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Unit 13,Lesson 25 Late or early,大拇哥(Eric),late (adj.) 晚的,迟到的 be late for e.g. We are late for school. early (adj.) 早的 She is early every day. time (n.) 时间 What time is it? 几点了? Its five oclock. 五点了。,kid (n.)小孩,孩子 in a hurry (adv. phrase) 匆忙地,急忙地 late for school (adv. phrase) 上学迟到 Youre welcome. 不用谢。 call (v.) 叫,称为,打电话,go (v.) 走,去 e.g. I go to school at 5 oclock. lets 让我们 = let us e.g. Lets go to the park. Wow! (int.) 哇! What a speed! 好快的速度! gate. 大门,shut (adj.) 晚的,迟到的 be late for e.g. The door is shut. slow (adj.) e.g. The bus is slow. fast (adj.) The car is fast.,New Words and Expressions,late 晚的,迟的 call 叫,称为 early 早的 go 走,去 time 时间 lets 让我们- What time is it? 几点了? Wow! 哇! oclock - 点钟 What! kid 小孩,孩子 speed 速度 in a hurry 匆忙的 gate 大门 late for school上学迟到 shut 关闭的 Youre welcome. 不用谢 slow 慢的 fast 快的,back,Game time,在老师教授完new words or phrase后,老师可以做ppt或者flash cards让一学生看到new words or phrase,后面再给一个freeze word,学生在比划或者描述中就不能用到这个词,否则就out。 gate:door kid: child call:mouth,Robert: Come on Lucy! Were Late! Lucy: Ok, Ok! What time is it? Robert: Its eight oclock. Hurry up!,Whats the time?几点了?,Daisy: Hi!, there, kids! Are you in a hurry? Robert: Yes, we are. Were both late for school.,Daisy: Never mind. Jump in! Robert: Gee, thanks, Mrs. Austen. Daisy: Youre welcome! Call me Daisy, please.,I 的宾格,Daisy: Ok, kids! Lets go! Robert: Wow, What a speed! What a car!,祈使句。Lets=let us,What a/an表惊叹,羡慕等,Daisy: Here you are! The school gates. You arent late now.,You are not= you arent,Daisy: Whats the matter, Lucy? Lucy: Look! The gates are shut. Were both early now!,back,Who is in Daisy car? Robert and Lucy. Who are in a hurry? Robert and Lucy. Whose car is fast? Daisys car is fast. What are shut? The school gates. Who are early now? Robert and Lucy.,Are Robert and Lucy early? No, they arent. Theyre late. Is Daisys car slow? No, it isnt. Its fast. Are Robert and Lucy late for school now? No, they arent. Theyre early for school now.,What time is it? Its eight oclock. Whats Mrs. Austens first name? Its Daisy. Whose car are they in? Theyre in Daisys car. Whats the matter with Lucy? The gates are shut and theyre early.,时间表达法,1. 直接法 e.g. 7:30 seven thirty 2. 间接法 e.g. 7:30 half past seven 注意:1) 分钟在前,小时在后 2)past 点过分, to 差分到点 past 用于0分钟分钟30分钟 to 用于 30分钟分钟60分钟 3)half past 点半 4)a quarter 15分钟,一刻钟 5)oclock 点整 e.g. five oclock 五点 half past five 五点半 a quarter past two 两点半 a quarter to five 4:45,practice,What time is it? 几点了? Its five oclock. 五点了,What time is it? Its .,Time,用间接法表达下列时间,1:15 1:30 1:45 1:00,half past six ten to nine five past ten eleven oclock,写出下列时间,1)1:30 2) 2:15 3)3:45 4)4:00 5)11:05,1)ten past three 2) half past six 3) a quarter past one 4) nine oclock 5) twelve thirty,Can you guess what it is?,Pattern Practice,1. A: What time is it? B: Its one o clock.,2 A: When is your lesson? B: Its at one oclock.,3 A: What time is it? B: Its two o clock. A: What times your English lesson? B: Its at a quarter past two.,English lesson 2:15,I must find my book.,English lesson 2:45,We must do our homework.,Sports lesson 11:30,We must go.,4 A: What time is it? B: Its two oclock. A: Oh, no! I must find my book. B: Yes, your English lessons at a quarter past two.,English lesson 2:15,I must find my book.,Sports lesson 10:30,I must hurry.,Music lesson 3:45,I must wash my hands.,5. A: Come on! Hurry up! B: Am I late? /Are we late? A: Yes, you are. Your English lessons at a quarter past two.,English lesson 2:15,I must find my book.,Sports lesson 11:30,We must go.,Music lesson 4:15,We must get our bicycles.,past 分钟数不超过30分,half past,to 分钟数超过30分,oclock,What time is it, please?,Its eleven five.,Its five past eleven.,Whats the time, please?,What time is it, please?,Its one forty-five.,Its a quarter to two.,Whats the time, please?,What time is it, please?,Whats the time, please?,Its one fifty.,Its ten to two.,Grammar(感叹句),构成:由what或者How引导 What+a/an(+形容词)+名词+(主语+谓语)+! e.g. What a beautiful flower it is. What good students they are. How + 形容词、副词、动词+ (主语+谓语)+! e.g. How tall the boy is. How fast he runs. How time flies!,用或 填空, ! ! !,Practice,汉译英: 多么漂亮的鹦鹉呀! 多么快的小汽车呀! 多么可爱的小狗呀! 多么晴朗(sunny)的一天呀!,What a beautiful parrot it is!,What a (fast) car!,What a lovely dog it is.,What a sunny day it is!,Practice,英译汉: 1. What a big tree it is. 2. What a funny dog it is. 3. How fast Liu Xiang runs! 4. How slowly the snail(蜗牛) walks!,Practice,1. listen and follow the CD. 2. answer the question on book. 3. Recite the text. 4. Homework 1)句子英1汉 )背诵课文 )用英语写出下列时间 Lets go. Here you are. What a speed! What a car! Whats the matter?,1):00 2):30 3):20 4):15 5):50,What time is it? Are you in a hurry? Were both late
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