他失败了。 (fail)He was sure that he could defeat every opponents in the competition.But he failed because of his over self-confidence .7.他说的话似乎简单明了,但是其中的含蓄意思我们不能理解。 (fathom)It seemed that his words was simple, but we couldnt fathom the connotation in it.8.他试图把小组的漫无目的的谈话引导到一些有建设性的话题上去。 (steer )He tried to steer the groups planless talking to some constructive topicsU41.我能免去今年的常规体格检查吗?三个月前我进夏令营时我已经体验过.(be exempt from)Can I be exempt from the regular physical examination this year? I just had one three months ago before I went to the summer camp.2.你能再一次告诉我我下一步该做什么吗?你昨天对我说的话我已忘了.(slip out of)Could you tell me again what I should do next? What you said yesterday has slipped out of my mind.3.我们都认为 DAVE 是个可信赖的人.但事实证明我们错了.(assume)We all assumed that Dave was a trustworthy person, but it turned out that we were wrong.4. 他妻子的病患和他自己的失业加重了他的不幸.(compound)His misfortune was compounded by his wifes illness and his loss of job.5.宇宙空间是否存在生命永远是人类感到兴趣的问题.(perennial)Whether or not there are living beings in outer space is of perennial interest to man.6.在极度紧张的情况下,你不可能情形地进行思考 (strain)When you are under great strain, you will not be able to think clearly.7.当他的劝告没有人听从时,JIM 很容易发脾气 (tend to)Jim tends to lose his temper when his advice is not heeded.8.尽管这老师有高深的学问,他感到很难说清楚他学生的需要.(articulate)In spite of his great learning, the teacher finds it difficult to articulate his students needs.U51. Jane 是个很聪明的孩子。她总能不假思索地给任何问题一个恰当的回答。(on the spur of the moment)Jane is a very bright girl. She can always give an apt answer to any question on the spur of the moment.2.我门的老师不到四十岁就取得了正教授的任职资格。(attain) Our teacher attained full professorship before he was forty.3.环境污染在危害着全世界的许多城镇。(afflict )Environmental pollution is afflicting many cities and towns all over the world.4.针灸治疗对关节痛的患者有显著的疗效。(affect n. )(Acupuncture treatment produces marked effects on patients suffering from arthritis.医院不应该以营利为目的,而应该尽一切努力医治病员。(-oriented)Instead of being profit-oriented, hospitals should make every effort to take good care of the patients.6.那起诉讼案牵涉到了哪一类人? (involve)What sort of people are involved in the lawsuit?7.工厂正在采取有力的措施改善工作条件。(ameliorate)The factory is taking drastic measures to ameliorate the working conditions in the workshops.8.各行各业涌现出杰出的少男少女。 (emerge)Outstanding young men and women are emerging from various walks of life.Unit 6 1.Can you make out the meaning of his long-winded harangue?2.Being worried about his exam results, he was not in the least attentive to the
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